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  The Bible says that once when the Lord Jesus was here on earth, He was looking at a crowd of people walking around in the wilderness. Do you think Jesus saw them as rich and poor, old and young, sick and well, pretty or ugly, smart or dumb?

  圣經(jīng)里說當(dāng)主耶穌在世上的時(shí)候, 有一次, 他看到許多的人在曠野里走, 他并沒有把他們分成窮人, 富人, 老人, 年輕人, 生病的, 健康的, 好看的, 難看的, 聰明的, 或者是笨的。

  No. The Bible says Jesus had compassion on them for He saw them as sheep without a shepherd. They were like lost sheep, lost in their sin. How the Lord Jesus loved them! He knew they were helpless and needed a shepherd. And the Good Shepherd knew He had come to help them. But not just the people way back then. For the Lord Jesus knows all about you, and loves you too, and wants to help you!

  圣經(jīng)里說主耶穌就憐憫他們, 因?yàn)樗麄內(nèi)缤驔]有牧人一般。他們就象迷失的羊, 迷失在他們的罪里。主耶穌好愛他們!他知道他們需要一個(gè)牧人來幫助他們。主耶穌這位好牧人知道他來的目的就是要幫助他們。不僅僅是那個(gè)時(shí)候的人, 主耶穌也認(rèn)識(shí)你, 也一樣愛你, 而且也愿意來幫助你。

  John 10:11 tells how the Lord Jesus helps us."I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep." John 10:11. Let's read it together now. We know the good shepherd means Jesus. Let's say his name where it says ?the good shepherd." JESUS is the good shepherd. JESUS gives his life for the sheep. And who are the sheep?Yes! Us! Jesus was really saying, "I will take YOUR punishment for sin. And that means I will die in your place." Even though Jesus proved He was the Good Shepherd by His love for people, still some in that very crowd hated Him.

  約翰福音10章11節(jié)講到主耶穌要怎樣幫助我們, 他說:"我是好牧人, 好牧人為羊舍命。"我們知道好牧人就是耶穌。所以這句話可以這樣說:"耶穌是好牧人, 耶穌為羊舍命。"那羊是誰呢?對(duì)!就是我們!耶穌實(shí)際在說:"我為你承擔(dān)對(duì)罪的懲罰, 我要代替你死, "雖然耶穌對(duì)人的愛證明他就是好牧人, 但是在那群人中還是有人恨他。

  They did not believe He was the Son of God, even though they saw the wonderful miracles He did, and heard His wonderful words. They did not want to follow the Lord Jesus, and kept on going their own way."Why do you listen to Him?" they asked the rest of the crowd. Do you know what some of them did?John 10:31, 39 tells us:"Then the Jews took up stones?to stone him.?" " they tried again to take him:but he escaped out of their hand." Later, however, they arrested the Lord Jesus and brought Him to trial.

  他們不相信他就是神的兒子, 雖然他們已經(jīng)看到了他所行的神績, 聽見他所說的話。他們還是不想跟隨耶穌, 只想走他們自己的路。他們對(duì)別的人說:"你們?yōu)槭裁匆犓哪?"你知道嗎?約翰福音10章31, 39節(jié)告訴我們:"猶太人又拿起石頭來要打他。"他們又要拿他, 他卻逃出他們的手走了。"后來, 他們還是把耶穌抓起來審判他。

  Do you think Jesus' enemies gave Him a fair trial?When Pilate, the Roman governor, questioned Jesus, he could find no fault in Him. Why couldn't he?Because Jesus is the perfect Son of God, and He had done nothing wrong. Evil men came as false witnesses to lie to Pilate. Although Jesus knew they were lying, He did not open His mouth to defend Himself. The angry people shouted out, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" Finally Pilate was persuaded to let the crowd have their way, and they led Jesus out to crucify Him. Do you think Jesus could have stopped all this?

  你覺得那些恨耶穌的人會(huì)公平地審判他嗎?當(dāng)羅馬的巡府彼拉多審問耶穌的時(shí)候, 他找不到耶穌有什么罪。為什么呢?因?yàn)橐d是神完美的兒子, 他從來沒有犯過罪。但是有惡人到彼拉多面前來做假見證。雖然耶穌知道他們?cè)谡f謊, 但他并沒有為自己辯解。憤怒的人群喊叫著說:"釘他十字架!釘他十字架!"最后彼拉多向這些人屈服, 把耶穌帶出去釘十字架。  主耶穌能夠阻止他們嗎?

  After all, He is the Son of God Who has the power to do ANYTHING. Yes, and Let's just read how Jesus used His power. John 10:17-18 tells us:"" my Father loves me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man takes it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and have power to take it again." It was the power of love Jesus was showing now.

  當(dāng)然!因?yàn)樗巧竦膬鹤? 他是無所不能的。讓我們看看耶穌有怎樣的權(quán)能。約翰福音10章17-18節(jié)說:"我父愛我, 因我將命舍去, 好再取回來。沒有人奪我的命去, 是我自己舍的。我有權(quán)柄舍了, 也有權(quán)柄取回來, 這是我從我父所受的命令。"耶穌所表現(xiàn)的是愛的能力。

  Soldiers took the Lord Jesus to a hill called Mount Calvary to crucify Him. To die by crucifixion meant they nailed the Lord Jesus by His hands and feet to a rough wooden cross. It was a slow and very painful death to die. There was a crowd gathered ?round to watch His death. Most were enemies of the Lord Jesus and in Matthew 27:40-42 we read that they cried out, "If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross. The chief priests mocked him, with the scribes and elders, saying, "He saved others; but he cannot save himself.

  士兵們把主耶穌帶到加略山去釘十字架。釘十字架是非常殘酷的刑罰。他們把耶穌的手和腳釘在粗糟的木制十字架上。被釘?shù)娜艘?jīng)歷長久的痛苦才會(huì)慢慢死去。很多人圍著看他死。很多是恨耶穌的人。馬太福音27章40-42節(jié)講到, 這些人說:"你如果是神的兒子, 就從十字架上下來吧!"祭司長和文士并長老也是這樣戲弄他, 說:"他救了別人, 不能救自己。

  If he is the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him." They didn't understand, did they, boys and girls, that Jesus was not trying to save Himself. He was willing to die to save you and me. Let's say our Bible verse again, John 10:11. Jesus used His power to stay on that cross. He knew the blood that came from His head, His hands and His feet would be the payment for your sin. Leviticus 17:11 says, ?" for it is the blood that makes an atonement (or payment) for your souls."

  他是以色列的王, 現(xiàn)在可以從十字架上下來, 我們就信他。"小朋友們, 這些人實(shí)在是不懂, 耶穌并沒有要救他自己。他情愿用他的死來拯救我們。讓我們?cè)僬f一遍今天的圣經(jīng)經(jīng)節(jié):約翰福音10章11節(jié):"我是好牧人, 好牧人為羊舍命。"耶穌沒有從十字架上下來。他知道從他額頭, 他的手和腳所流出的血將成為為我們贖罪的代價(jià)。利未記17章11節(jié)說:"我把這血賜給你們, 可以…為你們的生命贖罪。"

  Finally Jesus cried out, "It is finished!" and He gave up His life. The Good Shepherd had given His life for you and me. Later friends came and took Jesus' body down from the cross and buried Him in a rich man's burial place, called a sepulchre, or tomb. It was a cave-like place, and instead of a door, a big stone was rolled in front of the opening.

  最后, 耶穌說:"成了!" , 就把他的生命舍了。這位好牧人為你為我舍了生命。后來, 耶穌的朋友來把他的身體從十字架上取下來, 埋葬在一個(gè)有錢人的墳?zāi)估?。這個(gè)墳?zāi)咕拖笠粋€(gè)洞穴, 它沒有門, 而是滾一塊大石頭擋在門口。

  Jesus' enemies again went to Pilate. In Matthew (27:63; 20:19) we read their words to Pilate:"Sir, we remember that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, "After three days I will rise again." Command that the tomb be guarded until the third day, because his disciples may try to come by night and steal his body and tell all the people that he is risen from the dead." Was Jesus a deceiver?Was he lying when He said, "I have the power to lay down my life and I have the power to take it again?" We will see! Pilate sent guards to watch the tomb day and night.

  那些恨耶穌的人又去到羅馬的巡府彼拉多那里。在馬太福音(27:63;20:19), 我們讀到他們對(duì)彼拉多說:"大人, 我們記得那誘惑人的還活著的時(shí)候, 曾說:'三日后我要復(fù)活'。因此, 請(qǐng)吩咐人將墳?zāi)拱咽赝桩?dāng), 直到第三日, 恐怕他的門徒來把他偷了去, 就告訴百姓說:'他從死里復(fù)活了。'"耶穌真的是誘惑人的嗎?

  Did they have the power to keep Jesus from coming back to life?Perhaps everyone thought they did, but the Bible says very early on the 3rd day there was a great earthquake, and a mighty angel came from Heaven and rolled the stone away from the door of the tomb. There was no one in the tomb!! Jesus was risen from the dead! The frightened soldiers ran into the city to tell the news. Jesus WAS alive, for He DID have the power to come back to life! 40 days later the Lord Jesus went back to Heaven, to His special place of honor at the right hand of God. He is still the Good Shepherd!

  當(dāng)他說:"我有權(quán)柄[將生命]舍了, 也有權(quán)柄取回來。"他是在騙人嗎?讓我們接著看。彼拉多派人日夜看守墳?zāi)埂K麄兡苁挂d不復(fù)活嗎?也許他們這樣認(rèn)為。但圣經(jīng)說第三天的一大清早, 有一個(gè)大地震, 有天使從天上下來, 把石頭從墳?zāi)归T口滾開。墳?zāi)故强盏? 耶穌已經(jīng)從死里復(fù)活了??词氐娜藝樀脺喩韥y戰(zhàn), 趕快跑到城里去報(bào)告。耶穌復(fù)活了, 因?yàn)樗袡?quán)柄將生命取回來。40天后, 耶穌回到天上, 坐在神的右邊。他仍然是我們的好牧人。

  If you have received the Lord Jesus as your Savior, He is your Good Shepherd! He has saved you from your sin and He is caring for you every day. One day you will be with Him in Heaven

  如果你已經(jīng)相信主耶穌, 他就是你的好牧人。他把你從罪中拯救出來, 并每天看顧你。有一天, 你將要在天上和他永遠(yuǎn)在一起。

  But maybe you never knew you needed Jesus to be your Shepherd. You are that sheep that is still lost and going his own way, far away from God. Without the Lord Jesus, you will be lost forever in your sin, never able to be with God in Heaven. Jesus came to give His life to save you from that sin. I Corinthians 15:3 says, "Christ died for our sin." The Lord Jesus is alive in Heaven now, waiting to save you from sin, waiting to become YOUR Good Shepherd.

  也許你從來不知道你需要耶穌做你的好牧人。你就象一只迷失的羊, 遠(yuǎn)離神而走自己的路。沒有耶穌, 你就永遠(yuǎn)失喪在罪中, 不能到天上與神在一起。耶穌來, 把命舍了, 就是要把你從罪中拯救出來。哥林多前書15章3節(jié)說:"基督為我們的罪死了。"主耶穌現(xiàn)在在天上活著, 他正等待著把你從罪中拯救出來, 并成為你的好牧人。

  omans 10:9 says, "If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Like a little lost sheep, you can call out to Jesus and ask Him to save you right now. Will you go right now to ?How to Be a Child of God?" If you have believed on the Lord Jesus and asked Him to save you, He is already yourGood Shepherd forever!

  羅馬書10章9節(jié)說:"你若口里認(rèn)耶穌為主, 心里信神叫他從死里復(fù)活, 就必得救。"就象一只迷失的羊羔, 你可以對(duì)耶穌說話, 讓他現(xiàn)在就來拯救你。請(qǐng)你現(xiàn)在就去聽:"怎樣成為神的孩子" , 并照那里所說的去做。如果你已經(jīng)相信主耶穌, 并讓他來拯救你, 他就早已經(jīng)成為你的好牧人到永遠(yuǎn)。

  Jesus says in John 10:27-28:"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." Let's remember that wonderful truth by using our hand. Open your hand out wide. Think of this hand as being the Lord Jesus' hand. The thumb can be you. Now bend your thumb toward the middle of your hand, and close all the other fingers over it. Think of how you are SAFE FOREVER in the hand of your Good Shepherd. Can anyone remove you from the hand of Jesus' No!

  耶穌在約翰福音10章27-28節(jié)說:"我的羊聽我的聲音, 我也認(rèn)識(shí)他們, 他們也跟著我;我又賜給他們永生, 他們永不滅亡, 誰也不能從我手里把他們奪去。"讓我們來用手記住這個(gè)真理。把手張開, 想象這就是主耶穌的手。大拇指就是你?,F(xiàn)在把拇指握在手心, 把手纂起來。在好牧人的手中, 你是多么地安全。誰能把你從耶穌的手中搶走呢?沒有人!

  But now open your other hand out wide. Imagine your OTHER hand is God the Father. Now place your other hand over the first one as you listen to this verse from John 10:29:"My Father, which gave them to me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." You're in Jesus' hand and the Father's! You are double safe FOREVER! Can Satan pull you out of those wonderful hands?  When you are afraid, or feel lonely, when others make fun of you as a Christian, remember Jesus' promise. He also says in Hebrews 13:5 "I will never leave thee."

  把你另外一只手張開, 想象這只手代表天父。當(dāng)你聽到下面這個(gè)經(jīng)節(jié), 就用這只手纂住第一只手。約翰福音10章29節(jié)說:"我父把羊賜給我, 他比萬有都大, 誰也不能從我父手里把他們奪去。"你在耶穌和天父的手里, 你的安全就有雙保險(xiǎn)。撒但能把你從這一雙手里奪去嗎?  當(dāng)你害怕, 或覺得孤單的時(shí)候, 當(dāng)別人因?yàn)槟闶莀而嘲笑你的時(shí)候, 記住耶穌的應(yīng)許。他在希伯萊書13章5節(jié)說:"我總不撇下你, 也不丟你。"

  Talk to your Good Shepherd all through the day. That's called prayer. And when you read your Bible, That's called ?listening?to your Good Shepherd, for He speaks to you through His Word. Most of all, OBEY your Good Shepherd, for He knows what's best for you! Aren't you glad you have a Good Shepherd Who loves and cares for you every day?Let's thank Him right now for all His goodness to us.

  每一天, 你要和你的好牧人說話, 這叫做禱告。當(dāng)你讀圣經(jīng)的時(shí)候, 你就是在伶聽好牧人對(duì)你說話。他通過圣經(jīng)對(duì)你說話。最重要的, 要順服你的好牧人, 因?yàn)樗朗裁磳?duì)你是最好的。我們有一個(gè)這么好的牧人, 每天來愛我們, 看顧我們。讓我們現(xiàn)在就來感謝!






5.圣經(jīng)故事:Story of Moses 摩西的故事(1)(2)




