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  享受失敗的樂趣。 重新轉化這個事情,擁抱批評.接下來,小編給大家準備了對待批評的建議雙語,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。


  I have a very hard time being criticized, corrected, or accused – even of the smallest mistakes – and I react very angrily. I’ve wrestled1 this instinct under control in a professional context, more or less, but I have more trouble with it at home. All it takes is for the Big Girl to say something like,"You forgot to remind me to bring my library book," to send me into a tirade2. "What do you mean…it's not my responsibility…I didn’t know Wednesday was Library Day…" etc., etc.


  More and more, I see the connection between perfectionism, control, and anger. Zoikes, how I try to be more mild-mannered and easy-going! Here are some of the strategies that I try to use to accept criticism. If I manage to use them, they never fail me, but it can be hard to have the mindfulness needed to apply them.


  1. Listen to what a critic is saying. Really listen, try to understand that point of view, don’t just nod while you formulate3 your retorts.


  2. Don't be defensive4. This is the toughest step for me. With my writing, for example, I always have to take a deep breath before reading an edit letter or meeting with an editor, to remind myself, "I welcome criticism. This person is helping5 me. I’m eager to hear how to improve my book/article/post." Act the way you want to feel! That's my Third Commandment. Along the same lines…

  不要用防御心理。對我來說這是最難的一步。例如,在我寫作時,我總要在閱讀編輯的信或和編輯見面前深吸一口氣,來提醒自己:“我歡迎批評。這個人在幫助我。我渴望聽一聽如何改善我的書/文章/帖子的話”。 你希望獲得怎樣的感受就怎樣去做!這是我的第三條戒律。同理...

  3. Don't fire back by criticizing your critic. Your comments will just sound defensive, and you'll escalate6 the exchange. This urge is very difficult to resist, because the impulse to justify7 and attack is strong when you feel criticized, but it just isn't helpful, and it certainly isn’t effective.

  不要批評你的批評者來反擊。 你的話只會聽上去有防御心,而且你將會將“交火”升級。這樣的沖動很難抵制,因為要理論、攻擊對方的沖動在你感覺受到批評時是很強烈,但這并沒有幫助,也肯定是沒有效果的。

  4. Delay your reaction. Count to ten, take a deep breath, sleep on it, wait until the next day to send that email…any kind of delay is good. A friend told me that she has a rule for herself: when she's upset about something that happened at her children's school, she won't let herself do anything about it for three days – and usually she decides that no action is better than action.

  延遲你的反應。 數(shù)到10、做深呼吸、隔一宿、等到第二天再發(fā)出那封電子郵件。任何類別的延遲都有幫助。一位朋友曾告訴我一條她自己的規(guī)定:當她對某件發(fā)生在她的孩子學校力的事情感到生氣,她讓自己3天什么也不做--而且往往她認為不采取行動比行動更好。

  5. Explain honestly the reason for your actions. Sometimes it's tempting8 to re-characterize your actual feelings and motives9. Usually, though, that just complicates10 things more. It becomes impossible to have an honest exchange.


  6. Admit your mistakes. This is extremely effective and disarming11. When I got my first job, my father told me, "If you take the blame, you'll get the responsibility." I've found that to be very true. Difficult, but true. Admitting mistakes is the first step, then…

  承認自己的錯誤。 這是極為有效、消解的方法。當我獲得第一份工作時,我的父親曾告訴我:“如果你承擔了責備,你將會獲得責任” 我發(fā)現(xiàn)這一點很正確。難但是卻正確。承認錯誤是第一步,接下來...

  7. Explain what you've learned. If you can show a critic that you've learned something, you prove that you've understood the criticism and tried to act on it. That, itself, usually mollifies critics.


  8. Enjoy the fun of failure. Re-frame the issue entirely12 to embrace criticism. Fact is, trying new things and aiming high opens you to criticism. I tell myself to Enjoy the fun of failure to try to re-frame failure and criticism as part of the fun. Otherwise, my dread13 of criticism can paralyze me.

  What am I overlooking? Have you found any other strategies that work for you?

  享受失敗的樂趣。 重新轉化這個事情,擁抱批評。事實上,嘗試新事物、眼光高都會讓你更容易被批評。在《享受失敗的樂趣》一文中我告訴自己重建失敗、批評,將它們作為樂趣的一部分。不然的話,我對批評的恐懼將讓我行為癱瘓。



  Are you considering adding your boss to your gift-giving list this year?

  "Tread1 carefully," warns Jo Bennett, partner in the New York City executive2 search firm Battalia Winston. "It's not all that common and I think if you want to give a gift to your boss, you need to think about what's in it for you."

  Here are some simple do's and don'ts to keep your holiday giving happy.


  來自Battalia Winston高級人才搜尋公司合伙人Jo Bennett說:“給老板送禮要謹慎。送老板禮物并不是一個普遍的現(xiàn)象。如果你希望給老板送禮物的話,你需要考慮自己有什么好處?!?/p>


  1、Do your homework. 準備

  Buying your boss a gift is just like any other workplace project. So research the history of gift-giving in your office:


   Do people give gifts to the boss? 人們(在過節(jié))給老板送禮物嗎?

   If so, what kind? 如果送的話,是送哪類禮物?

   Has it ever backfired for any of your coworkers, and if so, how?


  2、Don't make your boss uncomfortable. 不要讓老板感覺不自在

  Now that you know the tradition, think about why you want to give your boss a gift in the first place.

  "If the answer is because you want to curry3 favor, I wouldn't do it," said Bennett. "The risk is that your boss will see it as trying to twist the relationship and get an advantage. You don't want to make your boss uncomfortable."



  3、Do be sincere4. 真誠

  The best reason to give your boss a gift is to thank him or her for a specific act of kindness during the year that went "above and beyond the call of duty," Bennett said.

  "Maybe your boss smoothed over a particular issue you had with a customer," she suggested. "Or maybe your boss gave you some great career advice. In that case, give something small with a nice card of genuine5 thanks."



  4、Don't get personal. 不要送個人化的禮物

  The worst gifts for bosses are expensive or personal, said Dallas-based business etiquette6 expert Colleen Rickenbacher, author of "Be on Your Best Business Behavior."

  "The bottom line is always, 'Don't give something that touches the body,'" she said. Avoid clothes or perfume7. Even flowers could be perceived8 as overly personal and start coworkers gossiping.

  《展現(xiàn)你最佳職業(yè)行為》一書作者、來自達拉斯市的商務禮儀專家Colleen Rickenbacher說,給老板最糟糕的禮物是那些昂貴的或者個人化的禮物。

  她說:“最重要的一點‘不要送和身體有接觸的’”。 回避送衣服、香水。即便是花也可能被當成過于個人化、惹來同事閑談的禮物。

  5、Do cut costs. 減少成本

  One of the best ways to give your boss a gift, say both Rickenbacher and Bennett, is to buy her something as a team. If each person gives , you can give your boss a gift certificate9 to her favorite restaurant or buy him a pricier gift that his assistant recommends.

  That way, no one gets singled out as a brown-noser, and everyone shares the holiday spirit.

  Or consider something inexpensive and consumable: jam you make at home, wine made in your garage, or cookies are all simple and genuine ways to share the holiday spirit without crossing any lines.




  6、Don't treat your boss like family. 不要像家人一樣對待老板

  "If someone in your family gives you a gift, you better give one back," said Bennett. "But it's different in an office."

  Don't feel the need to reciprocate10 if your boss gives you something. At worst, Rickenbacher said rushing to respond with a gift could end up looking like an afterthought.

  "All you have to do when you receive a gift is show appreciation," she said, "and follow up with a thank-you note."











享受失敗的樂趣。 重新轉化這個事情,擁抱批評.接下來,小編給大家準備了對待批評的建議雙語,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 對待批評的建議雙語 I have a very hard time being criticized, corrected, or accused even of the smallest mistake


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