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  Macho Women 男人婆

  John: Okay. So Sarah, you said you participated in rodeos before but I thought only men ride horses in rodeos?


  Sarah: Yeah. Like 99.9% of the time, the men do all of the rodeo sports. There's like two sports for women and the rest of them are all for men.


  John: Oh.


  Sarah: When I said I wanted to do the traditionally male events, they said, "You can't do that. You're a woman. You have to do these other events that are not dangerous. They're safe." For example, the men do calf roping. You work with a baby cow, a calf that's about 100 pounds. The women do goat roping. And they work with a tiny goat that's about the size of a small dog. So I just always thought the difference was stupid. I don't want to do the easy, safe event. I want to do the difficult event and people were really surprised. And first, they said, "You can't." And I said, "I'm going to anyways."


  John: Wow!


  Sarah: And the first time I did the saddle bronc, they said, "Look, look, look. We got you a girl horse because you're a girl."


  John: Oh my.


  Sarah: And I thought, "Well, you didn't need to draw more attention to it. I just want to compete like everyone else."


  John: Right.


  Sarah: And my first time, I fell off the horse and I was really injured. And I was laying there and one of my friends came running out. And he said – I thought he was going to help me up and help me leave because I was really hurt. And instead he said, "Hurry up! You got to get off the – you get out of the arena because the next person wants to go."


  John: Oh, wow!


  Sarah: And I was really happy that he said that actually because he was just treating me the way he treated any other competitor. "Oh, get up. Be tough. You're fine."


  John: Yeah.


  Sarah: And I didn't want anyone to help me.


  John: So he didn't help you.


  Sarah: Right. And I was really glad that he was treating me like everyone else. And when you see a rodeo, you'll see that the women do events where they can dress really nice. They always wear nice clothes, beautiful hat. They even have earrings and things on. And when the men do events, they're doing events that they really have to use their muscles and get dirty, and I really liked doing those instead. I'm not saying one is better than the other, I'm just saying I like to do the other one and I think that maybe other women like to do the other events, too.


  John: So do you think that the situation is improving? Are more girls joining rodeo now?


  Sarah: I don't think so. I think the sport of rodeo is becoming less popular. So I think in the future, there won't be more women in rodeo. There will just be fewer people in rodeo.


  John: Oh, I see.


  Sarah: Because the rodeo events, they're not very kind to the cows or the other animals. And as people get older, maybe they get more softhearted like me, and they don't want to make the animals get tied up or chase the animals. And so I think fewer people are interested in rodeo these days.


  First Jobs 第一份工作

  Sarah: So Adam, how old were you when you got your first job?


  Adam: I was 16 but actually my dad tried to get me to work at Baskin & Robbins when I was 15. And the manager wouldn't hire me because I was under legal working age in the States. How old are you when you first started working?

  亞當(dāng):16歲,不過(guò)我15歲的時(shí)候我爸曾試圖讓我在Baskin & Robbins冰激凌店工作??墒怯捎谖也坏矫绹?guó)的法定工作年齡,所以經(jīng)理沒(méi)有雇傭我。你第一次工作時(shí)多大?

  Sarah: I started working when I was 14. I'm from North Carolina in the States. And there, you are legally able to work at the age of 14. So I worked as a DJ. My father owns a radio station, so I became a DJ at age 14.


  Adam: That's amazing. What sort of things did you talk about as a DJ?


  Sarah: It was mainly a programming situation, an AM radio station. So I don't have to talk much. It was mainly just operating the board. And a few commercials, and weather and things like that I would have to talk. But mostly, it was just pressing buttons.


  Adam: Did you play any music?


  Sarah: Yeah. Some music, depending on the time of day.


  Adam: Could you play what you wanted or did you have to follow a script?


  Sarah: No, you have a follow a format pretty much, so. So what's been the most interesting or exciting job you've ever had?


  Adam: I worked at an airport fueling airplanes when I was in college. And I drove a fuel truck around the tarmac and fueled airplanes, big commercial airplanes like 747s and also small private prop planes just with two passengers. That was a really interesting, interesting job.


  Sarah: It sounds kind of slightly dangerous or maybe a lot of responsibility. Was it?


  Adam: Yeah. If you – because you're driving this large truck around very, very expensive planes, so a lot of responsibility. It wasn't so much dangerous, I don't think. But yeah, it was definitely – if you made an error or had an accident, it would be a big accident. It was – the hours were not very good. I had to wake up at 4:00 in the morning to go to the airport at 5:00. And when I went home I would smell just of gasoline. But it was quite an interesting and kind of exciting job.


  Sarah: Nice.


  Adam: Yeah. How about you? What's your most interesting job?


  Sarah: Most interesting, I guess, for me was I was hired by a car company one time to go and do like test drive demonstrations on like different cities around the US. And I had to, like, ride around with people doing the test drive and tell them about the vehicles, which was interesting because I really know nothing about cars. So I had to memorize a lot of information. But it was fun getting to go to different cities in the US every weekend.


  Adam: Wow, cool. What car company did you do this for?


  Sarah: I did that for Kia but I've also worked for Hummer, and Ferrari and BMW.


  Adam: Wow. That's amazing. Were those separate contracts for Ferrari, Hummer and BMW?


  Sarah: Yeah. For those, I didn't do test drives. I was, what's called a promotional model or a brand ambassador. So the companies hire local people when they're an event in a certain area. And most of the time, you're just getting people to fill out surveys or do some kind of prize drawing. But in the case of Kia, it was actually doing test drives.


  Adam: Did you get any free merchandise or vehicles from any of these?


  Sarah: I wish I got a free vehicle, but no, just the t-shirt or whatever outfit you had to wear for the promotion.


  Adam: Yeah, that's sounds really interesting. I love cars, so I'd love to do something like that.


  Stay-at-home Moms 全職媽媽

  John: So we've been talking about women's roles in society. And are you a stay-at-home mom or a working mom?


  Sarah: Well, I guess I'm both. Right now, I'm on maternity leave and I'm on month six of maternity leave.


  John: What does that mean?


  Sarah: So maternity leave is when you have a job but then you become pregnant or you're going to have a baby, maybe adopt, too. So you're going to have a baby, and so you take time off of work to stay home with the new baby.


  John: Oh, I see. Do you still get paid?


  Sarah: I do. I get about half of my wage. So I do still get paid and I'm very grateful for that. So I've been at home with the new baby for six months. And I'm going to go back to work next month.


  John: Oh. What will happen with the baby?


  Sarah: So I have two kids actually. I have a toddler and a baby. And both of them will go to daycare during the day.


  John: I see.


  Sarah: So I signed up for the daycare before the baby was even born. It's really hard to find good daycare that you can afford, that's near your house. So you have to start planning before the baby is even born if you're the type of person who wants to go back to work.


  John: I see. I don't think many men worry about getting good daycare for their children...


  Sarah: No.


  John: When they think about their jobs.


  Sarah: No. Even when there's a family, and the mother and father both work, still it's the mother that has to do everything with the kids, usually. Usually, the mom has to for example, get the bag ready for the kids to take to daycare. They have to arrange the daycare. They have – the daycare has the mother's phone number, usually. And so, the mom has to do a lot of extra work even though mom and dad both have full time jobs.


  John: I see. Are you saying that things should be different?


  Sarah: Yes. I think things should be different. I'm so lucky my husband agrees with me. And my husband, he drops the kids off at daycare and he picks them up and he does the laundry and the dishes. And it helps me to be – and it helps me focus on my career so that I can stay late at work if I need to. I can go to an extra meeting on a weekend. And it makes me feel more fulfilled that it's not my husband's job that comes first. A lot of times women make less money than men and they put their job second to their husband. And it's not equal, and it's not fair. And so, I think that people should work on making things more equal.


  John: Well, I agree with you.


  Sarah: Thank you.




2.常用實(shí)用英語(yǔ)情景對(duì)話:Lunch Meeting 午餐會(huì)


