Who was fighting
Mother: Freddie, why is your face so red?
Freddie: I was running up the street to stop a fight.
Mother: That's a very nice thing to do. Who was fighting?
Freddie: Me and Jackie Smith.
The way to keep away flies
There was a customer who came and asked a waiter in a cafeteria: "Oh, tell me, Susan, how do you keep all the flies out of your coffee shop?"
So she said: "I just let the flies taste the stuff."
How to become rich
Little brother: I saw you kiss my sister, and if you don't give me a nickel I'll tell my father.
Sister's boyfriend: No, don't do that. Here's a nickel.
Little brother: That makes a buck and a quarter I've made this month.
They're all drowned
The great painter was asked one day to paint a picture of Pharaoh crossing the Red Sea. A little while after the picture had been commenced, a hitch arose over the fee, and Hogarth found that he would have to complete the commission for about half the sum he expected. When the work was completed, the patron was asked to come and inspect it. As a matter of fact, the picture was just one daub of brilliant red.
"What's this?" exclaimed the purchaser. "I asked for the Red Sea, on the occasion of the celebrated passage."
"That's it," replied Hogarth.
"But, where are the Israelites?"
"They are all gone over."
"Where are the Egyptians?"
"They're all drowned."
hitch: 故障,障礙
daub: 涂抹,涂料
關(guān)于一年級(jí)英語笑話:Clever dog
A little boy was practicing his violin, while his father sat reading the newspaper. The family dog began to howl along dismally.
Finally, the father could endure the combination no more and said, "Can't you play something the dog doesn't know?"