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  以下是小編整理的哲理類英語美文欣賞:我怎樣白手起家, 希望對你有所感觸。

  How a Simple Idea Became a Huge Business






  By Howard Schultz


  [1]When I was a child growing up in public-housing projects in Canarsie, Brooklyn, I rememberlying in bed at night thinking: what if I had a crystal ball『水晶球』and could see the future? ButI quickly shut out『摒棄』the thought. I realized I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life.All I knew was I had to get out of the projects, get out of Brooklyn.



  [2]I was fortunate to go to college, but I didn't know what to do next. I had no mentor 『導(dǎo)師;良師』to help me sort out my options『選擇』. My main goal was to escape the strugglesmy working-class parents lived with every day.


  [3]Eventually I discovered I had a talent for sales, and was hired by a Swedish housewarescorporation. By age 28, I was vice president in charge of sales in the United States. I had anexcellent salary and a co-op『合作』apartment in New York City, and was happily married to abeautiful woman, Sheri. My parents couldn't believe I had come so far so fast. The life I wasleading was beyond their best dreams for me.


  [4]Most people would be satisfied with all this. But I was getting antsy『熱鍋上螞蟻般的;坐立不安的』. I wanted to be in charge of my own destiny 『命運』. It was around this time, in the early1980s, that I became aware of a strange phenomenon. A little retailer『零售商』in Seattle wasplacing large orders for a drip coffee maker: a simple plastic cone 『圓錐體』set on athermos『保溫瓶』. The company, Starbucks Coffee and Tea, had only four small stores, yet itwas buying our product in quantities larger than Macy's was. Why was Seattle so taken withthis coffee maker when the rest of the country was using electric coffee makers?




  Macy's:即R. H. Macy & Co.梅西公司。美國資格最老、最著名的百貨公司,總部設(shè)在紐約。

  [5]I had to find out, so I went to Seattle.


  Fresh Approach


  [6]Starbucks's flagship store was modest『樸素的』but full of character. The minute the dooropened, a heady『刺鼻的;濃烈的』aroma『芳香』of coffee drew me in. Behind a woodencounter stood bins containing coffees from all over: Sumatra, Kenya, Ethiopia, Costa Rica.Along one wall was a shelf full of coffee-related merchandise『商品;貨物』, including ourthermos-and-cone coffee maker.


  [7]The counterman scooped『用勺舀』out Sumatrancoffee beans, ground『grind的過去式。磨;碾碎』them, put the grounds in a filter『過濾器』 in thecone and poured hot water over them to give me asample of their product. When he handed me thecoffee, the aroma enveloped『籠罩;掩蓋』my entireface. I took a tentative『實驗性的;試探性的』sip.


  [8]Whoa. My eyes shot wide open. It was stronger than any coffee I had ever tasted. Bycomparison, I realized, the coffee I had been drinking was swill『洗碟水;泔水』. That night Ihad dinner with one of Starbucks's owners, Jerry Baldwin. I had never heard anyone talk abouta product the way Jerry talked about coffee. He wasn't just calculating『算計』 how tomaximize『使增加/擴大到最大限度』 sales. He and his partner, Gordon Bowker, believed theywere providing customers with something they ought to enjoy. It was an approach tobusiness that was fresh and appealing『動人的;有吸引力的』to me.


  Inexplicable Attraction


  [9]I tried to persuade Jerry Baldwin to hire me-although it did not seem to be a logical careermove. Taking a job at Starbucks would mean giving up my job and Sheri's job-and for what?Moving across the country to join a tiny outfit 『公司;機構(gòu)』with four coffee stores? It didn'tmake sense to my friends or family, especially my mother. "You're doing well-you have afuture," she argued. "Don't give it up for a small company nobody's heard of ."


  [10]I thought of the loss of security『保障』, remembering how when I was seven my fatherhad broken his ankle at work. He was stuck at home for more than a month. He was a truckdriver delivering diapers『尿布』, so when he didn't work, he didn't get paid. Our family had noincome, no health insurance『保險』-nothing to fall back on. That image of my father-slumped『垂頭彎腰地坐』on the couch, leg in a cast-was burned into my mind.


  [11]But Starbucks held an inexplicable attractionfor me. During the year after my first visit, I foundreasons to get back to Seattle several times. Then inthe spring of 1982, Jerry and Gordon invited me tomeet board『董事會』member Steve Donovan.


  [12]The meeting went exceptionally well. I toldthem how I had served Starbucks coffee to myfriends in New York, how enthusiastic『極感興趣的』they had been. Starbucks could be so muchbigger, I argued. It could grow beyond the Northwest. It could become a national company.


  [13]The partners seemed inspired『振奮;感動』by my vision『構(gòu)想;見解』. Back in New Yorkthe next day, I eagerly awaited Jerry's call. But they had decided not to hire me. "Your planssound great," Jerry said. "But that's just not the vision we have for Starbucks." Instead ofcharming『吸引』them, I had spooked『使受驚嚇;使膽怯』them.


  A Trip to Italy


  [14]I still believed so much in the future of Starbucks that I couldn't accept "no" as a finalanswer. I had to join this company.


  [15]The next day I called Jerry back. "Jerry," I protested, "this isn't about me. It's about yourcompany." I spoke and he heard me out, then fell silent. "Let me sleep on it," he said. "I'll callyou tomorrow."


  [16]Perhaps he slept; I certainly didn't.


  [17]The next morning I picked up the phone on the first ring. "You have the job, Howard," hesaid. "When can you come?"


  [18]So many times I've been told something can't be done. But if I believe in it, I can't let it go.Part of my determination comes from my enthusiasm, and part is fear of failure. The exampleof my dad was always in my mind. An honest man who worked hard and loved his children, hewas never able to take control of his life and climb out of the hole of blue-collar jobs-truckdriver, factory worker, cabdriver-that left him a beaten man.


  [19]After I had been at Stabucks for a year, I had an experience that changed my life. I went toMilan to attend an international housewares show. On my first morning I noticed a littleespresso『濃咖啡』bar. Behind the counter a tall, thin man was cheerfully greeting customers.


  [20]"Espresso?" He asked, holding out a cup. After three sips it was gone, but I could still feelits warmth and energy.

  [20]"蒸餾咖啡?" 他問,然后遞給我一杯。我啜吸三口就喝光了,不過咖啡的香濃溫暖我卻至今難忘。

  [21]That day I discovered the romance『浪漫情調(diào)』and ritual『規(guī)矩;習(xí)慣』of coffee bars in Italy. Mymind started churning 『翻騰』. My company'sconnection to coffee lovers did not have to belimited to their homes, where they ground andbrewed『煮』our coffee. What we should do was sellcoffee by the cup, in coffee bars.


  [22]On my return to Seattle, however, my bosses argued that Starbucks was a retailer, not arestaurant or a bar. They pointed out that Starbucks was successful. Why rock『使搖擺』theboat?


  [23]I was torn between loyalty『忠誠』 to Starbucks and confidence in my vision for coffeebars. In the end I followed my vision. With Sheri's support, in late 1985 I left Starbucks andstarted my own company, Il Giornale.


  [24]Within six months we were serving more than a thousand customers a day in our tinySeattle store. It became a gathering place-just like the espresso bars in Italy. We opened asecond store six months after the first, and a third one in Vancouver.


  [25]In March 1987 Jerry Baldwin and Gordon Bowker decided to sell their Starbrcks stores. Assoon as I heard, I knew I had to buy. With the support of my Il Giornale investors, Starbuckswas mine five months later. I had a chance to accomplish my dreams, but I also had the hopesand fears of nearly a hundred people resting on my shoulders. It was electrifying『令人振奮的』,but also frightening.


  [26]At the same time I was facing a huge personal crisis『危機』. My father was dying. InJanuary 1988 I went home to see my dad one last time. But it was the saddest day of my life.He'd had no savings, no pension『養(yǎng)老金』. More important, he had never attainedfulfillment『滿足』and dignity『尊嚴』from work.


  [27]Although I didn't plan it this way, Starbucks has become a living legacy 『遺產(chǎn)』of my dad.I've tried to be the kind of employer I wish he had worked for. Starbucks now has more than1500 stores and 25,000 employees. Unlike other retailers, we provide stock options and fullhealth benefits, even for part-time employees.


  [28]In the years since I first heard of Starbucks, I've often wondered: what would havehappened had I just accepted Jerry Baldwin's decision not to hire me? Most people, whenturned down 『拒絕』for a job, just go away.


  [29]I believe life is a series of near misses. A lot of what we ascribe to『歸于』luck is not luck atall. It's seizing the day and accepting responsibility for your future. It's seeing what otherpeople don't see and pursuing『追求』that vision.



  1. 我有幸上了大學(xué),卻不知道下一步該怎么走。(2)

  2. 我想主宰自己的命運。(4)

  3. 我的親友,尤其是母親,都認為我的想法沒有道理。(9)

  4. 進明星咖啡連鎖公司一年之后,由于另一件事,我的人生又有了大轉(zhuǎn)變。(19)

  5. I realized I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life.(1)

  6. The life I was leading was beyond their best dreams for me.(3)

  7. I had a chance to accomplish my dreams, but I also had the hopes and fears of nearly ahundred people resting on my shoulders.(25)

  8. More important, he had never attained fulfillment and dignity from work.(26)