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  Christmas in America means different things to different people.To some people, Christmas means brightly wrapped packages under a decorated tree. To others, it means family reunions and a wonderful meal together. To Christians, it means Jesus' birthday. Christmas also means lending a helping hand to people in need: Along with all the hubbub of shopping for presents and sending Christmas cards, many people in America take time to help others.

  In America and around the world, Christmas offers many opportunities to spread "peace on earth, good will toward men". For example, Salvation Army bell ringers are a familiar slght to most Christmas shoppers. They stand outside malls and stores collecting money for the needy. Many churches and other organizations collect toys and clothes as Christmas gifts for poor families. Going caroling is another traditional way to bring cheer to neiShbors-especially the elderly and people who can't get out much. The Christmas spirit encourages people to help each other in many large and small ways.

  The spirit of helping others isn't limited to Christmas ,however,Americans help others year-round. Civic clubs such as the Lion's Club, the Elk's Club and the Rotary Club take part in local community projects. Manyorganizations exist just to help others. The Make a Wish Foundation gives terminaIly ill childrena chance to have their dreams come true. Habitat for Humanity helps poor people build their own houses. And besides supporting worthy causes with their money, thousands ofAmericans donate their time by serving volunteers in hospitals, homeless shelters and schools.

  As the old saying goes, "Charity begins at home" - but it doesn't stop there. Americans are concerned about helping needy people in other countries, as weU. The U.S. is often one of the first countries to provide relief to areas of the world in severe need. Many American organizations reach out to suffering people in other countries. Some ofthem have programs by which

  donors can sponsor needy children For a certain amount per month, people can provide these children with food, clothing and education.

  Americans not only give money to help people in other countries,often they give themselves, as well. Many people serve as volunteers with the Peace Corps for two years to provide assistance in some needy part of the world. They dig wells, help people improve farming techniques, build medical clinics and teach English. In addition, thousands of nussionaries from America and other countries have devoted their lives to helping people. They have built schools, hospitals, orphanages and churches in order to share God's love with those in need.

  As long as there are people in need, helping others will remain an important task. Americans are not the only ones who believe in helping others. People in every culture recognize that being helpful is one of the greatest virtues in life, as well as one of the sweetest joys. The Christmas season is a great time to renew our commitment to help people in need,We never know when we might need a little help ourselves.




  然而,助人的精神并不只有在圣誕節(jié)才能發(fā)揮。美國人年到頭都在幫助他人口像獅子會(Lion's Club)、角鹿社(Elk's Club)、扶輪社(Rotary Club)這樣的市民會社,都參與了地方社區(qū)的計劃活動。很多機(jī)構(gòu)的設(shè)立就是為了要幫助他人。許愿基金會(Make a WishFoundation)給罹患末期疾病的兒童們一個美夢成真的機(jī)會;仁愛之家(Habitat for Humanity)則幫助窮苦的人們建蓋屬于他們自己的房子。成千上萬的美國人除了以金錢支持一些有意義的事情之外,他們也獻(xiàn)出自己的時間在醫(yī)院、流浪者之家和學(xué)校作義工服務(wù)。








