學(xué)習啦 > 學(xué)習英語 > 英語短語 > 日常生活的句子


時間: 長思709 分享




  我知道了。 I see.


  That's why I was late. (……所以我才來晚了。)

  = I see. (我知道了。)

  嗯,嗯。 Uh-huh.


  啊,是嗎? You have?

  ①I've been to Chicago. (我去過芝加哥。) →You have?

  ②He's from Chicago.(他是芝加哥人。) →He is?

  ③He went to Chicago. (他去芝加哥了。) →He did?

  ④He is tall. (他的個子很高。) →He is?

 ?、軭e's cooking now. (他正在做飯。) →He is? 以上各句的答句要作相應(yīng)變化。

  是那樣嗎? Is that right?


  = Is that so?

  = Is that true?

  = Is that correct?

  是那樣。 That's right.

  沒錯! Exactly!


  = That's it exactly.

  = That's exactly it.

  是嗎? Oh, yeah?


  是嗎? Is that so?

  = Really?

  = Oh, really?

  = Oh, do you?

  = Oh, you do?

  = Oh, you like it? (哦,你喜歡嗎?)

  = Oh, thank you. (哦,謝謝。)

  It's nice, isn't it? (是不是特棒呀?)

  然后呢? And?


  我也是。 Me, too.


  = So am I.

  = So do I.

  = So did I.

  我也不…… Neither do I.

  用于對對方“我不……”的話的回應(yīng),表示“我也不……”的意見時。比“Me, neither.”要正式。

  Tom doesn't want to go. (湯姆不想去。)

  = Me, neither. 說法比較隨便。正式的工作場合最好不用。

  別說傻話。 Don't be silly.

  I'll pay for dinner. (我付晚飯的錢。)

  = Don't be foolish.

  真是太倒霉了。 That's too bad.


  I've lost my wallet. (我丟了我的錢包。)

  真的嗎? Are you sure?

  真是太過分(遺憾)了! What a shame!

  那好哇。 Good!


  真叫人吃驚。What a surprise!


  我真希望不是這樣。 I hope not.

  要是那樣就好了! I hope so.

  太棒了! Great!

  難以置信! Unbelievable!

  See? My dog can sing. (你知道嗎?我的狗會唱歌。)

  = Incredible.

  開玩笑吧! No kidding!

  = You're kidding!

  = You're joking!

  = That can't be!

  行!沒問題! You bet.

  May I borrow your pen? (可以借用你的鋼筆嗎?)

  = You bet. (當然行。)

  = No problem.

  = Sure.

  = Certainly.

  嗯…… Well...





  = Umm...

  = Hmm...

  讓我想想。 Let me see.

  see “考慮”、“盤算”、“想”,口語中常用來表示無法立刻答復(fù),一時想不出回答的話,或想說點什么。

  May I take your order? (您點什么菜?)

  = Well, let me see...(點什么呢?……)

  = Let's see.

  = Let me check. (讓我查查。)

  = I'll find out for you. (我找找。)

  我的意思是…… I mean...


  May I ask who you are? (請問您是哪位?)

  I'm a friend of John's... I mean, Mr. Sheehan. (我是約翰的朋友,我是說我是希恩先生的朋友。)當說話的人是希恩先生的朋友時。

  話就在嘴邊上。 It's on the tip of my tongue.

  說什么好呢? What should I say...


  = How should I put this...

  = How should I put it...

  我真不知道該說什么好…… I don't know quite how to put this.

  = You said you wanted to talk to me... (聽說你有話要對我說……)

  = Well, I don't know quite how to put this... (嗯,我真不知道該說什么好……)

  = I don't know how to say this.

  = I'm not sure how to put this.

  這可讓你問著了。 Beats me.

  回答不了別人的提問時,“哎呀!這可糟了”、 “怎么說呢”、 “不知道呀”的語氣。

  What's the population of Narita? (成田市有多少人口呀?)

  = I can't answer that. (我可答不上來。)

  叫什么來著? What do you call it?


  = What would you call it?


  讓你問住了。 You've got me.


  Who's the prime minister of Canada? (加拿大的是誰?)

  You've got me. (讓你問住了。)

  你說點什么吧! Say something.

  I'm speechless. (我連話都說不出來了。)

  = A penny for your thoughts.


  我想知道得詳細一些。 Tell me more (about it).

  = I want to know more about it in detail.

  = I'd like to know more details.


  你的旅行怎么樣? How was your trip?

  It was terrible. (太糟糕了。)

  我在認真地聽呢。 I'm all ears.


  會開得怎么樣? How was the meeting?

  We didn't accomplish much. (沒什么結(jié)果。)

  繼續(xù)說呀。 I'm listening.


  = Keep talking.

  我很想聽聽那件事。 I'd like to hear the story.

  Did you hear about my trip? (你聽說我旅行的事了嗎?)

  Not yet. I'd like to hear the story. (沒呢。我很想知道。)

  = I'd like to know the story.

  = I'd like to hear about it.

  我們只是閑聊一會兒。 We had small talk.

  small talk “閑話,不著邊際的話”。

  電影怎么樣? How was the movie?

  I really enjoyed it. (我覺得很有意思。)

  那部戲有意思嗎? Did you enjoy the play?

  No, it was dull. (真沒勁。)

  我想現(xiàn)在就談?wù)勀羌隆?I want to talk about it now.

  Let's talk about it later. (那事我們以后再談吧。)

  = I want to talk about it now. (我想現(xiàn)在談。)

  說吧,說吧。 Shoot!


  = I need to tell you something. (我有事要告訴你。)

  = Shoot! (說吧,說吧。)Go ahead.

  = What's on your mind.

  咱們說英語吧。 Let's talk in English.

  = Let's speak in English.

  咱們聊會兒天吧! Let's have a chat.

  抓重點的說。 To the point, please.


  = Stop beating around the bush. 常用短語。

  = Get to the point, please.

  今天過得怎么樣? How was your day?

  Exhausting. (我已經(jīng)精疲力盡了。)

  我們換個話題吧! Let's change the subject.

  Okay, okay, I'll pay you back next week... (好吧,好吧,下星期我還你錢……)

  = Let's talk about something else.

  = Let's talk about something different.

  = I'd rather talk about something else. (能不能換個別的話題。)

  言歸正傳。 Let's get back to the subject.

  Yes, let's. (對。)

  = Let's get back to the point.

  = Let's get back on track.

  我現(xiàn)在不想談那件事。 I don't want to talk about it now.

  = I'd prefer not to talk about it. (我不想談?wù)撃羌隆?

  那事兒以后再說吧。 Let's talk about it later.

  We're playing golf this Sunday, right? (我們這個星期天要去打高爾夫球,對吧?)

  另外我們說說…… To change the subject...

  I can't believe it. (真讓人難以相信。)

  = To change the subject... (另外我們談點兒別的吧。)

  好了,玩笑就到此…… Well, all joking aside,...

  Ha, ha, that's a good one! (哈,哈,這個玩笑真有趣。)

  = Well, all joking aside, let's get to work. (好了好了,玩笑歸玩笑,快去干活兒吧。)

  = Well, seriously,...

  順便提一下…… By the way,...

  It was really fun. (真的特好玩。)

  By the way, how is John? (順便問一下,約翰怎么樣了?)

  = Well,...

  = Now,...

  你剛才說什么來著? You were saying?


  = Continue.

  = Carry on.

  = Please go on.

  啊,我想起來了。 That reminds me.

  The party gonna be great! (那個舞會一定會很棒。)

  Oh, that reminds me. I can't go. (啊,我想起來了,我去不了。)

  別說了。 Let's stop talking.

  I'm tired of talking. (我都說累了。)

  = I don't want to talk anymore. (我不想說了。)

  那事兒我聽過了。 I've heard the story before.


  = You've already told me.

  = I'm sick and tired of hearing that. (我耳朵都聽出老繭了。)

  sick and tired of... “對……膩透了”。

  = I've heard enough about it (already).加already起強調(diào)作用。

  = I don't want to hear about it anymore. (我再也不想聽那件事了。)

  這件事別再說了。 Let's drop the subject.

  drop 除了“落下”之外,還表示“(問題、事件、話題等)完了、結(jié)束、停止”。

  = Let's drop it.

  = I don't want to talk about it anymore. (我再也不想說那件事了。)

  別那么大聲說。 Don't say it so loud.

  I thought you were hard of hearing. (我以為你沒聽見呢。)

  = Don't say that kind of thing so loudly. (那種事別那么大聲嚷嚷。)

  = (Please) lower you voice. (小點兒聲。)

  我已經(jīng)決定了。 I've decided.

  I've decided to move. (我已經(jīng)決定搬家了。)

  Really? (真的?)

  = I've made up my mind.

  = I've come to a decision.

  一切都看你的了。 It's up to you.

  up to... “應(yīng)該……做”、“隨便……”、“全由……負責”。

  What should we do tonight? (今天晚上我們干點兒什么?)

  = It depends on you.

  = It's completely up to you. 稍微強調(diào)的語氣。

  = It's all up to you. 比較強調(diào)的說法。

  你決定吧! You decide.

  Do you want to go out or stay home? (你想出去,還是在家?)

  這是關(guān)鍵性的一點。 This is the important point.

  = This is the main point.

  = This is crucial. 語氣稍重。

  這是我個人的問題。 This is my personal problem.

  Let me help you. (我來幫助你吧。)

  = This is my private affair.

  這是生死攸關(guān)的大事。 It's a matter of life and death.


  = It's extremely important. (這是一件極其重要的事。)

  是去是留,隨你。 You're free to go or stay.

  = You're free to leave anytime.

  = I'm not keeping you here.

  已經(jīng)無可挽回了。 There's no turning back.

  Are you going to patch things up? (你們打算和好嗎?)

  = No, there's no turning back. (已經(jīng)不能挽回了。)

  = We can't turn back now.

  走一步看一步吧!(到時候再說吧!) Let's play it by ear.


  Should we go to the party tonight? (我們今天晚上是不是該去參加聚會?)

  = I don't know. Let's play it by ear. (我不知道,到時候再說吧。)

  = Let's leave everything to chance.

  = Let's just see what happens. (看情況吧。)

  我確信我能做好。 I'm sure I can do it.


  Are you sure you can do it? (你真的可以做嗎?)

  = I certainly can do it.

  = I believe I can do it. (我相信我能干。)

  我仍然無法決定我該做什么。 I'm still unable to decide what to do.

  What are you going to do? (你打算做什么?)

  I'm still unable to decide what to do. (我仍然無法決定該做什么。)

  I'm still undecided. (我還下不了決心。)

  I still can't decide what to do. (我還無法決定我該干什么。)

  = I'm still unsure. (我仍然沒有把握。)

  我跟著她。 I'll follow her.

  = I'll go after her.

  我們擰成一股繩地去干。 Let's all get together and act as one.

  = Let's work together as a team.

  反正,也得干。 I have to do it anyhow.


  = I must do it anyway.

  機不可失,時不再來。 It's now or never.


  Should I go to college? (我應(yīng)該去上大學(xué)嗎?)

  = Yeah, it's now or never. (當然,機不可失,時不再來。)

  = No time like the present. 直譯是“沒有像現(xiàn)在這樣的時間了”。

  = Seize the day. 直譯“把握今天”。多在軍隊中用。

  = Carpe diem. (不必擔憂未來,及時行樂。) 出自拉丁語,英語中也常使用。

  越早越好。 The sooner, the better.

  When should I go? (我什么時候去?)

  The sooner, the better. (越早越好。)

  碰碰運氣看。 I'll take a chance.

  Can you jump over the river? (你能跳過那條河嗎?)

  I'll take a chance. (碰碰運氣看。)

  = I'll take a gamble.

  = I'll go for it. (我大膽試一試。)

  = I'll give it a try. (試試看。)

  再拿出點勇氣來。 Have more guts!

  我們總得想辦法完成。 Let's finish it somehow.

  somehow “想方設(shè)法”、“不管怎樣”。

  It's getting late. (已經(jīng)這么晚了。)

  Let's finish it somehow. (我們總得想辦法完成。)

  = Let's try our best to finish it. (竭盡全力完成。)

  = Let's get it over with. (趕快把它做完吧。)

  值得一試。 It's worth a try.

  worth “有價值”、“值得”、“也許不順利”或“做起來太勉強,但值得一試”。

  I don't think I can beat him. (我想我贏不了他。)

  = Well, it's worth a try. (但,值得一試。)

  我們必須同心同德。 We must function as one mind and one body.

  = We have to work together.

  = We must be a team.

  = We have to cooperate with each other. (我們必須相互協(xié)助。)

  你等著瞧吧。 You just wait.

  豁出去了。 It's all or nothing.


  = We're betting all of our money. (我們把所有的錢都賭上吧。)

  = Yeah, it's all or nothing. (好吧,孤注一擲。)