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  S: I am thinking about hanging out this weekend with a friend, which place do you suggest?


  D: If you are interested, I strongly recommend the museums in University of Cambridge.


  S: I heard that there are altogether seven museums in Cambridge. Do you know what they are?


  D: Fitzwilliam Museum, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Museum of Zoology, Museum of Classical Archaeology, Whipple Museum of the History of Science, and...let me see.,.The Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, Museum of the Scott Polar Research Institute.

  D:費茲威廉博物館、考古與人類學博物館、動物學博物館、古典考古博物館、惠普 科學歷史博物館,還有,讓我想想……塞德威克地球科學博物館和史考特北極研 究所博物館等。

  S: The collections in each of them can be told from their names. I think the last one you mentioned just now is about polar research? I'd like to have a tour around it. I've heard about it before.

  S:聽這些博物館的名字就大概知道館藏的內(nèi)容了。你最后一個提到的是關(guān)于極地考 察的嗎?我想去參觀一下這個,我之前就聽說過它。

  D: Yes, Museum of the Scott Polar Research Institute. But unfortunately, when I went there last week, it was closed for renovation and it won't be open until June.

  D:是的。史考特北極研究所博物館。但不幸的是,我們上固去那里的時候,它因為 要整修而a館了,直到7月才會開。

  S: What a pity! I've always wanted to have a look at the Antarctic gallery and the Arctic gallery.

  S:太可惜了!我一直想去看看里面的南 極館和北極館。

  D: I am very interested in them, too. The Antarctic gallery displayed permanent exhibits o( material from several of the “Heroic Age” Antarctic expeditions from Britain.

  D:我對這個也特別感興趣。南極館一直 都在展示"英雄年代幾次始于英國 的南極探險。

  S; In particular Captain Scott's expeditions. Besides, Roald Amundsen's flag from the South Pole is an item of particular interest.


  D: Antarctic Treaty details, basic Antarctic geology, philatelic items and polar medals were also displayed, alongside models of several expeditionary ships, and a selection of other polar material.

  D:南極條約的詳細條款,南極洲的基本地形,郵票和極地獎牌也在展出,另外還有 其他幾艘探險船的模型和一些極地物質(zhì)。

  S: Compared to those, I am more interested in examples of polar transport equipment: sledges, skis, snow shoes, and clothing, both ancient and modem, especially the ancient equipment.

  S:和這些相比,我對極地旅行裝備的展覽更有興趣:雪橇、滑雪板、外套,既有過 去的也有現(xiàn)代的,我對過去的裝備尤其感興趣。

  D: And what interested me most is the exhibition of British Arctic exploration during the 19th century in the Arctic gallery.


  S: That interests me very much, too. Ivory items from walruses, sperm whales, narwhal,and even mammoths are displayed there.

  S:我也對那個感興趣。用海象、抹香鯨、獨角鯨,甚至猛犸象的牙齒做成的器具也 都在那展不。

  D: True, and Inuit artefacts and a display of scrimshaw were some of its specialties. The grandfather of the modem snow- scooter, now a widely used transport device in both polar regions, was also exhibited. Maybe we can go there together months later.

  D:對啊。最有特色的,莫過于因紐特人的手工制品和貝雕品了?,F(xiàn)代雪上單腳滑行 車的"始祖"也在展示之列,現(xiàn)在在兩極地區(qū)得到了廣泛使用。再過幾個月,我 們可以一起來參觀。

  S: Good idea. Since this museum has been closed, where did you go?


  D: I went to the Museum of Zoology. I can assure you that it is a wonderful place to go. It happened that when we arrived, the Cambridge Science Festival was held in the museum,

  D:我們?nèi)チ藙游飳W博物館。我跟你說,這絕對是個好地方。我們?nèi)サ臅r候,正好趕 上劍橋科技節(jié)。

  S: Really? You're lucky! Is it still available if I go there this weekend?


  D: I am afraid not. Generally, it lasts for a week or so. Don't be disappointed. The museum is great. It is home to a huge variety of recent and fossil animals and rivals those of the major university museums world-wide.

  D:恐怕來不及了,通常這個科技節(jié)都只持續(xù)一固時間。不要傷心,這個博物館真的 很不錯。里面大量的現(xiàn)代的和遠古時期物種可以和世界上著名的大學博物館媲美。

  S: That's great! I will go and have a look this weekend. Thanks a lot!



  Hi, Nete, what are you reading?


  A study in Scarlet. Have you heard of it?

  N:《血字的研究 》,你聽過這本小說嗎?

  Oh, yes. The hero of this novel is Sherlock Holmes,And I'm a huge fan of Holmes.


  Holmes is renowned for his astute observation and deductive reasoning. And he uses forensic skills to solve difficult cases.

  N:福爾摩斯因他敏銳的觀察力和演繹推理能力而享譽于世。他還運用法醫(yī)技巧來解 決疑案。

  Every novel that featured in Holmes is so thrilling that you could hardly bear to put it down.


  I can’t agree with you more. As soon as I buy a novel about Holmes, I'll read it at a stretch.


  Of the Sherlock Holmes novels, The Hound of the Baskervilles is probably the best known. It has been made into a film over twenty times with adaptations in languages as diverse as Indian, German, Russian and Italian.

  S:在福爾摩斯的小說系列中,《巴斯克維爾的獵犬》可能是最有名的。它至少20次 被改編為電影,以印度語、德語、俄語和意大利語等多種語言呈現(xiàn)。

  N: That one is my favorite, too. And I’m interested not only in Holmes but also Watson.

  N:《巴斯克維爾的獵犬》也是我最喜歡的小說。我不僅對福爾摩斯著迷,而且對華 生也很感興趣。

  S: In the novel, Holmes shared the majority of his professional years with his good friend Watson. Watson Lived with Holmes for some time before he got married in 1887,and again after his wife’s death.

  S:在小說里,福爾摩斯職業(yè)生涯的大部分時光是和 他的好朋友華生一起度過的。華生在1887年結(jié)婚 之前,和福爾摩斯住了一段時間,他妻子去世后,又和福爾摩斯住在一起了。

  N: Watson has two roles in Holmes’ life. First, he gives practical assistance in the conduct of HolmesJ cases; second, he is Holmes1 chronicler.

  N:華生在福爾摩斯的生活中扮演著兩個角色。首先,在福爾摩斯破案的過程中,華生結(jié)與了他很多幫 助。其次,他還是福爾摩斯破案的記錄者。

  S: Yes, most of the Holmes stories are frame narratives, written from Watson’s point of view as summaries of the detective’s most interesting cases.

  S:是啊,絕大多數(shù)福爾摩斯故事都遵循著相同的敘 事模式,都是借華生之口講述福爾摩斯精彩的斷 案故事。

  N: Where did Holmes and Watson live?


  S: They lived in London at 221B Baker Street. This real house has been converted into a museum and is the first museum in the world to be dedicated to a fictional character.


  N: This museum maybe added to the impression that Sherlock Holmes really existed.


  S: Yes, exactly. According to a recent survey, 58% of British people thought that Sherlock Holmes really existed!


  N: And given details in two of the adventures, fans thought that Holmes must have been at the University of Cambridge.

  N:從關(guān)于福爾莫斯的小說中兩次探險的細節(jié)來看,粉絲們認為福爾摩斯肯定在劍橋 大學念過書。

  S: Perhaps Holmes studied biology and anatomy at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, because that offered the greatest number of advantages to Holmes.

  S:福爾摩斯可能在劍橋大學的悉尼蘇塞克斯學院學過生物學和解剖學,因為這會 紿福爾摩斯帶來很大幫助。

  N: The fact is Holmes is the creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. But Doyle had a love-hate relationship with his most popular creation. He killed Holmes off in a story called “The Final Problem” but the public outcry led him to bring the character back. The fact is Conan Doyle wanted to be respected for his other writing as well.

  N:事實上福爾摩斯是阿瑟.柯南道爾爵士虛構(gòu)出來的角色。但是道爾爵士對這個最 受歡迎的角色愛恨交加。在《最后一案》里,他把福爾摩斯“消滅’掉了,但是 公眾的義憤迫使他讓福爾摩斯"死而復生"。事實上柯南道爾希望他能夠因其他 的作品而受到尊重。

  S: By the way, have you watched the movie Sherlock Holmes starring Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law.


  N: Well, I'm going to watch it this weekend. I have watched the trailer of Sherlock Holmes and it seems quite nice.


  S: In the Guinness book of World Records Sherlock Holmes is listed as the most portrayed movie character with over 70 actors playing the part in over 200 films.

  S:在吉尼斯世界紀錄中,夏洛克福爾摩斯這個電影角色的扮演者是史上最多的, 曾有70多個演員分別在200多部電影中扮演過福爾摩斯。


  A: Yesterday was the 350th anniversary of Oliver Cromweirs death and this anniversary was “celebrated” by the publication of a new book.

  A:昨天是克倫威爾逝世350固年紀念日,有人出版了一本新書,以‘‘慶祝”這個紀 念日。

  B: I have read that book. That book suggests that the Lord Protector’s reputation should be reassessed in the light of two massacres he conducted in Ireland.

  B:我看過那本書。那本書認為護國公克倫威爾的聲譽應(yīng)該要重新評價,因為他在愛 爾蘭進行了兩次大屠殺。

  A: Oliver Cromwell is a controversial figure in the English history. The overwhelming majority of the 150 biographies of Cromwell published over the past century had been favorable. And Cromwell came third in a BBC poll to find the greatest Briton of the second millennium. But in Ireland they have long taken a different view.

  A:在英國歷史上克倫威爾是一個有爭議的人物。上世紀以來出版的150本克倫威爾 的傳記中的絕大多數(shù)都是對克倫威爾贊譽有加的。在BBC的一個"尋找2000年 以來最杰出的英國人u的投票中,克倫威爾排名第三。但是愛爾蘭人早就對他心 懷不滿。

  B: Yes, it is. According to an Irish historian, the slaughters at Drogheda and Wexford which were led by Cromwell in 1649 ranked among the greatest atrocities in Anglo- Irish history. Though Cromwell is England’s great parliamentarian, he should be It was so cruel. And this act sent shock waves of fear through the rest of Ireland. Other towns surrendered as soon as Cromweirs army approached. But in the eyes of many Britons, he is a hero in the battle between good and evil. And he is a man who restores morale in an age dominated by expediency and compromise, who presses a new political equality and a religious toleration. I can’t deny his popularity in England. He has more roads named after him than any other Englishman and woman except Queen Victoria. He is a dominant figure in the memory of British and Irish history, and probably the one with most disagreement.

  B:是的,他的確有爭議性。一名愛爾蘭歷史學家認為,1649年由克倫威爾領(lǐng)導的 德洛格達和韋克斯福德大屠殺在英國——愛爾蘭歷史上是最殘酷的暴行之_。雖 然克倫威爾是英格蘭杰出的國會議員,他也應(yīng)該為戰(zhàn)爭罪、宗教迫害和種族清洗 感到內(nèi)疚。當克倫威爾和他的軍隊登陸愛爾蘭時,德洛格達是他們進入的第一個主要城鎮(zhèn)。 克倫威爾傳召德洛格達的?;庶h指揮官并讓他投 降。當指揮官拒絕投降時,克倫威爾的模范軍就 占領(lǐng)了整個城鎮(zhèn)并殺死守備部隊共計2500名軍官 和平民。這真是殘酷。這一舉動在愛爾蘭的其他地方引起 了恐懼的震動??藗愅柕能婈犚唤咏硞€城鎮(zhèn),那個城鎮(zhèn)就投降。但在很多英國人眼里,克倫威爾是正義和邪惡之 戰(zhàn)中涌現(xiàn)出來的英雄。在一個充斥著權(quán)宜之計和 妥協(xié)的時代,他重振了土氣。他推動并執(zhí)行了一 種新的政治平等和宗教寬容。我不否認克倫威爾在英格蘭很受歡迎。除了維多利亞女王外,以克倫威爾名字命名的道路比任何一個英國人都要多。在英國和愛爾蘭歷史的回憶中,他是一個主 宰人物,可能也是爭議最多的一個。

  A: This topic is so serious. Shall we switch to another topic?


  B: Sure. Have you ever heard of the ghost of Cromwell? Rumor has it that Cromwell has returned as a ghost to his lifetime haunts.

  B:好啊。你聽說過克倫威爾的幽靈嗎?據(jù)傳聞,克倫威爾化作鬼魂回到了他生前住 的地方。

  A: Yes. And I often think that, in order for someone to return as a ghost, his life must have been unfulfilled in some way, perhaps ending tragically, prematurely, or violently.

  A:我也聽過這個傳聞。而且我經(jīng)常想,某人要化作鬼魂歸來,他的生活必須是在某 種意義上設(shè)有得到滿足,可能是悲劇性、過早地死去或是死于非命。

  B: There have been so many reported sightings of ghosts and odd happenings at Oliver Cromweirs House.


  A: Oliver Cromweirs home in Ely has now been turned into a museum documenting Cromweirs life and the history of the Civil War period.

  A:克倫威爾在伊利的家現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)變成一個博物館,記錄克倫威爾的生活和英國內(nèi)戰(zhàn) 時期的歷史。

  B: A woman, who once stayed at the house with her husband, described seeing the figure of a powerful man who gripped her arm firmly before disappearing. She believed it was the ghost of Cromwell.

  B: 一個曾經(jīng)和丈夫一起在克倫威爾房子里呆過的女人,說她看見了一個強壯的男人, 那個男人在消失之前牢牢地抓住她的肩膀。她相信那就是克倫威爾的幽靈。

  A: Well, it seems we don’t need to go to Madame Tussauds to see famous dead British people.


  B: Ha-ha, I’d rather choose to go to Madame Tussauds.






