An undated photo shows a man sleeps on piles of books. Going to bed early is key to gettingenough sleep and helping adolescents feel on top of the world, a new study reported.(Agencies)
It seems parents have long been right. Going to bed early is key to getting enough sleep andhelping adolescents feel on top of the world, a new study reported.
A lack of sleep among youngsters may trigger depression and suicidal thoughts, according tothe study by the Columbia University Medical Center.
"Our results are consistent with the theory that inadequate sleep is a risk factor fordepression, working with other risk and protective factors through multiple possible causalpathways to the development of this mood disorder," said lead author James Gangwisch.
"Adequate quality sleep could therefore be a preventative measure against depression and atreatment for depression," he added in the study published in the Friday issue of Sleepmagazine.
The study followed the nightly habits of some 15,659 college and high-school students, andfound those who consistently went to bed after midnight had a 24 percent higher risk ofdepression than those who turned inbefore 10:00 pm.
Night owlsalso ran a 20 percent higher risk of battling suicidal thoughts, the study added.
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that adolescents should sleep at leastnine hours or more a night. Those who were tucked inbefore 10:00 pm reported they slept onaverage about eight hours and 10 minutes.
But that amount of sleep dropped significantly for those in bed after midnight.
And adolescents who slept five hours or less a night were 71 percent more likely to sufferdepression and 48 percent more at risk of becoming suicidal, the study said.
"It is a common perception and societal expectation that adolescents do not need as muchsleep as pre-adolescents, yet studies suggest that adolescents may actually require more sleep," said Gangwisch.
"Studies have found that adolescents do not go to bed early enough to compensate for earlierschool start times, and transitions to earlier school start times have been shown to beassociated with significant sleep deprivation."
研究報告的主要撰寫人詹姆斯 岡維西說:“有理論認為睡眠不足是導致抑郁的風險因素之一,它與其他風險和保護因素相互作用,通過多種可能的因果途徑,造成這種情緒失調。我們的研究結果與這一理論是一致的。”
1. When I say I know you,I mean I knew you yesterday. I do not know you actuallynow。
——Kaishnamurti 克里什納默爾迪
2.Wonders are many,and nothing is more wonderful then man。
3.The proper function of man is to live,but not to exist。
人應該生活,而非單純生存。--Jack London
4.If you smile when one is around,you really mean it。
如果你獨自一人笑了,那是真心的笑。--Andy Rooney
5.There is a time to speak and a time to be silent。
6.The worst bankrupt is the person who lost his enthusiasm。
-- H.W.Arnold H.W。阿諾德
7.It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime,but at nightit is another thing。
在白天對什么都不動感情是極為容易的,但在夜晚就是另外一回事?! ?-Hemingway 海明威
8. To err is human,to forgive,divine。
人皆犯錯,你能原諒別人,你就是圣人。 --Pope 蒲柏
9.There is an unconscious heeling process within the mind which mends up inspite of our desperate determination never to forget。
——Colleen McCullough 科林·麥卡洛
10.In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it。
——Oscar Wildle 奧斯卡·王爾德
11.Naked came I into this world,and naked must I go out。
——Cervantes 塞萬提斯
12.Passion,though a bad regulator,is a powerful spring。
——Emerson 愛默生
13.Carve your name on hearts and not on marbles。
——Joseph Addison 約瑟夫·艾迪生
14. I can resist everything except temptation。
——Oscar wilde 奧斯卡·王爾德
15.What is a man's first duty? The answer is brief: To be himself。
——Henrik Ibsen 易卜生
16. The love of country is the first virtue in a civilized man。
—— Napoleon 拿破侖