學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語寫作 > 英語寫作方法 > 英語句子中的四種非連續(xù)成分


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  了解英語句子中非連續(xù)成分的運用無論對于正確理解英語句子的意思,還是用正確漢語來表達英語句子的意思都是至關重要的。下面是學習啦小編整理的四種英語句子中的非連續(xù)成分, 希望對大家有幫助。

  我們都知道,英語大多數(shù)陳述句都采用SVO這種線性結構(linear structure),各成分之間的語法關系是靠語序來體現(xiàn)的,為了準確地表達句子中各成分之間的語法關系,避免歧義,人們在寫英語句子時一般要遵循相鄰原則(principle of adjacency),即語法關系密切的兩個成分應處于相鄰的位置。但是,在實際運用中有時人們并不遵循這一原則,兩個應該相鄰成分之間被其它成分分隔,構成含非連續(xù)成分(discontinuous constituents)的句式。例如:

  ⑴A wild yell of jubilation to their surprise, went up suddenly from two dozen throats and pandemonium of joy ensued.

  --F. S. Fitzgerald: The Diamond as Big as the Ritz

 ?、艬ut here on the same road you might have seen among these heavy men a being lithe…

  --J. Conrad: Amy Foster

 ?、荌ndeed, if readers find the introduction hard going, they should read just the last section, then plunge into the body of the book, and return to Chapter I when puzzles arise about the general nature of the field.

  --S. C. Levinson: Pragmatics

 ?、華s soon as they were gone, Elisabeth walked out to recover her spirits, or in other words, to dwell, without interpretation on those subjects that deaden then more.

  --J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice

  上面幾個都是含非連續(xù)成分的句子,但非連續(xù)成分的構成情況各不相同。例⑴句子中的主語A wild yell of jubilation和謂語went up被狀語to their surprise分隔,構成主謂非連續(xù)成分,例⑵中謂語動詞might have seen和賓語a being被狀語among these heavy men分隔,構成動賓語非連續(xù)成分。例⑶中的中心詞puzzles和修飾語被分句的謂語arise分隔,構成名詞中心詞和后置修飾非連續(xù)成分。例⑷不定式動詞to dwell和該動詞詞組的小品詞分隔,構成動詞副詞小品詞非連續(xù)成分。



  Some things have been done that ought to have been done long ago.



  I've got something important to say.

  There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.

  The enterprises and property in China of the Japanese aggressors and the chief traitors were confiscated.

  Is there anything you want that you have not?



  There are a lot of people at the bus stop waiting for the bus.

  They found a room there to put up for the night.

  "Here is the man, " he said, "who told us the good news yesterday."

  at the bus stop, there都是狀語,he said是插入成分,它們把中心詞和修飾語分隔,產(chǎn)生了非連續(xù)成分。


  What did he want to say about it?

  Who is there to be criticized?




  由于用文字傳遞信息的需要,構成句子的各種成分可能會較復雜地交織在一起,這就不可避免地會導致句子結構不平衡的問題,違背句子末端加重(end weight)的原則。例如:

  News that the rebels threatened to blow up the city came.


  When a subject was accused of a crime important enough to interest the king, public notice was given that on an appointed day the fate of the accused person would be decided in the king's arena.

  --F. Stockton: The Lady or the Tiger

  We watched on TV the two astronauts walking on the moon.

  I know of a place on that mountain where we can find this kind of plant.




  ※As I approached the stream I saw a tall man hastening toward me beyond it.

  ※Once married, the church considers that a couple has signed up for a lifetime contrast.

  這兩個句子的意思混淆,不合邏輯,原因是beyond it和once married這兩個成分在句子中的位置不當?,F(xiàn)在我們把它們改成如下形式:

  As I approached the stream, I saw a tall man beyond it hastening toward me.

  The church considers that a couple, once married, has signed for a lifetime contrast.




  I shall propose several sorts of formulations and propose that such sub-collection structures of terms are a resource in the sensitivity to topic of the selection of place formulations.

  --E. A. Schlegloff: Notes on a Conversational Practice

  從語法上講in the sensitivity to topic完全可以省略,但句子所含的信息量會隨之減少,而這一信息在交際中卻是十分必要的。運用非連續(xù)成分我們不但不覺得句子羅嗦,而且還覺得行文精確,結構緊湊,言簡意賅。再如:

  With the establishment during the last century and the flourishing during the present of a modern tradition in American literature, the authority of English opinion and usage has diminished.

  --A. Baugh et al: A History of the English Language

  顯然,在這個句子中,非連續(xù)成分的運用與句子結構平衡有否無關,during the last century和during the present的運用主要是為了增加信息量,使信息更有效地傳遞。它們的運用并不給人冗贅的感覺,而是行文清晰精煉,結構嚴謹,語義表達確切嚴密。


  The only person beside the teacher who knew the matter was the monitor.

  在這個句子中,beside the teacher的位置會導致句子的意思產(chǎn)生歧義,因為who knew the matter可理解為修飾person,也可理解為修飾teacher,實際上beside the teacher是狀語,應置句首:Beside the teacher the only person who knew the matter was the monitor.再如:

  Who is the man reading a newspaper next to the woman?

  該句中,next to the woman可理解為man的后置修飾語,也可理解為newspaper的后置修飾語,句子是歧義句,意思含糊不清。應該換一種含非連續(xù)成分的句子來表達:Who is the man next to the woman reading a newspaper? 這個句子沒有歧義,非連續(xù)成分的運用使句子語義表達清楚,這才是非連續(xù)成分運用的目的之一。






