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  Lesson Twenty

  Section One:


  Dialogue 1:

  --Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the cinema; please?

  --No, I'm sorry I can't. I'm a stranger in these parts.

  But why don't you ask that man with a beard? He'll be able to tell you,I'm sure.

  --Which one do you mean?

  --Look, the one over there, by the lamp-post.

  --Ah, yes. I can see him now. Thank you very much.

  --Not at all.

  Dialogue 2:

  --You are not eating your breakfast.

  --I don't feel very well.

  ---Oh, dear, what's the matter?

  --I got a terrible headache.

  --You must go back to bed. You look quite ill.

  --I don't want to cause any bother. I'd rather work it off.

  ---Out of the question. You must go to bed and keep warm.

  Dialogue 3:

  --I'm sorry to bother you. Can you tell me where War and Peace is showing?

  --Yes. At the Empire Cinema.

  --Would you know when it starts?

  --No. I can't tell you when it begins. But I know how you can find out.

  --It's here in this Entertainment's Guide.

  ---Can you show me which page is it on?

  --Certainly. But I'm not;sure whether you want to go early or late.

  Dialogue 4:

  --You are up early this morning.

  --Yes. I've been out and bought a paper.

  --Good. Then you'll be able to tell me what the weather's like.

  --It's raining.

  --Oh, dear, not again.

  --Don't worry, it's not nearly as wet as it was yesterday.

  --Thank goodness for that.

  Dialogue 5:

  --Good morning. Can I see Mr, Baker, please?

  --Have you an appointment?

  --Yes, at ten o'clock.

  --What's your name, please.

  --Jones, Andrew Jones.

  --Ah, yes. Mr. Baker is expecting you. Will you come this way,please?

  Mr. Baker's office is along the corridor.

  Dialogue 6:

  --What does your friend do. for a living?

  She is one of those persons who look after people in a hospital.

  ---Oh, I see. She is a nurse, you mean.

  Yes. That's the word I was looking for. My vocabulary is rather poor, I'm afraid".

  Never mind. You explained that very well.

  Dialogue 7:

  --What shall we do this weekend?

  Let's go for a swim.

  --Where shall we go for it?

  --Lefts go to Long Beach. We haven't been there.for a long time.

  --That's a splendid idea. I'II call for you in a car at eleven o'clock.Is that alright for you?

  --Yes. That'll be perfect. See you tomorrow, then. Goodbye.

  Dialogue 8:

  You have some black, walking shoes in the window. Would you show me a pair in size seven, please?

  --Oh, dear, what a pity! There are none left in size seven. Here is a pair in a slightly different style.

  --Can I try them on?

  --Yes, of course.

  --I like these very much. What do they cost?

  --They cost 4.25 pounds.

  --Good. I'll have them, then.

  Dialogue 9:

  --Excuse me, but I must say goodbye now,

  --Can't you stay a little longer?

  --No, I'm sorry, but I really must go. I shall miss my bus if I don't hurry.

  --When does your bus go?

  --At ten o'clock. Good gracious, it's already 10,15. I'll have to ask you to drive me home.

  --That's alright, but I hope to see you again soon.

  --That's most kind of you.

  Section Two:

  A. Preferences:

  Woman: Which do you prefer: driving a car yourself or being a passenger?

  Man: Well--that depends. I enjoy driving, especially on long empty roads where I can go nice and fast.

  But I'm not very fond of sitting in traffic jams waiting for lights to change, and things like that.

  I suppose I don't mind being a passenger, but only if I'm sure that the other person really can drive properly.

  Woman: So you don't really like being in other people's cars, then?

  Man: Well, as I say, it's all right with a good driver. Then I can relax, sit back and enjoy the scenery.

  But yes, you're right--on the whole I certainly prefer driving to being a passenger.

  B. Telephone Call:

  --Hello Allen. This is Collin speaking.

  --Fine. How about you?

  --Good. And how's Bob feeling after his holiday?

  --I see. I've got quitea lot to tell you.

  --I've just got engaged!

  --Yes! No. We haven't fixed the date yet,

  --What's she like?

  --Lovely girl! We met on a bus, believe it or not.

  --Yes.We just happened to be sitting together and got into the conversation.

  And we made a date for the same evening, and discovered we've got a lot in common, you know, same interests and, we laugh at the same things.

  --No. You don't know her. Hmm. At least she doesn't know you or Bob.

  ---Oh, about three weeks now.

  --Well, yes. It was quite a sudden decision, but I feel really happy.

  I'd like you both to meet her. Now, how about a meal together one evening soon?

  --Would you ask Bob to ring me?

  --Oh, I must go now. My boss has just come into the office. Bye.

  --Oh, thanks. Bye.

  C. Old Arthur:

  Everyone knows him as Old Arthur.

  He lives in a little hut in the middle of a small wood, about a'mile from the village.

  He visits the village store twice a week to buy food and paraffin,

  and occasionally he collects letters and his pension from the post office.

  A few weeks ago, a reporter from the local newspaper interviewed him. This is what he said:

  I get up every morning with the birds.

  There is a stream near my hut and I fetch water from there.

  It's good, clear, flesh water, better than you get in the city.

  Occasionally, in the winter, I have to break the ice.

  I cook simple food 'on my old paraffin stove; mostly stews and things like that.

  Sometimes I go to the pub and have a drink, but I don't see many people.

  I don't feel lonely. I know this wood very well, you see.

  I know all the little birds and animals that live here and they know me.

  I don't have much money, but I don't need much. I think I'm a lucky man.

  D. The Man Who Missed the Plane

  James wrote a play for television, about an immigrant family who came to England from Pakistan,

  and the problems they had settling down in England.

  The play was surprisingly successful, and it was bought by an American TV company.

  James was invited to go to New York to help with theproduction.

  He lived in Dulwich, which is an hour's journey away from Heathrow.

  The flight was due to leave at 8.30 a.m., so he had to be at the airport about 7.30 in the morning.

  He ordered a mini--cab for 6.30, set his alarm for 5,45, and went to sleep.

  Unfortunately he forgot to wind the clock, and it stopped shortly after midnight.

  Also the driver of the mini-cab had to work very late that night and overslept.

  James woke with that awful feeling that something was wrong.

  He looked at his alarm clock. It stood there silently, ,with the hands pointing to ten past twelve.

  He turned on the radio and discovered that it was, in fact, ten to nine.

  He swore quietly and switched on the electric kettle.

  He was just pouring the boiling water into the teapot when therfine o'clock pips sounded on the radio.

  The announcer began to read the news: " ... roports are coming in of a crash near Heathrow Airport.

  A Boeing 707 bound:for New York crashed shortly after taking off this morning.

  Flight number 2234 .... "James turned pale.

  "My flight," he said out loud. "If I hadn't overslept, I'd have been on that plane.

  E. Dangerous Illusions:

  Interviewer: Do you mind if I ask you why you've never got marfled?

  Dennis: Uh ... welt, that isn't easy to answer.

  Interviewer: Is it that you've never met the right woman? Is that it?

  Dennis: I don't know.

  Several times I have met a woman who seemed 'right', as you say.

  But for some reason it's never worked out.

  interviewer: No? Why not?

  Dennis: Hmm. I'm not really sure.

  Interviewer: Well, could you perhaps describe what happened with one of these women?

  Dennis: Uh... yes, there was Cynthia, for example.

  Interviewer: And what kind of woman was she?

  Dennis: Intelligent. Beautiful. She came from the right social background, as well. I felt I really loved her. But then something happened.

  Interviewer: What?

  Dennis: I found out that she was still seeing an old boyfriend of hers.

  Interviewer: Was that so bad? I mean, why did you.., why did you feel that...

  Dennis: She had told me that her relationship was all over, which.. uh ... which was a lie.

  Inte/viewer: Are you saying that it was because she had lied to you that you decided to break off the relationship?

  Dennis: Yes, yes, exactly ... Obviously, when I found out that she had lied to me, I simply couldn't ... uh ... well, I simply couldn't trust her any more.

  And of course that meant that we couldn't possibly get married,

  Interviewer: Uh, huh. I see. At least, I think I do.

  But ... you said there were several women who seemed 'right.'

  Dennis: Yes.

  Interviewer: Well .... what happened the other times?

  Dennis: Well, once I met someone who I think I loved very deeply

  but.., unfortunately she didn't share my religious views.

  Interviewer: Your religious views?

  Dennis: Yes, I expect the woman I finally marry to agree with me on such ... such basic things as that.

  Interviewer: I see.

  Dennis: Does that sound old-fashioned?

  Interviewer: Uh ... no. Not necessarily. What was her name, by the way?

  Dennis: Sarah.

  Interviewer: Do you think you'll ever meet someone who meets ...

  uh... how shall I say it ... who meets all your.., requirements?

  Dennis: I don't know. How can I?

  But I do feel it's important not to ... not to just drift into ... a relationship, simply because I might be lonely.

  Interviewer: Are you lonely?

  Dennis: Sometimes. Aren't we all? But I know that I can live alone, if necessary.

  And I think I would far prefer to do that ...

  to live alone ... rather than to marry somebody who isn't really ... uh ... well,

  really what I'm looking for.., what I really want.

  Section three


  Every color has a meaning, And as you choose a color, you might like to remember that it's saying something.

  We've said that red is lovable. Green, on the other hand, stands for hope; it is tranquil.


  Lesson Thirty-One

  Section One:


  Dialogue 1:

  Passenger: West London Air Terminal, please. I have to be there by 11.10.

  Taxi Driver: I can't promoise, but I'll do my best.

  Taxi Driver: You're just in time. Seventy pence, please.

  Passenger: Thanks a lot. Here's eighty pence. You can keep the change.

  Dialogue 2:

  Passenger: Do you think you can get me to Victoria by half past?

  Taxi Driver: We should be OK if the lights are with us.

  Taxi Driver: You've still got five minutes to spare. Seventy pence,please.

  Passenger: Thanks very much indeed. Here's' a pound, give me twenty pence, please.

  Dialogue 3:

  Passenger: Piccadilly, please. I have an appointment at 10.30.

  Taxi Driver: I think we can make it ifwe get a move on.

  Taxi Driver: Here we are, sir. Eighty pence, please.

  Passenger: Many thanks. Let's call it a pound.

  Dialogue 4:

  Passenger: Paddington, please. I want to catch the 11.15.

  Taxi Driver: We'll be all right if there are no hold-ups.

  Taxi Driver: This is it, sir. Seventy pence, please.

  Passenger:Thank you.Here's the fare,and this is for you.

  Section Two:

  A. Probability:

  --No luck then, John?

  --Afraid not, sir. Not yet, anyhow. We're still checking on stolen cars.


  --Where do you think he'll head for, sir?

  --Well, he definitely won't try to leave the country yet.

  He may try to get a passport, and he'll certainly need clothes and money.

  He'll probably get in touch with Cornfield for those, so I expect he'll make for Birmingham.

  --Right. I'll put some men on the house.

  --Yes, do that. Mind you, I doubt if he'll show up there in person.

  Hammond's no fool, you know. I should think he'll probably telephone.

  --What about his wife?

  --Mm. I shouldn't think he'll go anywhere near her---though he might get her to join him after he's left the country.

  And when he does leave, he probably won't use a major airport, either.

  So you'd better alert the coastguard, and keep an eye on the privat airfields.

  --Right, sir. I'd better get his description circulated.

  --Yes. He may change his appearance, of course, but I don't expect he'll be able to do much about the tattoos...

  And John--becareful. He could be armed. And if I know Hammond, he cer tainly won't give himself up without a figh.

  B. Job Hunting:

  A lot of young people today find it difficult to get a job, especially in the first few months after they leave school.

  This is much more of a problem now than it has ever been in the past.

  In some parts of the country sixty or even seventy per cent of youngpeople in the last years of school will be without a job for a whole year after leaving school.

  Our Jobs Information Service has been in touch with thousands of young people over the last two or three years,

  talking to them about their hopes and their fears,

  and we have in fact been able to give a lot of help and advice to young people who have just left school.

  Are you recently out of school and still without a job?

  Or are you still at school and worried about getting a job when you leave?

  We have found that many people don't know who to talk to and sometimes don't know what questions to ask.

  That is why our experience at Jobs Information Service is so important.

  It will cost you nothing--just a phone call. If you would like to talk to us

  and we are here to talk to you--then please phone 24987 any day between 9.00 and 5.30.

  C. The Movies:

  Man: I want to do something tonight for a change; let's go out.

  Brian: All right, let's go to the movies.

  Woman: In this heat? Are you joking?

  Brian: We can go to an outdoor movie.

  Do you think I'd suggest an indoor one in the middle of the summer in San Diego?

  Man: Vd rather go out for a meal.

  Woman: Yes, that sounds a better idea. The outdoor movies are so uncomfortable.

  Brian: Why don't we do both at the same time? We could pick up some take-away food and eat it in the movie.

  Man: That sounds like fun. What a good idea.

  Woman: But they neve show any good films in the summer. At least not any of the new ones.

  All you get is the old classics.

  Brian: And what's wrong with them?

  Woman: Oh nothing, it's just that we've seen them all half a dozen times.

  Brian: But that's why they're classics. They're worth seeing again and again.

  Man: You've got a point there, Brian.

  My main objection to outdoor movies is that you can never hear properly. You hear all the traffic from outside.

  Brian: Well, we can find a foreign film with subtitles, then you don't need to hear the sound.

  Woman: Supposing it's a musical.

  Brian: Oh trust you to say that!

  I think it would be fun to sit watching an old film and eating a meal at the same time.

  Woman: Last time I went to an outdoor movie, I bought a bar of chocolate to eat as I went in.

  It was a horror film and I was so shocked I just sat there holding my bar of chocolate until the interval

  when I found it had melted in my hand and run all down my dress. That was an expensive evening out.

  Man: Well, we won't go and see a horror film, darling, and take-away meals don't melt

  D. Radio Program:

  Presenter: Good evening and welcome to "Interesting Persona-lities."

  Tonight we've got a real treat in store for you. We have here in the studio Mrs. Annie Jarman of Bristol.

  Mrs. Jarman: Hello. That's me.

  Presenter: Say hello to the listeners, Mrs. Jarman.

  Mrs. Jarman: I just did, Hello again.

  Presenter: Now Mrs. Jarman is eighty-four years old.

  Mrs. Jarman: Nearly eighty-four.

  Presenter: Sorry, nearly eighty-four years old and she holds...

  Mrs.Jarman: Not quite.

  Presenter: Yes, I explained. Now Mrs. Jarman holds the English record...

  Mrs. Jarman: Eighty-three years, ten months and fifteen days.

  Presenter: Good, well, now that we've got that out of the way.

  Mrs. Jarman holds the English record for having failed her driving test the most times.

  Mrs. Jarman: I'm still trying.

  Presenter: Quite. Now precisely how many times have you failed your driving test Mrs. Jarman?

  Mrs. Jarman: Well, the last attempt last Wednesday brought it up to fifty-seven times.

  Presenter: Over how long a period?

  Mrs. Jarman: Twenty-eight years.

  Presenter:What do you think is the cause of this record, number of failures?

  Mrs. Jarman: Bad driving.

  Presenter: Yes, quite. Well, it would be. But in what way do you drive badly?

  Mrs. Jarman: Every way.

  Presenter: Every way?

  Mrs. Jarman: Yes. I hit things. That's the really big problem, but I'm working on that.

  Also I can't drive round corners. Each time I come to a corner I just drive straight on.

  Presenter: Ah, yes, that would be a problem.

  Mrs. Jarman: It causes havoc at roundabouts.

  Presenter: I can imagine. And how many examiners have you had in all this time?

  Mrs. Jarman: Fifty-seven. None of them would examine me twice.

  Several left the job, said it was too dangerous.

  One of them got out of the car at the end of the test, walked away and was never seen again.

  Presenter: Oh dear. But why do you drive so badly?

  Mrs. Jarman: I blame the examiners. It's all their fault. They don't do their job properly.

  Presenter: Really? In what way?

  Mrs. Jarman: They distract my attention. They keep talking to me.

  Turn left, turn right, park here.

  By the time I've turned round to ask them what they said we're half way through a field or slowly sinking into a pond surrounded by ducks.

  They should keep quiet and let me concentrate.

  Presenter: But they have to tell you where to go, Mrs. Jarman.

  Mrs. Jarman: Then they should give me time to stop each time before speaking to me.

  Why do you think they have those notices on the buses, 'Do not speak to the driver', eh?

  I'm surprised there aren't more accidents.

  Presenter: How long do your tests usually'last, Mrs. Jarman?

  Mrs. Jarman: Two or three minutes. Not longer. They've usually jumped out by then. Except the last one.

  Presenter: And how long did that last?

  Mrs. Jarman: Four hours and twenty-five minutes, exactly, from beginning to end.

  Presenter: Four hours and twenty-five minutes?

  Mrs. Jarman: Yes. You see, I'd got on the motorway and as I told you I can't turn right or left

  so we didn't stop until I hit a post box just outside London.

  Presenter: And was the examiner still with you?

  Mrs. Jarman: Oh, yes, he'd fainted much earlier on.

  Presenter: Well, there we are. That's the end of "Interesting Personalities" for this week.

  Thank you Mrs. Jarman for coming along and telling us about your experiences with cars.

  Mrs. Jarman: Can I just say a word?

  Presenter: Er ... yes. Go ahead.

  Mrs. Jarman: I'd just like to say if there are any driving instructors in the Bristol area listening in,

  well, I'd like to say thank you very much and my offer to pay double still hods good if any of them will come back.Thank you.

  Presenter:Thank you,Mrs.Jarman,and good night.

  Mrs.Jarman:I won't give up.

  Section Three:

  A. A Little Crime:

  A psychiatrist who has studied the legend of Bonnie and Clyde compares the characters of the two.

  Interviewer: So in your book why do you focus more on Bonnie than you have on Clyde?

  Shivel: Bonnie had something which Clyde completely lacked.

  Style. And she was also far more intelligent than he was.

  Without her, there never would have a legend.

  He was just a rather stupid hoodlum who got into difficult situations almost by accident and then started shooting wildly.

  She was a much warmer,more generous person.

  Interviewer: But she could be very ruthless, couldn't she?I mean what about that policeman she shot in Grapevine,Texas?

  Didn't she laugh about it?

  Shivel: Well, first of all, we don't know if that's what actually happened.

  A farmer says he saw her shoot the second policeman and then laugh. That's the only evidence we have that.

  She actually did that. But even if the story is true,

  the whole incident illustrates this warmer, almost motherly, side to her character.

  Interviewer: Motherly? How does the incident of shooting a policeman illustrate that she was motherly?

  Shivel: Well ... uh ,.. just let me finish.

  You see, the day before the shooting, Bonnie and Clyde were driving about with a pet rabbit in; the car.

  Bonnie's petrabbit. Clyde started complaining because the rabbit stank.

  So they stopped and washed the rabbit in a stream. The rabbit almost died because of the shock of the very cold water.

  Bonnie got very worried, and wrapped the rabbit in a blanket and held it.Close to her as they drove on.

  Then,the next morning, when the rabbit still wasn't any better, she made Clyde stop and build a fire.

  She was sitting in front of that to get the rabbit warm when the two policemen fire, trying drove up and got out.

  Probably the policemen had no idea who was there.

  They just wanted to see who was burning a fire and A moment later, as we know, they were both dead.

  All bewhy.cause of that pet rabbit which Bonnie wanted to mother.

  And uh ... perhaps ... in a strange way, Clyde was something like a pet rabbit, too.

  She was attracted to him because he was weaker than she was and needed someone to mother him,

  It's strange,you know, but strong, intelligent women are often attracted to such men ,..

  weaker than they are ... men who are like children, or pet rabbits.

  B. Psychiatrist:

  Psychiatrist: Goodbye Mr. er ... um ... er ... Just keep taking those tablets and you'll be all right in no time.

  Next please. Good morning, Mrs. er ... your first visit, is it?

  Mrs. Parkinson: Yes, doctor.

  Psychiatrist: I see. Well, let me just fill in this form. Name?

  Mrs. Parkinson: Parkinson. Enid Parkinson. (Crunch) Mrs.

  Psychiatrist: So you're married, Mrs. Parkinson.

  Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Yes.

  Psychiatrist: I see. Now, your date of birth, please.

  Mrs. Parkinson: Wednesday the twelfth of June..

  Psychiatrist: No, not your birthday, Mrs. Parkinson. Your date of birth.

  Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Twelfth of June 1946.

  But not a word to my husband, mind, he thinks it was 1956.

  Psychiatrist: 1946. Right. Now, what seems to be the trouble?

  Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Well, it's nothing very much, doctor.It's just that (crunch) I can't stop (crunch)eating these crisps (crunch).

  Psychiatrist: Yes, I had noticed that you seemed to be getting through rather a lot of them.

  Er..do you mind picking up those two empty bags off the floor, please?

  Thank you. Now, when did this problem start?

  Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) About six. months ago. My husband and I won a huge box of crisps in a talent competition.

  And we've not been able (crunch) to stop eating them over since. It's costing us a fortune. (Crunch)

  Psychiatrist: I see. Now, what do you think about when you've eating these crisps?

  Mrs. Parkinson: More (crunch) crisps.

  Psychiatrist: I see. And what do the crisps remind you off?.

  Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Potatoes. (Crunch) Potato crisps.(Crunch) All nice, crisp and golden brown with plenty of salt on them.

  Psychiatrist: I see. But don't they remind you of anything else?

  Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Cheese. Cheese crisps. Cheddar crisps.Roquefort crisps. Edam crisps.

  Oh, I'd definitely say they remind me of cheese.

  Psychiatrist: Yes, they certainly seem to do that.

  Does anything else come to mind when you're eating these vast amounts of crisps?

  Mrs. Parkinson: Not much, apart from crisps, doctor.

  (Crunch) If I'm really on form I can work up an appetite for, oh, paprika crisps, or shrimp crisps or even ham and bacon crisps.

  Psychiatrist: And have you made any effort to stop eating these crisps?

  Mrs. Parkinson: Oh, no. I wouldn't want to (crunch) eat anything else. I like my crisps.

  Psychiatrist: But if you don't want to stop eating them, why come to a psychiatrist?

  Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Well, it's the noise, doctor. (Crunch)My husband complains he cantt hear the telly.

  And the neighbors bang on the walls late at night. (Crunch) Say they can't sleep.

  I've offered them a whole box so that ... so that they can do the same, but (crunch) they say they'd rather sleep.

  Psychiatrist: I should have thought earplugs would have been a more sensible thing to offer them.

  Mrs. Parkinson: Earplugs! That's it! The problem's solved.(Crunch) Thank you. Thank you very much, doctor.

  Psychiatrist: Er ... Mrs ... um ...

  Mrs. Parkinson: Parkinson.

  Psychiatrist: Parkinson, yes. Er... could I have a crisp?

  Mrs. Parkinson: Certainly, (crunch) doctor. Here, have a couple of bags.

  Psychiatrist: Oh, thank you, Mrs. Parkinson.