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  金融政策領(lǐng)域 區(qū)塊鏈革命一旦發(fā)生

  Few issues in financial policy are more controversial than the impact of blockchain, the distributed ledger technology that sits behind the digital currency bitcoin. Does it threaten not only the profits of financial intermediaries but also their business models?


  Could it undermine the control that central bankers exert over global payments and securities processing? Or is it a tool to streamline cluttered processes, improve resilience and enhance transparency?


  The case for change is clear. Even if the dangerous experiment of negative interest rates proves to be shorter lived than many fear, banks’ need for more operating leverage will remain in a modest growth economy.


  The key to cutting costs? Harnessing technology to improve productivity.


  Enter blockchain . It offers the promise of a unique shared database across multiple sites and geographies as a public ledger of all transactions.


  Broad-based adoption could take as long as a decade, as issues such as scalability and standards have yet to be resolved.


  And while there is a great deal of hype surrounding the technology, there are also several misconceptions.


  For the more radical proponents of blockchain, a distributed ledger means a peer-to-peer system, eliminating the need for middlemen.


  But neither banks nor policymakers take the idea of an “unpermissioned” network seriously, principally because of anti-money laundering and “know your customer” (KYC) rules. This of course raises the issue of who will be in charge.

  不過,銀行和政策制定者都沒有認(rèn)真考慮過建立“無許可”網(wǎng)絡(luò)的想法,主要是由于反洗錢和“了解你的客戶”(know your customer,KYC)的規(guī)則。這無疑會(huì)帶來由誰負(fù)責(zé)的問題。

  Another claim often made is that blockchain can eliminate existing infrastructure. But its scalability has not yet been tested and firms cannot risk trillions of dollars of daily fund flows on an unproven system. Blockchain will need to be able to be plugged into existing technology to be usable and affordable. This is more evolution than revolution.


  What does this mean for policymakers? Christopher Giancarlo, a commissioner at the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission, has argued that in order for blockchain technology to develop, regulators must take a “do no harm” approach. He is right.

  對(duì)于政策制定者來說,這意味著什么?美國(guó)商品期貨交易委員會(huì)(Commodity Futures Trading Commission)委員克里斯托弗•詹卡洛(Christopher Giancarlo)主張,要讓區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)得到發(fā)展,監(jiān)管者必須采取“不傷害”姿態(tài)。他說得對(duì)。

  Regulators should be agnostic about new technology, but there are some practical steps they could take in order to encourage blockchain innovation.


  A recent Morgan Stanley report outlined ten potential obstacles to making blockchain a reality in banking.

  摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)近期一份報(bào)告列出了銀行業(yè)采用區(qū)塊鏈技術(shù)的十個(gè)潛在障礙。

  Overcoming half of them would require collaboration with public authorities. The adoption of blockchain hinges on regulation, most of which is still to be written.


  First, regulators need to work with innovators on areas such as digital identity, smart contracts, tokenisation, privacy and data ownership.


  Second, legal issues need to be addressed. For instance, who is responsible in a decentralised system?


  Who has jurisdiction when a network is spread over a large number of regions and companies? How will existing regulations be adapted to new technologies and business models?


  More broadly, shared services are likely to be central to the next decade of banking. Regulation will play a critical role in supporting this shift.


  A healthy financial system will require more mutualisation of costs, given that multiple rules are a disincentive to consolidation. These include areas such as KYC, which are particularly difficult to manage given differing legal interpretations.


  Blockchain may bring about dramatic change. And if it does, there will be losers, as floor traders found out to their cost when securities exchanges went through a technological disruption of their own. This, however, did not spell the end of all intermediaries.


  Rather, it reinvigorated the winners, who are able to manage volumes several orders of magnitude higher than before at a fraction of the cost, and with greater functionality for investors.


  The blockchain revolution, if it happens, could prove to be just as important to customers.




  Deadly bomb blasts in Thai tourist resort areas have failed to deter the country’s military rulers from raising entry fees for holidaymakers from 19 countries and territories, including China.


  The decision to press ahead with plans to double visa-on-arrival costs to 2,000 baht () has generated mixed reviews, with some commentators arguing it will undermine efforts to shore up confidence in a rare growth industry in the stuttering economy.


  The tariff changes widen the disparity between Chinese holidaymakers and western counterparts who can still visit for free, even though the doubling of Thailand’s tourist numbers in six years has been driven by China.


  The higher charges appear to reflect official ambivalence in Bangkok towards a sector that has delivered income during political turbulence but is putting increasing strain on infrastructure.

  泰中旅游同業(yè)公會(huì)(Thai-Chinese Tourism Alliance Association)秘書長(zhǎng)Chanapan Klaewklachyawut表示:“這筆額外費(fèi)用對(duì)中國(guó)游客不算多。

  If they can’t even afford this amount, how will they have enough money to spend on travelling in Thailand?”


  The Thai government announced last week that the new charges would come into force next month, weeks after bomb attacks across tourist resorts in south Thailand killed four people and wounded dozens more, some of them foreigners.


  The fees lift Thailand out of the bracket of visas-on-arrival for or less charged by other Southeast Asian holiday-maker destinations, such as Cambodia and Indonesia.


  Some Thai commentators have questioned both the decision to raise the prices and the timing of the announcement, which follow approval by the military-dominated cabinet earlier this year.


  The Bangkok Post newspaper this week condemned the “outrageous” change as “out of sync with every other current tourist policy”, particularly as Taiwan, one of the other territories affected, has just scrapped its visa requirement for Thai tourists.

  《曼谷郵報(bào)》(Bangkok Post)本周譴責(zé)這一“離譜”的變動(dòng),稱其“與其它每一項(xiàng)現(xiàn)行旅游政策不合拍”,尤其是臺(tái)灣這個(gè)受影響的地區(qū)之一剛剛?cè)∠酸槍?duì)泰國(guó)游客的簽證要求。

  The increases are particularly striking because China has provided almost half the more than 15m extra arrivals that have lifted Thailand’s foreign tourism visitor numbers from 14.15m in 2009 to 29.88m last year.


  The boom is apparent in the snaking queues at Bangkok’s Don Mueang airport for taxi ranks and at immigration desks that proclaim the official policy of “Good guys in, bad guys out”.

  這種繁榮體現(xiàn)于曼谷廊曼機(jī)場(chǎng)(Don Mueang airport)出租車上車處和入境檢查柜臺(tái)的蛇形隊(duì)列;泰國(guó)出入境部門宣稱其官方政策是“好人進(jìn)來,壞人出去”。

  Some observers link the visa price rise to official efforts to attract more high-spending visitors and draw away from the cheaper — and seedier — elements of Thailand’s tourist success story.


  Photos and videos have surfaced alleging various episodes of spitting and other bad mannered behaviour by Chinese tourists, who have flocked in particular to temples and other sites featured in a hugely popular 2012 road trip movie called Lost in Thailand.

  近年流傳的照片和視頻據(jù)稱記錄了中國(guó)游客吐痰和其它不良行為。2012年出品的旅游電影《人再囧途之泰囧》(Lost in Thailand)票房極為成功,片中出現(xiàn)的泰國(guó)寺廟和其他景點(diǎn)如今擠滿了中國(guó)游客。

  Some tourism sector insiders argue the higher fees could even be a good thing, because they will help ease the congestion that rapid expansion has brought.




  European news publishers will be given the right to levy fees on internet platforms such asGoogle if search engines show snippets of their stories, under radical copyright reforms beingfinalised by the European Commission.

  根據(jù)歐盟委員會(huì)(European Commission)正在擬定的激進(jìn)版權(quán)改革,歐洲新聞出版商將被授予向谷歌(Google)等互聯(lián)網(wǎng)平臺(tái)收費(fèi)的權(quán)利——只要搜索引擎顯示了他們的報(bào)道片段。

  The proposals, to be published in September, are aimed at diluting the power of big onlineoperators, whose market share in areas such as search leads to unbalanced commercialnegotiations between search engines and content creators, according to officials.


  The move will heap further pressure on the strained relationship between Silicon Valley andBrussels, which are embroiled in increasingly fractious arguments over issues coveringcompetition, tax and privacy. This week, the US Treasury department attacked commissionmoves to levy billions of euros from Apple for alleged underpayment of taxes in Europe.


  Under the draft copyright plan, news publishers would receive “exclusive rights” to make theircontent online available to the public in a move that would force services such as Google Newsto agree terms with news organisations for showing extracts of articles.

  根據(jù)版權(quán)計(jì)劃草案,新聞出版者將擁有把它們的在線內(nèi)容提供給公眾的“獨(dú)家權(quán)利”,此舉將迫使谷歌新聞(Google News)等在線服務(wù)與新聞機(jī)構(gòu)就顯示文章片段商定條款。

  Citing dwindling revenues at news organisations, the commission warns that failure to actwould be “prejudicial for . . . media pluralism”, according to one internal document.


  Critics of the idea argue that similar efforts to charge Google for aggregating news stories havefailed in both Germany and Spain. Google responded to a mandatory levy in Spain by shuttingdown Google News in the country.


  In Germany, many publishers opted to waive the charge in order still to appear on the searchengine’s news results after suffering big drops in traffic.


  Julia Reda, a German MEP and copyright reform activist, said: “They recognise that Germanand Spanish rights did not work well, but structurally they are trying to do the same thing.”

  德國(guó)歐洲議會(huì)議員、版權(quán)改革活動(dòng)家朱莉婭•里達(dá)(Julia Reda)表示:“他們認(rèn)識(shí)到德國(guó)和西班牙的權(quán)利制度沒有很好發(fā)揮作用,但從結(jié)構(gòu)上說,他們正試圖做同樣的事情。”

  But she said the size of Google would make it hard for publishers to reach a deal even with theexclusive right. “It is insane to believe that [they] would win this battle,” she said. Googledeclined to comment.


  Under the proposals, news publishers would not be obliged to levy a fee for an aggregator toshow a segment of content, and could offer it free. Officials have made clear that simply linkingto publicly available content is not covered by the EU’s copyright rules — a fact that will notchange under the proposals.


  Christian Wigand, a spokesperson for Brussels, said: “Let's be clear; granting such rights tonews publishers would not affect the way users share hyperlinks on the internet. It wouldrecognise their role as investors in content.”

  布魯塞爾方面的發(fā)言人克里斯蒂安•威根德(Christian Wigand)表示:“讓我們說清楚:賦予新聞出版商這類權(quán)利,并不影響用戶分享互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上的超鏈接。出版商作為內(nèi)容投資者的角色將得到承認(rèn)。”

  Elsewhere in an impact assessment of the proposed reforms, Google was held up as anexample to be followed. Under the new rules, user-generated video sites would have tointroduce tech-nology to identify copyright-protected work, similar to that which Google-owned YouTube already employs.





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