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  在托福寫作的備考過程中,掌握詞匯是托福寫作的前提,而對于詞匯的掌握來說,只是有限詞匯的積累是遠遠不夠的。只有熟悉了相關的場景詞匯,才可能在舉例和展開文段中有清晰的思路。現(xiàn)在,小編就為大家整理托福寫作高頻場景詞匯匯總:School and Education。

  托福寫作高頻場景詞匯匯總:School and Education1

  1) 作為團隊工作 work as/ in a team

  2) 在...的幫助下 with the help of

  3) 穿校服 wear a school uniform

  4) 使用學校設備 use the school facilities/ equipment

  5) 參加...的新生引導課程 take an orientation course

  6) 與小組一起學習 study with a group

  托福寫作高頻場景詞匯匯總:School and Education2

  7) 出國留學 study abroad

  8) 與某人分享觀點 share a idea/ ideas with someone

  9) 與某人同住一室 share a room with sb

  10) 現(xiàn)實生活經驗 real life experience

  11) 優(yōu)先考慮... put a priority on

  12) 追求個人興趣 pursue one’s individual interest

  13) 提倡創(chuàng)造性思維 promote/ advocate creative thinking/ critical thinking

  托福寫作高頻場景詞匯匯總:School and Education3

  14) 預防校園暴力 prevent school violence

  15) 參與課堂討論 participate in a class discussion

  16) 理清思路 organize one’s thoughts

  17) 選修科目optional subjects

  18) 提供教育機會 offer/ provide an educational opportunity

  19) 在...方面改變 make a change in...

  20) 主修 major in

  21) 住宿舍 live in a dormitory/ dorm

  托福寫作高頻場景詞匯匯總:School and Education4

  22) 講座 lectures

  23) 通過...學習 learn by/ via/ through + doing

  24) 自學learn by myself/ teach myself

  25) 增加教育預算 increase the education budget

  26) 增加某人的潛力 increase one’s potential/ 能力capability

  27) 有機會... have the opportunity to do sth

  28) 對...有很大的影響 have a strong impact on sth

  29) 對...有強烈的好奇心 have a strong curiosity about

  30) 進行關于...的討論 have a discussion about

  31) 有...文憑/學歷 have a diploma/ certification in

  32) 有...的選擇 have a choice of

  33) 從學校畢業(yè) graduate from

  34) 上私立學校 go to a private/ public school

  托福寫作高頻場景詞匯匯總:School and Education5

  35) 經歷青春期 go through puberty

  36) 因...給某人獎勵 give someone a prize

  37) 取得好成績 get a good grade

  38) 收到良好的教育 get good education

  39) 獲得最新的信息 gain/ receive the latest information/ news

  40) 從...獲得知識 gain knowledge from

  41) 組成學習小組 form a study group

  42) 感到來自同齡個人的壓力 feel peer/ contemporaries pressure

  43) 面對問題 face a problem

  44) 課外活動 extracurricular activities

  45) 拓展知識 expand/ gain/ acquire/ obtain/ get/ accumulate one’s knowledge

  46) 獲得學分earn a credit

  47) 培養(yǎng)在...方面的專長 develop expertise in...

  48) 必修科目 compulsory subjects

  49) 職業(yè)準備 career preparation

  50) 建學校 build/ establish school

  51) 開始正規(guī)教育 begin formal education

  52) 必須...,被要求.... be required/ suppose to do

  53) 參與戶外活動 participate/ take part in/ join in/ attend outdoor activities

  54) 在...方面有能力;能勝任... be competent/ capable in

  55) 上大學 attend college/ university

  56) 上課 attend classes

  57) 參加夏令營 participate/ engage in/ , be/ get involved in a summer camp

  58) 給某人布置家庭走也 assign homework to somebody

  59) 中學、大學 a primary/ middle/ high school. Secondary school.

  60) 研究領域 a field of study

  61) 內向型格introvert personality

托福寫作高頻場景詞匯匯總:School and Education相關文章







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