It is traditionally a staple of Italian cuisine butin modern cookeryis used across the globe. Now thepopularity of pasta has been confirmed in asurvey which places it as the world's favourite foodahead of meat, rice and pizza.
A global survey by Oxfam saw pasta narrowlytop the list thanks to its growing popularity in theAmericas, Asia, Africa and Europe. Oxfam said thesurvey of eating habits in 17 countries shows how Western diets have spread across theworld。
Although national dishes are still popular - such as paellain Spain and schnitzel in Germany- pizza and pasta are now the favourite foods of many, with more than half of the countries(nine out of 17) listing one or both in their top three foods。
But as a food with around 600 different varieties including popular exports like penne andtagliatelle, pasta reigns supreme thanks to its versatilityand specialities。
Pasta ranked as the second most popular food in the UK, behind steak and ahead ofchicken. Curry, thought by many to be one of the most popular cuisines in Britain, rankedfourth。
The survey also highlighted the worldwide popularity for Asian food - Chinese was thesecond-most popular in Mexico while sushi made the top ten in five countries including theUSA and South Africa。
There were some surprising results as well, with sweet-toothed Australia naming chocolateas its favourite food。
And despite its worldwide dominancein the fast food market for decades, McDonald's rankeda lowly 113 in the list. Its rival KFC did not fare much better, coming in at 107.
The opinion poll also revealed that the cost of food is a worldwide worry with two thirdssaying it is one of their top food concerns. More than half of the people questioned globally (54per cent) said they are not eating the same food they did two years ago, with two fifths (39 percent) of those saying it was because food was becoming more expensive。
The news comes despite debate as to whether pasta is good for you at all, with conflictingdiet advice suggesting it can help you both lose weight or pile on the pounds。
Pasta is widely thought to have originated from Arab invaders who conquered Sicily in theeight century fed by slow-release carbohydrates. The food they ate which originated from driednoodle was made from durum wheat - the stapleingredient which must now be used in all driedpasta by Italian law。
3.小學(xué)英語作文:我最喜歡的食物(My favourite food)
4.小學(xué)英語作文:我最喜歡的食物(My favourite food)