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"Wisdom is rightfully attributed not to people who know what to look for in life but to people who know what to overlook."

Never before in history have people been so beset with the overflow of ideas and images that the modern human must endure. We are constantly bombarded with news, advertising, and entertainment, so much so that we are often at a loss as to where we should focus our attention. This has lead to what many media critics have called "information anxiety," a term used to discribe the paralysis the ordinary human experiences when attempting to organize and synthesize the vast amounts of data that move past her everyday. Now, more than ever before, it can be seen that wisdom truly is attributable to those "who know what to overlook."

The Internet is a good example of the effects of information overload on people. Many people recieve hundreds of email messages a day, yet there is no possible way for them to respond, let alone read, all of these messages. Through practice they learn to pick out what will be of interest and to ignore the rest. A similar phenomena occurs when a person is "browising the web." Information, both trivial and profound, float by in a disorganized way. A person learns to ignore what is not relevant to their search. This is easily demonstrated by watching a person new to the Internet next to someone who is a veteran of the net. The new person will stumble on loads of irrelevant information while the veteran will most likely proceed to the information she seeks. This ability to overlook useless information is not only applicable to the net; consider the older but more established form of information known as the book.

Ever since Guttenberg rolled out his first few pages from his press humans have been wondering how to synthesize all this knowledge. Each year more and more books are written and published, more and more information is available to the public through bookstores and libraries, and each year the average person must struggle harder to find what she needs to know.. This is one of the primary reasons people are sent to college: they are taught how to access and research information they need.

It is only through experience that one understands how to overlook useless data. This is most likely what the author of the above quote meant.


This response presents a well-developed analysis of the issue.

Beginning with a strong description of the current state of information overload, the first paragraph provides a context for the issue and takes a clear position agreeing with the stated claim. The Internet example is well chosen and well developed, clearly supporting the point that wisdom involves learning to ignore what is not relevant. The reference to books reinforces this position but does little to advance the argument or add insightful analysis. The conclusion restates an earlier point, adding little to the analysis.

Despite a few instances of imprecise reference (e.g., "this has" and "all this knowledge"), the argument is presented clearly and coherently, meriting a score of 5. To earn a higher score, the response would need to develop a more thoughtful analysis of the issue.


"Wisdom is rightfully attributed not to people who know what to look for in life but to people who know what to overlook."

I disagree with the opinion expressed above, in that I feel that the statement is omitting a very big part of what learning is all about. I firmly believe that wisdom is gained by careful observation of all that is around us in our lives. We gain a great deal by watching those around us, or by observing our surroundings, as well as watching the assembly of an object. All my life, I have learned a great deal by being very observant of people and their reactions to certain situations, or to procedures that are to be followed. Being observant has helped tremendously in travelling as well, since it has helped me recall certain landmarks to know if I am going in the correct direction. It is true that if we pay too much attention to insignificant detail, we clutter our minds with too much that is unnecesssary. Instead, we should have more time to devote our attention to that which is meaningful. In the field of science, we teach our students to be observant, and to look for specific reactions. If they don't learn to watch closely and record their data precisely, their results will be less than adequate, and their data will most likely not be very accurate or dependable. The statement above has merit, but it does not represent widsom in its entirety. It doesn't do justice to the great amount of learning that thas taken place through the ages through simple observation. Our forefathers survived by learning and knowing what to look for. That information was then passed on, so each successive generation didn't have to gather the same basic knowledge, but could build on what had already been learned. As a society, we need to lean on those who come before us, to learn valuable lessons from their experience, and to decipher that which we can improve on and that which is steadfast through the ages.


This response presents a competent analysis of the issue, taking a position contrary to that expressed in the prompt, at least initially.

After stating the importance of "careful observation of all that is around us," the response presents reasons and examples to support that position. The examples are clear and relevant, although the analysis is fairly brief. Also, the organization and focus of the response weakens a little, especially as the writer interrupts the group of examples with a statement that "if we pay too much attention to insignificant detail, we will clutter our minds with too much that is unnecessary." This statement modifies -- and weakens -- the initial position, which the writer believed "firmly."

The writer抯 ideas are conveyed with reasonable clarity, but -- as is evident in the closing sentence -- this response lacks the skillful use of sentence structure and vocabulary that communicate meaning in responses that typically earn higher scores.


"Wisdom is rightfully attributed not to people who know what to look for in life but to people who know what to overlook."

I believe this statement is how you look at a glass of water. Either the glass is half full or it is half empty. The opptimist would look for things in life, whereas the pessimist would try to aviod things in life. This summary will explain how looking for things in life better than overlooking a persons involvement in new opportunities and to learn from these new experiences.

I am strong believer in hands on experiences. If I have a open mind, try new things, and look for new answers to my questions about life, I will in the end gain wisdom because I have experienced many new situations. I plan on becoming a speech language pathologist in the future. In this field I will be dealing with clients who may have a disorder, such as autism or a cognitive delay. I must be aware of the red flags that identify these disorders. I must look for the obvious symptoms before I can overlook anything. If I would in my mind tell my self to overlook things. The result would be detrimental to my career and the individual I am treating.

Who can predict the future? So how can someone purposely overlook an experience in which they may recieve a life lesson or gain knowledge. In conclusion, a person should look at the glass half full. No one can predict the future so how can one know what to overlook. Look for things in life, you may even stumble across that wisdom you were looking for in the first place.


This response displays some competence analytic writing since it presents a position on the issue and has a clear pattern of organization.

The opening paragraph introduces the topic and states a position that neither agrees or disagrees completely with the stated claim. The second paragraph presents an example; and the last paragraph provides a clear conclusion. The one example is minimally developed, however, and does not clearly explain "how looking for things in life [is] better than overlooking a person[抅s involvement in new opportunities."

There are numerous small errors and problems in sentence structure (e.g., "If I would in my mind tell my self to overlook things."), but they do not seriously interfere with meaning. Thus, this response meets the criteria for a score of 3.


"Wisdom is rightfully attributed not to people who know what to look for in life but to people who know what to overlook."

It is common sense to think or state that wisdom should be attributed to peopel who only know what to overlook in life. But is should also be attributed to people who only know what to look at in life. Reason for this is because all the people should be exposed to this concept of wisdom. Even if the people who tened to overlook at life may have more of a background from farther reading and reading and research which they may have engaged in, there has got to be a way to expose the other people who may not be as knowledgable, to this type of wisdom. In this way everyone will be able to take part in variouse discusion or debates that may be held based on the topicof what to Look For In Life. It is also very true that when the topic of overlooking or looking at life comes up in a discussion everyone in the room is likely to have a common of their own to add. Their for the wisdome that may based on it is for everyone and not only the most wise one.


This response received a score of 2, not because of language problems, but because reasoning, analysis, and development are extremely thin and insubstantial.

This response displays serious weaknesses in analyzing the issue. Although the response states a position and offers limited support for the position, the reasons given are not always clear. The writer seems to be making an interesting point -- that more people should "be exposed to this concept of wisdom," but here, too, the meaning is not communicated clearly.

The response is further flawed by serious and frequent problems in language and sentence structure, which often obscure meaning.

This is not a 1 essay because the response does present a position with some support, and it is able to communicate some ideas clearly.


"Wisdom is rightfully attributed not to people who know what to look for in life but to people who know what to overlook."

Everyone can agree with this issue or not. I think everyone can have arguments to support it and arguments to not support it. It's one of that issue that is not true for everyone. I think if you know what to look for in your life maybe all your efforts can be very concentrated on certain things with the result of obtain what you planned to have in your life, with the result of being satisfied more than people who ask themselves any kind of questions prior to doing anything or prior to think about anything. These factors summarize to display truth about the issue and the discussion. People can disagree if they choose it. Now the question is wisdom belongs to those who know what to look for or to those who know what to overlook and in this behavior they can touch or stop the widom of other people?


This response presents a fundamentally deficient discussion of the issue.

The first portion of the response, while referring to "this issue," never clearly identifies the issue and, instead, contains statements that could be attributed to any number of topics. As such, there is little evidence of the ability to organize and develop a coherent analysis of the stated claim. The final statement essentially rephrases the topic as a question and seems to try to interpret its meaning, but -- without an explanation -- the ending merely adds to the overall confusion.

The severe and persistent errors in language and sentence structure add to the overall incoherence and the score of 1.













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