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  Having Roommates 室友

  Adam: Hi Sarah. Today we're talking about lifestyle options. So my first question would be would you rather live with a roommate or live by yourself?


  Sarah: This one would definitely depend on who the roommate is. I have lived alone many times and I've also had lots of different roommates, and I found that any roommate that's extroverted does not work well with me. I find that like if I come home and they're there, like I don't want to be there. So I leave again, or I just go in my room, close the door. I think the worst situation was when I lived with my sister. She is very extroverted, and we were working the same types of jobs and spending a lot of time together. When I came home, I just wanted to be alone. And so I would go in my room and she thought that I didn't love her, I didn't want to spend time with her. But really, you know, I just needed my space. So in that case, living alone is better. But if I have someone who is more similar in personality to me, then it works well to have a roommate. I currently have a roommate and we get along really well because we have similar temperaments. And so, yeah, it works well for us.


  Adam: So would you say that opposites don't attract?


  Sarah: When it comes to living together, absolutely not.


  Adam: Hmm. How about your living situation in terms of a house or an apartment, which one would you prefer?


  Sarah: Definitely an apartment because to me a house seems permanent. And I love change. So I also move a lot. I have moved to a new place every two years or less for like the past 12 years of my life. So the thought of having a house and being stuck in one place doesn't really appeal to me.


  Adam: I can understand that. This apartment of yours, would you prefer it to be in the city or in the countryside?


  Sarah: I would naturally say city, but ironically, most of the places I have lived have been more countryside or rural because that's where I found work. But in the future, I think I would like to live in a larger city.


  Adam: Any cities in mind?


  Sarah: Not right now. I'm still trying to decide about what country I want to move to next.


  Adam: How about this apartment of yours in the city, would it be furnished or unfurnished?


  Sarah: Interesting you ask that, because the apartment I'm currently in is unfurnished. And when I moved here, it was really complicated to try to furnish it because I live on the fifth floor and there is no elevator. And it became quickly very problematic when I moved in trying to get things. But when I was coming, the apartment agency that I was dealing with told me that there weren't any furnished apartments in the area where I lived. So I thought it was the only option when really it wasn't.


  Adam: Yeah, the fifth floor, you must have got some good exercise carrying all that stuff up there.


  Sarah: Definitely.


  Adam: How do you feel about pets?


  Sarah: I love animals. I would love to have a dog or a rabbit. When I lived in China, I had a rabbit. But it's just not practical for my life because I live overseas and I go back and forth between the States visiting family. And it's just not practical to have one. So maybe one day if I ever settle down.


  Adam: A dog, a rabbit?


  Sarah: Probably a dog. Dog would be first option definitely, a Dachshund. My favorite animal is Dachshund.


  Adam: Those are cute.


  Sarah: Yeah.


  Lifestyle Options 生活方式的不同選擇

  Sarah: All right, Adam. So we're going to talk about lifestyle choices. First question for you is would you rather have a roommate or live alone?


  Adam: I've had some really good experiences with roommates, but right now I live alone. And I really enjoy to have my own space and I like to keep it a certain way. I'm kind of a clean person, so I probably choose to live alone.


  Sarah: Okay. That leads me to my next question which is house or apartment. So if you choose to live alone, would you like a house or an apartment?


  Adam: I'd love to live in a house. Right now I live in an apartment and it's okay. But yeah, I really like the outdoors, and like to have a yard or a small garden or something would be great. So I love, like, privacy. I like to play my music really loud or something, so in a house maybe I could do that. And in an apartment, it's a bit difficult.


  Sarah: So a house usually means a pretty big commitment of like where you're living. So if you could have a house anywhere where would it be?


  Adam: Maybe in my hometown. It would be nice to have a house in Seattle. But I am not a person that likes to be tied down so much, so that would be kind of tricky for me. Apartments are also nice too because you don't have the upkeep and the responsibility that you might have with a house. So that is nice. I wish I could just have a house and just move it with me wherever I go.


  Sarah: So if you could move that house anywhere, would it be like a town or a city, like what do you prefer?


  Adam: I'd definitely live outside of the city, but close enough to where I could commute within like 20 minutes, 30 minutes to be able to go shopping and do my everyday life. But I like peace and quiet and nature, so definitely outside of the hustle and bustle of the big city.


  Sarah: So how about pets? Would you like to have a pet or not have anything or one live in your house?


  Adam: I love animals. I have always wanted to have a dog or really, any sort of pet. But I move so much that it makes having a pet difficult. So I've never really had one although if I ever do settle down somewhere, I would absolutely get maybe several pets. I love, I love animals.


  Sarah: Nice. Thanks.


  Introverts and Extroverts 內(nèi)向和外向

  Abidemi: Hi. So Rory.


  Rory: Yeah, hi.


  Abidemi: Hi. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?


  Rory: I'm not sure, you know. Sometimes I think that I'm basically an introvert. Like as I get older, I much prefer my own company.


  Abidemi: Interesting.


  Rory: I don't really like going to parties that much if there's going to be new people there. If it's my friends, I'm happy to go out, but I don't know. What about you?


  Abidemi: It's funny what you said. I feel the same way. I think sometimes I'm an introvert and other times I can be an extrovert. But maybe in reverse to what you said. I feel like the older I get, the more extroverted I become.


  Rory: That's interesting.


  Abidemi: While I was younger, I was a lot shier, so I preferred my own company. But now I find that sometimes too, I really enjoy people. So I like to meet new ones. So yeah.


  Rory: Yes. In the classroom, as a teacher, I'm quite an extrovert I think. I quite like being up in front of students and showing off, but I would never do that in front of other teachers or my friends, in my personal life.


  Abidemi: Interesting.


  Rory: But something about the classroom maybe because it's my environment and I'm in control that I feel more comfortable, like being more extroverted and showing off, camping up.


  Abidemi: I think it would be a little difficult to be introverted if you were a language teacher. I think it certainly helps to be extroverted or to act to be able to become more extroverted when you're in the classroom for sure. For sure.


  Rory: Yeah. And have you ever done anything really extroverted, like performed in public?


  Abidemi: Before I used to sing actually, and I have sang in concerts.


  Rory: Right.


  Abidemi: And it's true. I think that's where my introverted self really comes out because although I enjoy singing and I like the attention to a certain extent, but I get really nervous. Really, really nervous when I'm in front of a large crowd. And sometimes I'm like, "Why am I doing this to myself? Why am I here?"


  Rory: Yeah.


  Abidemi: But yeah, I don't do that so much anymore.


  Rory: Right. And do you think people can change? Do you think people – because people seem to want to become more extroverted? It seems to be like society says extroverted people are successful people.


  Abidemi: It's true.


  Rory: Do you think people can change or do you think people should try to change?


  Abidemi: I've heard of actually people saying that depending on the language that people change with the language. I've heard of some of my students saying that when they speak in a different language, their personality actually changes, where maybe in their own language, they may be quieter. But when they speak the different language, they become a lot more extroverted.


  Rory: Right.


  Abidemi: It's as if they change. So whether or not it's a real change I think you can "fake it" quote-unquote even if you're not an extrovert or an introvert. Maybe for a few hours or for the occasion. Yeah, you can pretend, and then go back.


  Rory: Right. I wonder if when we speak a different language, we don't have the same connections with the words.


  Abidemi: That's true.


  Rory: It makes it easier to maybe speak more honestly and not worry about what other people think of us.


  Abidemi: That's true.






