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In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.

分析:這道題按出題方式分類屬于建議類(關(guān)鍵判斷詞:In order to…, should …),按照題材分類屬于教育類。



Admittedly, there are certain majors that have close connections with the practical job fields. For majors such as Accounting, Journalism and Medicine, possessing job experience that could not be obtained otherwise would have direct and beneficial impacts on the teaching in the academic world.


Nevertheless, owning working experience does not necessarily lead to the booming of teaching qualities. As to those fundamental subjects such as Theoretical Mathematics, what's more important for the instructors is a long-time, unceasingly devotion to the academic researches.


Researchers' undue emphasis on the importance of relevant real-life experience may be equivalent to too much time and effort consumed, which would delay, even hamper the academic pursuit and advancement they actually are obliged to devote to.


Other than job experiences, there are numerous other factors that could enhance the academic development at a university level. These factors could be the abundance of academic funds, fully equipped facilities, open academic ambience and so on.











當(dāng)然,這個(gè)例子還可以用來討論公眾隱私(29, 161題)和快餐文化(107, 151, 215等題)中,這里就不多解釋。


} Positive side:

1)Media's magic power to turn a nobody into somebody overnight

2)Media's role in bringing public attention to the misfortune and the helpless who may otherwise be neglected and discarded by the society

} Negative side:

1)The world's over-emphasis on the appearance, not on the inner-self. By turning a homeless to a fashion model, the story of Brother Xili is just an extreme case of many.

2)The frenetic pursuit of instant fame and interests by modern people dwarfs the most fundamental basis of human nature: love, equality, respect and compassion.

3)The world only cares about the "fashionable" photos of Brother Xili and flocks to Ningbo to see him in person. But no one really cares about him as a person, a man with mental disorder, a brother that needs our care and love, not relentless media exposure and disturbance.




As an elementary educator, I believe this stance is extremist. Educators and the public must come to a middle road….


In my profession as an elementary educator and as a parent, I value the abilities to read, write and be mathematically proficient….















好了,介紹了這么多了,希望你還沒有看得頭昏眼花。實(shí)際上,不論ETS對(duì)于它的寫作考試怎么改革,其核心目的都是不變的,那就是:檢驗(yàn)學(xué)生是否已經(jīng)擁有研究生階段學(xué)習(xí)所需要的批判性思維(critical thinking)和說服性寫作(persuasive writing)的能力。以上提到的第一種題庫的"十字坐標(biāo)定位法",就是旨在解決考生批判性思維能力不強(qiáng)的問題;而后兩種方法,旨在幫助大家學(xué)會(huì)如何使自己的文章顯得更具說服力。當(dāng)然,解決新GRE寫作問題的方法還遠(yuǎn)不止于此。隨著GRE真正邁入它的新的階段,我也希望能有機(jī)會(huì)陸續(xù)的介紹其他的適合GRE寫作的復(fù)習(xí)方法和技巧。


"The media (books, film, music, television, for example) tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society."

The media does tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society.

One example of this observation is the fact that the media is owned, controlled and used my a segment of the population that is usually out of touch with the realities of groups within the society it covers. . . For example, the gangster rappers have gained a reputation for being women hating, anti-authority, and violent. Before, the MTV and V-H1 and CNN provided coverage to these groups, theyre were limited to street sales and specific areas that w ere not mainstream. Thanks to national coverage in print and broadcast, these groups becaome more popular because it was "different" and taboo. The lyrics, dances, and fashion statements portrayed became big money items and surburbanited people were intrigued withe this counter-culture. They began to act, talk and behave like the lyrics espressed. Continued media fenzy contributed to kids wanting to become more familiar with this culture, thereby creating an atmosphere or arena for this counter-culturre to legitimate. The media created these values but these vlaues of the gangster rapeer do not reflect the actual values of the society.

Another example of the media creating the values of a society is the coverage of the modeling industry. Clearly, most women neither want to or can look like Kate Moss. The typical Calvin Klein male models do not appear the way most men are naturally. This look is both unhealthy and atypical of most humans. Nevertheless, thanks to the media's coverage, including magazine advocating, newspapers ads, and commercials to sell products, a large portion of this society has done everything from liposuction to becoming bullimic to attain a supermodel look. If the media does not cover the indutrsy in such a manner, a growing number of people would not care about the skeletal look of kate Moss or any other unrealistic physical attrubutes that are usually genetically or surgically produced. The media creates this image of how men and women should look thereby creating the values of this society. These values would be totally different without the media's negative influence.

Lastly, when the media chooses to focus on pervers and negative, and unhealthy aspects of a society, then that part of society becomes the "values' of that society. Gangster rap or anorexic models could not possibly have made it without the media's concentrated coverage of either.


This response presents an adequate discussion of the topic. After a succinct announcement of the writer's position on the issue, the paper develops two relevant examples: musicians ("gangster rappers") who have negatively influenced people's behavior and superstar models who have negatively influenced people's self-image.

Although the examples are well chosen and support the writer抯 position, they are not always clearly explained. For example, the writer claims that "most women neither want to nor can look like Kate Moss" but then contradicts that claim by explaining that "a large portion of this society has done everything from liposuction to becoming bullimic to attain a supermodel look."

In general, the vocabulary is clear, but not particularly precise. Sentences are formed correctly, but they lack effective variety. Grammatical and mechanical errors occur, but they do not seriously interfere with meaning. In almost every way, this is an adequate response and earns a score of 4.


"The media (books, film, music, television, for example) tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society."

The values of society have have changed so much during most recent years. Many of these values have changed for the worst. The media has been the vehicle that has taken us through these changes. The media has created so many avenues for us to take to find so many of these changes. They have created the avenues that children and young adults feel that they have to take.

Many years ago reporters and writers were telling us of all the good things that were happening in the world. You could walk into a store and eventhough there was a war going on, we would read about the soldier that left his family to fight for his country. Nowadays you walk into a store, read a book , or watch a T.V. show, and see all of the things that are happening in a very negative world.

The media is creating a society that says that it is O.K. for a man to wear earrings. That it is O.K. that marijuana is being legalized, that it is O.K. for juveniles to break the law. Why does not the media show us a professional male athlete that is also a family man? Why doesn't the author of a book or a reporter of a newspaper tell us about all of the bad things that happen to drug users and pushers? Why do the T.V. shows tell juveniles that all they get for breaking the law is a slap on the hands?

Society will be better off if the media would say, "Hey children, professional athletes can be good parents"! This would have a positive effect on the younger generation.

The media should do a better job in trying to create a good, healthy environment instead of showing us all of the bad stuff in our society. The media should show all young people the awful things that happen in juvenile hall, but that would be an infringement on the residents of the hall. Where are the rights of the people that they did not treat right?

Yes, the media is creating a bad influence in todays young people. But I believe that everything in the media can be overcome and ignored. We need to raise our children right.


This response is simplistic in its analysis of the issue. The writer has much to say about the negative influence of media on children, arguing that the media "should do a better job in trying to create a good, healthy environment." However, the writer never seems to consider the complexities of the issue -- for example, whether, or to what extent, the topic's claim is accurate, or whether today's media can have a positive influence, or whether society has any influence on the media.


"The media (books, film, music, television, for example) tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society."

"The media tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society", is true because society allow the media to pusrue this in such a way.

The American culture as a whole lives through the pulse of the media world and is enthralled by movies, lyrics and film. Because of the nature by which our society is dependant on the media, the media is able to create any senses of values adaptable by our society.

This is not to say that the media is solely responsible for the values of American culture, however, our society makes this creation possible. Although there are many who will disagree with the medias portrayal of many issues, our society as a whole fuels the fire to which the media thrives on. For the most part, books, films and music are produced to sell and the media knows to which audience they are targetting.

The way in which a culture enable the media to create it's values, ultimately reflects the values of a society.


This is a seriously flawed response to the topic because the reasoning is weak and the ideas are unclear.

The writer's position on the issue seems clear enough, but the paper presents few reasons to support that position. And even those reasons are not explained clearly. For example, the writer often refers to the means by which the media influence society (e.g., "such a way," "the nature by which," and "the way in which") but fails to explain what those ideas mean or why they are important.

Problems in word choice frequently create confusion. For example, these could be interesting ideas if they were expressed clearly: "our society as a whole fuels the fire to which the media thrives on" and "the media is able to create any senses of values adaptable by our society."

Also, many basic errors affect meaning throughout the paper: subject-verb agreement (first and last paragraphs), comma splice (third paragraph), "medias'" for "media's" (third paragraph), and "it's" for "its" (last paragraph).

The lack of clear reasons, combined with serious error in language use, keep this essay at the 2 score level.





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