Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics (ZUFE) recently offered its students the chance to take anoptional course, designed to guide students throughdifficult decisions using economic methods.
The course was capped at 40 students, but morethan 200 students applied to take it.
University students are constantly faced withchoices, both large and small. From choosingbetween the cafeteria and takeout for lunch, to deciding whether to stay in China or go abroadfor a post-graduate degree, the dilemmas are seemingly endless.
Ni Ni, the teacher of the course, told Qianjiang Evening Post that economics could offer a greatsolution for those moments of indecision, as economic tools can estimate the actual cost andbenefit behind a given decision's outcome.
"I believe economic knowledge is able to improve our efficiency when making decisions. Itherefore designed this course together with some senior students," Ni explained.
Students can introduce their own tough decisions during class, and Ni will apply economictheories to help them arrive at the best solution.
The forward-thinking professor also hopes this process will encourage students to applyeconomic thinking in other scenarios.
In addition to the decision-making course, ZUFE is also offering other classes to help solvestudents' day-to-day problems.
For instance, a course about sports and weight loss can guide students to become healthier andchange their bodies through a safe, wholesome approach.
Another course related to romance and law offers students insight into different kinds ofromantic relations, thereby linking love and law through interviews, video clips and reports.
Students aiming to enter Tsinghua University thisyear had better be able to swim or be prepared tolearn swimming and pass a swim test.
Liu Bo, head of the university's sports science andphysical education division, said last Monday that aproposal by university president Qiu Yong urging allundergraduate students to learn how to swim will beimplemented at the start of the academic year.
The university will organize a swimming test for all freshmen in September, and those who failto swim at least 50 meters using any stroke will be required to take a mandatory coursethroughout their studies so that they are able to swim by the time they graduate, otherwise theuniversity won't grant them a diploma, Liu said.
Exceptions will be allowed for students with special physical or mental conditions, if proved bymedical staff.
"Although Tsinghua has a long tradition of emphasizing sports participation, fewer studentsare exercising regularly," Liu said. "It's time to take compulsory action to urge students toexercise more to strengthen the sports culture on campus."
As to why the university is linking swimming ability with degrees, "as a requisite survival skill, swimming is beneficial for students in the long run, since swimming is helpful in improvingstudents' endurance and doing less harm to joints and muscles as a water sport," said Liu Bo.
Many alumni of the prestigious university had to meet the swimming challenge.
Renowned writer Liang Shih-chiu, entering Tsinghua University in 1915, failed the swimmingtest before his graduation, and he had to do his best at the make-up examination. Luckily hissecond endeavor got a pass from the head of the Division of Sports Science and PhysicalEducation.