A: Can I help you?
C: Could you show me where your vases are located?
A: Sure. They're just on the shelf over here. They're made in the workshopbehind this souvenir shop.
C: They're beautiful. I'll take a pair of the green vases.
A: Would you like me to wrap them for you?
C: Yes, please. Could you wrap them up separately and send them to my sisters in New York by mail for me?
A: Sure. Can I interest you in some of the shell crafts that are also handmade here?
C: They're very nice, but I think I'll pass.
A: Perhaps your sisters would like a key ring. There are plenty of vivid designs printed on the key rings that you can choose from.
C: No, thank you. I'll just stick with the vases, thanks. I'm in a bit of a hurry.
A: Alright. I'll wrap this up as quickly as I can. While I do this, you can write their names and addresses on these forms.
C: OK. How much will that be?
A: With shipping, that will be 200 euros. I'll throw in a few key riing for you, as well.
C: There you go. Thank you very much. How long will it take for the vases to arrive in New York?
A: They should get there in about 3 weeks. Here's my business card. If you have any problems, you can contact me by email. Have a nice day!
C: Hello, do you remember me? I bought some vases from you yesterday.
A: Yes, you sent them to New York, right?
C: That's right. I thought I'd come back to buy some more souvenirs.
A: What did you have in mind?
C: Well, first, I'd like to buy a few postcards. My sister used to always send a postcard to herself whenever she went anywhere. I want to do that, too.
A: We have plenty of postcards to choose from here. The same designs can be found on these posters.
C: Posters are difficult to travel with. I think I'll just buy the postcards. I heard that you might also have some of the masks that are made in Venice.
A: Yes, we do. They're on the wall behind you.
C: How much do they cost?
A: The prices are clearly marked on the back of each mask. Would you like me to get one down for you to look at?
C: Yes, I think I'd like the green mask in the middle.
A: Here you are.
C: I'll take it. I'd also like to buy some chocolate.
A: Are you looking for some homemade chocolate as a gift?
C: Yes, it's my girlfriend's birthday today and she loves chocolate.
A: We've got plenty to choose from here.
C: They look delicious. I think she'll be pleased!
3分鐘英語旅游小對話:Theme Travel
I: Have you ever been to Disneyworld?
M: When I was young, my parents took me to the one in California. I always forget which-is that one Disneyland or Disneyworld?
I: The one in Florida in Disneyworld and the one in California is Disneyland, so you must have been to Disneyland.
M: That's right. Why do you ask?
I: Well, I've never been to either so I was thinking of going to Disneyworld for my honeymoon.
M: When are you getting married?
I: Some time next year. We haven't set the date yet.
M: Congratulations! I had no idea.
I: Thank you. So what do you think? Would we have a good time?
M: Do you like amusement parks?
I: For the most part, yes. Some of the rides are bit too scary for me, though.
M: If you don't think twice about the rides and go on every ride that you can, you'll have a good time.
I: Even the roller coasters that go through tunnels in the dark?
M: Even those. It'll be very romantic, I think. You'll have loads of fun.
E: Thanks for the advice. I'll talk to my fiance about it tonight.
M: I'm sure he'll love the idea. Just throw yourself into it and you'll enjoy it!