marriage certificate
Marriage license
爸媽結(jié)婚證 Certificate of Marriage
結(jié)婚證書套 marriage certificate holder
結(jié)婚證復印件 Copy of Marriage Certificate
結(jié)婚證公證件 Notarized marriage certificate
結(jié)婚證和公證 Marriage certificate and notarial certificate
領(lǐng)結(jié)婚證 Obtain marriage license
1. Wives will have to bring along their marriage certificate.
2. Condominium Ownership Certificate , Certificate for the Right of Land Usage.
房產(chǎn)證 、 國有土地使用證、結(jié)婚證.
3. There was also an easily overlooked material, that is, your marriage certificate!
這里還有一項容易被忽視的材料, 就是你們的結(jié)婚證!
4. In Beijing for a good marriage certificate or run away?
5. Calculate calculate master to help bring a marriage certificate next 2009!
6. Marriage certificate is just another word for a work permit.
7. We have arranged to apply for a marriage certificate tomorrow.
8. We would like to a marriage certificate.
9. Should marriage certificate be enacted period of validity?
10. Should certificate be enacted of validity?
11. Last year the office issued 122 , 259 marriage licenses.
去年, 該婚姻登記處共辦理了122259張結(jié)婚證.
12. Do a marriage certificate to apply for insurance?
辦結(jié)婚證必須辦理保險 嗎 ?
13. Mary and John took out a marriage licence.
14. And a special licence. You must shall be married by a special licence.
15. Die Ehe ohne Eheschein nennt sich auch freies Zusammenleben. Heutzutage diskutiert man neutral dar ü ber.
沒有結(jié)婚證的婚姻也稱自由共同生活. 如今人們中立地談?wù)撨@件事.
Indonesia’s size, tropical climate, and archipelagic geography, support the world’s second highest level of biodiversity (after Brazil), and its flora and fauna is a mixture of Asian and Australasian species.
印度尼西亞幅員遼闊,屬熱帶氣候,且為多島國,是世界上生物物種多樣性排名第二的國家 (第一為巴西),其動植物多是亞洲和大洋洲物種的結(jié)合體。
Forests cover approximately 60% of the country.
Indonesia’s high population and rapid industrialization present serious environmental issues, which are often given a lower priority due to high poverty levels and weak, under-resourced governance. Issues include large-scale deforestation (much of it illegal) and related wildfires causing heavy smog over parts of western Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore; over-exploitation of marine resources; and environmental problems associated with rapid urbanization and economic development, including air pollution, traffic congestion, garbage management, and reliable water and waste water services.
近年來,印尼人口激增,工業(yè)化發(fā)展迅速,從而造成很多環(huán)境問 題,但這些問題卻沒有得到足夠重視,其主要原因是國家太貧窮, 政府缺乏獎金。這些問題包括:大面積的濫伐森林(大部分是不合 法的)、森林大火引起的濃霧籠罩西印尼部分地區(qū)、馬來西亞和新 加坡的海洋資源的過度開發(fā),以及其他城市化進程和經(jīng)濟發(fā)展帶來 的環(huán)境問題,像空氣污染、交通擁堵、垃圾管理和飲用水及廢水處 理等。
Habitat destruction threatens the survival of indigenous and endemic species, including 140 species of mammals identified by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) as threatened, and 15 identified as critically endangered, including the Sumatran Orangutan.
棲息地的破壞已經(jīng)危及到一些當?shù)靥赜形锓N的生存,包括世界 自然保護聯(lián)盟IUCN確認的140種哺乳動物,其中15種是已經(jīng)瀕臨 滅絕的,比如蘇門答臘猩猩。
Since so many environmental problems have taken place, the Indonesia government has made measures to deal with them.
因為已經(jīng)發(fā)生了諸多的環(huán)境問題,印尼政府也在考慮采取對應 措施。
Such measures are not only made in any industry, but also in the marriage process.
Prospective newlyweds in an Indonesian province are being given one more promise to honor: planting trees to help slow the rapid deterioration of the country’s forests.
如今,印度尼西亞某省的準新人們要多履行一個結(jié)婚承諾:他 們在結(jié)婚前必須得先植樹,為減緩印尼森林覆蓋面積迅速減少出一 份力。
As Indonesia marks World Environment Day on Thursday, husbands-and brides-to-be in Gorontalo, a rugged mountainous province on Sulawesi island, are being required to plant 10 seedlings supplied by the local government,said Hasyim Alidrus, head of the religious affairs office.
據(jù)印尼哥倫達羅省宗教事務(wù)局局長哈希姆?阿里竺斯介紹,在 本周四的“世界環(huán)境日”當天,該省的每對準新人被要求種植由當 地政府提供的10株樹苗。哥倫達羅省是位于印尼蘇拉威西島的一 個山區(qū)省份。
It is part of a nationwide “re-greening” initiative launched by President Susilo Bambang Yud-hoyono at the Bali Conference in Bali last November and millions of trees were planted across the vast archipelago after the meeting.
該活動是為了響應印尼總統(tǒng)尤多約諾于去年11月 在“巴厘會議”上提出的一項“再綠化”全國植樹計劃。會 議結(jié)束后,印尼在全國各島嶼種植了數(shù)百萬棵樹。
The program, critics say, is largely symbolic in a nation that is losing its forests at one of the fastest rates in the world due to illegal logging, mining, new oil palm plantations and slash-and-bum land clearing.
評論家說,這一計劃對于印尼來說很具象征意義。由于非法砍伐、采礦、開辟新油棕園及燒芭活動泛濫,印 尼已成為全世界森林覆蓋率下降速度最快的國家之一。
Conservationists say deforestation on Borneo island has claimed an area the size of some European countries and continues virtually unabated.
環(huán)保人士指出,森林采伐已導致婆羅洲島的大片森 林消失,其面積相當于一些歐洲國家的國土面積,但采 伐活動仍在繼續(xù)。
That has hardly dampened the enthusiasm of 27-year-old Khairul Baso and his fiancee,Andini, who received two 6-month-old teak trees along with palm, fruit and flower seedlings ahead of their wedding this weekend.
不過這并沒有打消27歲的哈盧?貝索和他的未婚妻安迪尼植樹的熱情,他們在這周末的婚禮 前領(lǐng)了 2株6個月大的柚木樹苗以及一些棕櫚樹、果樹苗和花苗。
The couple is just one of nearly 900 that this year received trees from Gorontalo’s religious affairs office, where they are required to register their marriage documents. Couples are required to plant the trees to receive their legal paperwork, Alidrus said.
今年共有近900對新人在哥倫達羅宗教事務(wù)局領(lǐng)了樹苗。同時,宗教事務(wù)局也是新人們領(lǐng)取結(jié) 婚證的地方。阿里竺斯說,按照規(guī)定,準新人們完成植樹義務(wù)后才可領(lǐng)取結(jié)婚證。
The customs of marriage vary. Especially with the increasing number of transnational marriages, the worshippers wish and have to marry according to the tenets of their religion; the state must decide whether that ceremony will be effective to create a valid marriage. For example, the government may decide whether a clergy has sufficient authority to declare marriage or whether a civil ceremony will be required.
婚姻習俗在各地都不一樣,特別是隨著跨國婚姻的增多,一些朝圣者必須根據(jù)宗教的規(guī)定來 舉行婚禮。國家也會因此判斷婚禮是否有效。比如,政府會規(guī)定某神父是否有權(quán)利宣布某粧婚姻或 者是否還需要另外的地方性儀式。