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  The Round Table Knights

  The Round Table Knights were a group of greatest knights who had the honour to sit at theRound Table at King Arthur’s court. According to a story, Arthur had a carpenter build theRound Table to show that no knight, not even Arthur himself was “head of the table”. All wereequal and the king was just “first among equals”. The table was so large that it had enoughseats for 1600 men and yet could be folded up and carried on horseback. According to anothersource.. Merlin the magician had the table built for Uther, Arthur’s father. Uther gave the tableto King Leodegan. Later,Leodegan gave the table to Arthur after Arthur married Guenevere,Leodegan’s daughter. Still another story says that the Round Table had 12 seats around it, likethe table at the Last Supper, with an empty place representing Judas’s seat. This seat wascalled the Siege Perilous, and was reserved for the knight so pure in heart that he wouldsomeday find the Holy Grail, the cup or dish used by Jesus at the Last Supper.Any otherknight who sat in the seat would die. One day, Sir Galahad’s name appeared on the seat. Fromthen on, he occupied the Siege Perilous .Later, as expected, he found the Holy Grail with theother two knights.

  Knights considered it a great honour to have a seat at the Round Table. Brave men came toArthur’s court from many countries hoping to become a Round Table Knight. Many storiesdescribe the heroic deeds of various Knights of the Round Table. Several tell of theadventures of Sir Tristram and Sir Gawin. Other famous Round Table Knights included Lancelot,Bedevere, Bors, Galahad, Perceval and Modred..

  The greatest adventure of the Round Table was the search for the Holy Grail. However, onlythe three knights---Bors, Galahad and Perceval were pure enough to be able to find the Grail.All the others had various moral defects. This fact damaged the reputation of the Round Table.To make things worse, a love affair developed between Queen Guenevere and Sir Lancelot, whowas perhaps the greatest of the Round Table knights. This scandal destroyed the bonds ofrespect and friendship that had united all the knights.

  The mortal blow to the Round Table ws given by Sir Modred, who tried to seize Arthur’s power.In a battle between the forces of the two men, Arthur killed Modred but he mimself wasseriously wounded and soon died. The Round Table broke up following the death of Arthur.






  How Arthur Become King

  Arthur's father was King Uther Pendragon, who fell in love with Igrayne, the wife of the Duke ofCornwall. With the aid of Merlin, a powerful magician, Uther took the form of the duke and soIgrayne became pregnant with Arthur. After Arthur was born, the magician Merlin gave him to aman named Hector to be raised as Hector's own son. Arthur grew up without knowing that hewas the son of the king. When Arthur was a young man, his father, Uther Pendragon, died.People were worring about who whould be the next king, when a strange stone was discovered.Firmly fixed in the stone was a sword with these words on its handle: "I am great Excalibur,and at the King's side I am to hang." All the nobles agreed that whoever should be able to drawout the sword from the stone should be the next king. Many people tried, but nobodysucceeded. Finally Arthur came and quite easily pulled the sword from the stone. Now peoplewere convinced that Authur was pointed out by Heaven as their king.

  Then with the help of the great magician Merlin and his powerful sword Excalibur, Arthur led hisarmies to many victories over Britain's enemies. After that, Britain had a long period of peaceand security. Arthur married the beautiful Princess Guenevere. Later, he set up the RoundTable as a meeting place for his knighgts. Arthur had several places for living. His favorite wasCamelot, a castle in southern English.




  King Arthur

  The story of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table has been one of the mostpopular stories in world literature. Writers have told of Arthur's brave deeds and theadventures of his knights for hundreds of years.

  There probably was a real King Arthur, who led the British People in battles against the Anglo-Saxon invaders in the late 5th century and early 6th century, though historians know littleabout him. The real King Arthur probably won some victories over the Anglo-Saxons, but hewas not nearly as great as the King Arthur of the stories. In the Middle Ages people loved tohear stories of great warriors told by storytellers who travelled around. These storytellerspassed on the earliest tales about Arthur by word of mouth. They told the stories of Authurand his knights as though they were knights of the Middle Ages, wearing the kind of armourthat was worn by knights of the Middle Ages and following the set of rules of behaviour calledchivalry.


