pig or witch 豬還是女巫
a man is driving up a steep, narrow mountain road. a woman is driving down the same road. as they pass each other, the woman leans out of the window and yells "pig!!" the man immediately leans out of his window and replies, "witch(女巫)!!" they each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner, he crashes into a pig in the middle of the road. if only men would listen.
a patron in montreal cafe turned on a tap in the washroom and got scalded. "this is an outrage," he complained. "the faucet marked c gave me boiling water."
"but, monsieur, c stands for chaude - french for hot. you should know that if you live in montreal."
"wait a minute," roared the patron. "the other tap is also marked c."
"of course," said the manager, "it stands for cold. after all, montreal is a bilingual city."
The kindergarten class I teach was excited about the February assembly,where they would participate by reciting a portion of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.One morning a student rushed into class shouting,"Mrs.michaels,Mrs.Michaels!I told my mommy and daddy the spaghettisburg address."
My friend Janet,a real-estate agent,was driving around with a new trainee when she spotted a charming little farm house with a hand-lettered"For Sale"sign out frout.
After introducing herself and her associate to the startled occupant, Janet cruised from room to room,opening closets and cupboards,testing faucets and pointing out where a "new light fixture here and a little paint there"would help. Pleased with her assertiveness,Janet was hopeful that he would offer her the listing.
" Ma'am," the man said,”I appreciate the home-improvement tips and all,but I think you read my sign wrong.It says,"Horse For Sale."