蜥蜴 ,俗稱“四腳蛇”又稱“蛇舅母”,在世界各地均有分布,你知道蜥蜴的的英文怎么說(shuō)嗎?今天學(xué)習(xí)啦小編在這里為大家介紹關(guān)于蜥蜴的英語(yǔ)知識(shí),歡迎大家閱讀!
Having the teeth attached by their sides to the inner side of the jaw, as in some lizards.
Each tail piece wriggles to wholly confuse and distract an attacker.
Adding yolk to a little egg was a recipe for a female.
When an alligator lizard is attacked by an enemy it drops its tail.
Some lizards spread elongated ribs covered in flaps of skin.
Meetings are just one symptom of anorganization run by the lizard brain.
In time the lizard grows a new tail.
Lizards have four legs and a long tail.
The lizard baked on the hot rocks.
A lizard will regenerate its tail if it's cut off.
Not only does the model predict where lizards should be disappearing; it alsopredicts where they should not be in danger.
This iguana is one of the few lizards found in that cold climate.
Neither the lizard nor the glass has any secrets.
When it comes to lizard sex, size does matter. But not in the way you might think.
Meetings are just one symptom of anorganization run by the lizard brain.
The lizards initially looked under only the blue disc, where they expected the wormto be.
The lizards were able to manage all three tasks with ease—matching theperformance of tits in similar tests.
Sometimes I even feast on small birds, lizards and rodents like mice.
With the profile of a dinosaur and the texture of a rose bush, a thorny devil inAlice Springs Desert Park looks like trouble, but this slow-moving, six-inch [15-centimeter] lizard eats only ants.
在這個(gè)廣受歡迎的度假勝地,人們經(jīng)常見(jiàn)到這種食草動(dòng)物。 它是美洲最大的蜥蜴之一,在自然環(huán)境下,平均壽命為20年。
A common sight in the popular vacation destination, the herbivores are amongthe largest lizards in the Americas and have an average lifespan of 20 years inthe wild.
A rare tree frog, a mudfish and lizards are among the thousands of speciesthreatened by extinction.
He does, however, have a problem—and it is one that might help to explain why,besides phylogenetic prejudice, the lizard mind has not been properlyinvestigated before.
The false child began to cry softly in its lizard's voice, and the girl kissed its face.
She would show me flowers that look like cats claws, birds beaks, lions ears,doves feet, elks lips, and lizards tails growing right up out of the ground!
Jose spends hours in the yard studying ants and lizards.
The fossil he mentions is now a member of Archosauromorpha, a group thatincludes birds and crocodilians, but not lizards, snakes, or turtles.
Authorities say the mob of 'roos is endangering a species of local lizard and thethreatened gold sun moth through overgrazing.
When air cools at night, dew collects on the lizard’s skin and is pulled to its mouthby capillary action.
It's now believed that snakes either evolved from a lizard that burrowed on land orswam in the ocean.
They say that wearing stripes can make you look thinner. Well, lizards don't care about looking svelte. But their stripes might help them avoid getting caught by a hungry predator—and not by camouflage. No, it may be that the stripes make them look like they're moving slower than they really are, messing up the predators' timing. That's according to a report in the journal Royal Society Open Science.
Gopal Murali at the Indian Institute of Science Education Research got interested in the question of why so many lizards sport stripes while perusing hundreds of images of the conspicuously decorated critters.
"Surprisingly when we looked into the literature we did not find any direct experimental evidence for the role of striped coloration in lizards."
Seems such eye-catching coloration would make the bearers easier for predators to spot in the wild. So Murali wondered whether bright stripes might create a sort of optical illusion, one that would disorient predators and maybe get them to grab a lizard's tail rather than a more vital body part.
"Since it is well known that the tail of lizards can be easily lost and most of the predators are known to attack the head or body of lizards, we thought that the purpose of contrasting stripes on the body of lizards in motion might actually trick predators to attack the tail which doesn't cost much for the lizards when its life is at risk."
But does such stripy subterfuge really work that way? To test the idea, Murali could not change the colors of actual animals to see whether racing stripes can really save a lizard's hide, more so than solid colors or random blotches. And he knew he couldn't convince live predators to try to capture fake lizard models. So he did the next best thing.
"We carried out the experiment using humans as surrogate predators and asked them to play a game on a touch screen where they attack the virtual lizards with different color patterns."
Murali had more than 150 volunteers lunge for rectangular prey on a touch screen. He suggested that they aim for the “head”…the region at the front of the rectangle based on which way it was moving. Some rectangles had stripes along their fronts. Others had spots or had stripy bottoms.
Turns out the volunteer predators had a tougher time catching the virtual prey that was striped on top than any of the other variations. And when the hunters made any contact it tended to be at the tail. Because, Murali determined, the effect of the stripes was to make the lizards appear slower than they actually were.
"The findings are analogous to the striped pattern being a force field which prevents predators from attacking the most important body parts and hence redirecting the attacks to the tail."
Leaving more lizards alive, to flee another day.