

時(shí)間: 長(zhǎng)思0 分享



  The commonsense commonwealth government no longer uses the uncommon commonplace.


  commonsense [ ?k?m?n'sens ] a. 具有常識(shí)的

  commonwealth [ 'k?m?nwelθ ] n. 共和國(guó),聯(lián)邦

  uncommon [ '?n'k?m?n ] a. 不尋常的,不凡的,罕有的 ad. 非常地

  commonplace [ 'k?m?npleis ] n. 常事,老生常談,普通的東西 a. 平凡的,陳腐的

  The communist communicated communism to this municipal community.


  communist [ 'k?mjunist ] a. 共產(chǎn)主義的 n. 共產(chǎn)主義者

  communicate [ k?'mju:nikeit ] v. 溝通,傳達(dá),交流

  communism [ 'k?mjuniz?m ] n. 共產(chǎn)主義

  municipal [ mju(:)'nisip?l ] a. 市的,市政的

  community [ k?'mju:niti ] n. 社區(qū),團(tuán)體 群落(生)

  In the bar the barber bargained for a jar of jam, then got over the barrier of barrels.


  bar [ bɑ: ] n. 條,棒,橫木,酒吧 v. 禁止,阻撓

  barber [ 'bɑ:b? ] n. 理發(fā)師

  barrier [ 'bæri? ] n. 界線(xiàn),屏障,障礙物 v. 以屏障隔開(kāi)

  barrel [ 'bær?l ] n. 槍管,炮管,桶 vi. 快速移動(dòng) vt. 把...裝桶

  bargain [ 'bɑ:gin ] n. 交易,買(mǎi)賣(mài),物美價(jià)廉的東西 v. 議價(jià),交易,討價(jià)還價(jià)

  jar [ d?ɑ: ] n. 廣口瓶,震動(dòng),刺耳聲 v. 震驚,沖突,發(fā)刺耳聲

  jam [ d?æm ] n. 果醬,擁塞之物,堵塞 v. 擠,塞滿(mǎn),混雜

  The quarrelsome general quarreled about a quarter quart of oil in the headquarters.


  quarrelsome [ 'kw?r(?)ls?m ] a. 喜歡爭(zhēng)吵的

  quarrel [ 'kw?r?l ] n. 吵架,反目,怨言 v. 吵架,爭(zhēng)論,挑剔

  quarter [ 'kw?:t? ] a. 四分之一的 n. 四分之一,一刻鐘 vt. 四等分

  quart [ kɑ:t ] n. 夸脫

  headquarter [ ?hed'kw?:t? ] n. 總部,總局

  On the wedding I saw blooms embeded in the bed of the bedroom.


  wedding [ 'wedi? ] n. 婚禮

  bloom [ blu:m ] n. 花 v. 開(kāi)花

  embed [ im'bed ] v. 使插入,使嵌入,深留 [計(jì)算機(jī)] 嵌入

  bed [ bed ] n. 床 v. 安置,把...栽入苗床

  bedroom [ 'bedrum, -ru:m ] n. 臥室 adj.性感的

  The fisherman wishes to finish the dish of reddish fish.


  fisherman [ 'fi??m?n ] n. 漁夫

  wish [ wi? ] n. 希望,愿望,祝頌 v. 愿,想要,希望

  finish [ 'fini? ] n. 完成,結(jié)束 v. 完成,結(jié)束,毀掉 [計(jì)算機(jī)] 終結(jié)

  dish [ di? ] n. 盤(pán)子 vt. 上菜 n.一樣菜,一道菜

  reddish [ 'redi? ] a. 帶紅色的,微紅的

  fish [ fi? ] n. 魚(yú) v. 捕魚(yú),釣魚(yú)

  On the Christmas the Christian's assistant fisted Pistol Piston and twisted his wrist.


  christmas [ 'krism?s ] n. 圣誕節(jié)

  christian [ 'kristj?n ] a. ____的 n. 基督


  assistant [ e=sistent ] 形:助理的;輔助的。名:助手助理;助教,店員

  fist [ fist ] n. 拳頭 vt. 緊握,用拳頭打

  pistol [ 'pistl ] n. 手槍 vt. 用手槍射擊

  piston [ 'pist?n ] n. 活塞

  twist [ twist ] n. 一扭,扭曲 v. 擰,扭曲

  wrist [ rist ] n. 腕,腕關(guān)節(jié)

  My sister insists consistently on persistent resistance to transistor radios.


  sister [ 'sist? ] n. 姐妹

  insist [ in'sist ] v. 堅(jiān)持,強(qiáng)調(diào)

  consistently [ k?n'sist?ntli ] ad. 一貫地

  persistent [ p?'sist?nt ] a. 固執(zhí)的,堅(jiān)持的

  transistor [ træn'zist? ] n. 晶體管(收音機(jī))

  The chemist and the mistress insist that the mist consists of several chemicals.


  chemist [ 'kemist ] n. 化學(xué)家,藥劑師

  mistress [ 'mistris ] n. 主婦,女主人,情婦

  insist [ in'sist ] v. 堅(jiān)持,強(qiáng)調(diào)

  mist [ mist ] n. 霧,迷蒙,朦朧不清 v. 使...模糊,下霧

  consist [ k?n'sist ] v. 組成,存在,一致

  chemical [ 'kemik?l ] a. 化學(xué)的 n. 化學(xué)制品

  My nephew found a few dewdrops on the Jewish jeweler's jewel.


  nephew [ 'nevju(:), 'nefju(:) ] n. 侄子,外甥

  few [ fju: ] a. 很少的,不多的,少數(shù)的 int. 少數(shù)的 a. 少數(shù)的

  dewdrop [ 'dju:dr?p ] n. 露珠

  jewish [ 'd?u(:)i? ] a. 猶太人的

  jeweler [ 'd?u:?l?(r) ] n. 珠寶商

  jewel [ 'd?u:?l ] n. 寶石 v. 鑲以寶石

  The crew unscrewed the screws from the sewing-machine and chewed them.


  crew [ kru: ] n. 全體船員,全體乘務(wù)員 vi. 一起工作

  unscrew [ '?n'skru: ] v. 擰開(kāi)

  screw [ skru: ] n. 螺絲釘,吝嗇鬼,壓迫 v. 扭緊,壓榨

  chew [ t?u: ] v. 咀嚼,嚼碎,細(xì)想

  The interviewer reviewed the newspaper and renewed his viewpoint on the news.


  interviewer [ 'int?vju:?(r) ] n. 會(huì)見(jiàn)者,面談?wù)?訪(fǎng)問(wèn)記者

  review [ ri'vju: ] n. 檢討,復(fù)習(xí),回顧,評(píng)審 v. 溫習(xí),檢討,評(píng)論

  newspaper [ 'nju:speip? ] n. 報(bào)紙

  renew [ ri'nju: ] v. 更新,復(fù)始,恢復(fù)

  viewpoint [ 'vju:?p?int ] n. 觀點(diǎn),看法

  news [ nju:z ] n. 新聞,消息

  The refiner defined a definite confine with her fine finger.


  refiner [ ri'fain? ] n. 精練者,精練機(jī),推論精細(xì)的人

  define [ di'fain ] vt. 定義,解釋

  definite [ 'definit ] a. 明確的,一定的

  confine [ 'k?nfain ] v. 限制,閉居 [計(jì)算機(jī)] 限制

  fine [ fain ] n. 罰款,罰金 a. 美好的,好的,晴朗的,健康的 v. 罰款

  finger [ 'fi?g? ] n. 手指,指針

  The sugared vinegar is refined from the sugarcane and pine.


  sugar [ '?ug? ] n. 糖 v. 加糖于

  vinegar [ 'vinig? ] n. 醋

  sugarcane [ '??g?kein ] n. 甘蔗

  pine [ pain ] n. 松樹(shù) v. 消瘦,憔悴,渴望

  We are dined and wined in the inner dining-room of the inn.


  dine [ dain ] v. 用正餐,進(jìn)餐

  wine [ wain ] n. 酒,葡萄酒

  dining-room [ 'daini? rum ] n. 餐廳

  inn [ in ] n. 客棧,小旅店

  inner [ 'in? ] a. 內(nèi)部的,里面的,內(nèi)心的 n. 里面,內(nèi)部

  I'm inclined to underline these disciplines in the outline written on linen.


  incline [ in'klain ] n. 傾斜,斜坡,斜面 v. 使...傾向,愛(ài)好,易于

  underline [ ??nd?'lain ] v. 在...下面劃線(xiàn)

  discipline [ 'disiplin ] n. 訓(xùn)練,紀(jì)律,懲罰 v. 訓(xùn)練,懲罰

  outline [ '?utlain ] n. 大綱,輪廓,概要 v. 描畫(huà)輪廓,描述要點(diǎn)

  linen [ 'linin ] n. 亞麻布,亞麻線(xiàn),亞麻制品 a. 亞麻布制的,亞麻的

  The engineer examined the engine of the mining machine for stomach.


  engineer [ ?end?i'ni? ] n. 工程師 v. 設(shè)計(jì),制造 vt. 操縱,設(shè)計(jì),建造

  examine [ ig'zæmin ] v. 檢查,調(diào)查,考試 [計(jì)算機(jī)] 檢測(cè)

  engine [ 'end?in ] n. 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī),引擎,機(jī)車(chē),火車(chē)頭

  machine [ m?'?i:n ] n. 機(jī)器,機(jī)械裝置,機(jī)械般工作的人 v. 以機(jī)器制造 [計(jì)算機(jī)] 機(jī)器

  stomach [ 'st?m?k ] n. 胃 v. 忍受,容忍 vt. 承受,忍受

  The submitted submarine on the magic magazine is shining and magnificent.


  submit [ s?b'mit ] vt.呈送,遞交,主張 vt. 使服從,屈服

  submarine [ 's?bm?ri:n, s?bm?'ri:n ] a. 水底的,海底的 n. 潛水

  magic [ 'mæd?ik ] a. 有魔力的 n. 魔法,魔術(shù)

  magazine [ ?mæg?'zi:n ] n. 雜志

  magnificent [ mæg'nifisnt ] a. 壯麗的,宏偉的

  Thus the enthusiastic dumb man thumbed the humble man's umbrella.


  thus [ ð?s ] ad. 如此,這樣,因此,從而 conj. 因此,于是

  enthusiastic [ in?θju:zi'æstik ] a. 熱情的,熱心的

  dumb [ d?m ] a. 無(wú)言的,啞的

  thumb [ θ?m ] n. 拇指 v. 示意要求搭車(chē),迅速翻閱

  humble [ 'h?mbl ] a. 卑下的,謙遜的,粗陋的 v. 使...卑下,挫,貶抑

  umbrella [ ?m'brel? ] n. 傘

  The trembles of the umbrella assembly lines have resemblances.


  tremble [ 'trembl ] n. 戰(zhàn)悚,顫抖 v. 戰(zhàn)悚,憂(yōu)慮,微動(dòng)

  umbrella [ ?m'brel? ] n. 傘

  assembly [ ?'sembli ] n. 集合,集會(huì),裝配

  resemblance [ ri'zembl?ns ] n. 相像

  I'm interested in why he is arrested while resting in aural restaurant in the forest.


  interest [ 'intrist ] n. 興趣,嗜好,利息 v. 使...感興趣

  arrest [ ?'rest ] n. 逮捕,監(jiān)禁 v. 拘捕,妨礙,吸引

  rest [ rest ] a. 其余的 v.&n. 休息 vi. 擱(在),休息 vt. 使休息

  restaurant [ 'rest?r:?, -r?nt ] n. 餐館,飯店

  forest [ 'f?rist ] n. 森林

  aural [ '?:r?l ] a. 耳的,聽(tīng)覺(jué)的

  I guess the guest's gesture suggested that he could not digest well.


  guess [ ges ] n. 猜測(cè),推測(cè),猜想 v. 猜測(cè),推測(cè)

  guest [ gest ] n. 客人 v. 款待

  gesture [ 'd?est?? ] n. 手勢(shì),姿態(tài) v. 作手勢(shì),作姿態(tài)

  suggest [ s?'d?est ] v. 建議,提出

  digest [ di'd?est; dai'd?est ] 消化

  The pretty priest protested the contest of protein test.


  pretty [ 'priti ] a. 漂亮的 ad. 相當(dāng)?shù)?/p>

  priest [ pri:st ] n. 教士,神父

  protest [ pr?'test ] n. 抗議,反對(duì) v. 反對(duì),抗議,斷言

  contest [ 'k?ntest ] n. 競(jìng)賽,爭(zhēng)論 v. 競(jìng)賽,爭(zhēng)取,爭(zhēng)辯

  protein [ 'pr?uti:n ] a. 蛋白質(zhì)的 n. 蛋白質(zhì)

  test [ test ] n. 測(cè)試,試驗(yàn) v. 測(cè)試,試驗(yàn),接受測(cè)驗(yàn)

  “What a marvelous carving!” the starving harvester in vest said.


  marvelous [ 'mɑ:vil?s ] a. 令人驚異的,了不起的,不平常的

  carving [ 'kɑ:vi? ] n. 雕刻品,雕刻,雕刻術(shù)

  harvester [ 'hɑ:vist? ] n. 收獲者(采集機(jī))

  vest [ vest ] n. 背心 v. 授權(quán),給與

  During the festival the investor investigated his ancestor.


  festival [ 'fest?v?l ] a. 節(jié)日的,喜慶的,快樂(lè)的 n. 節(jié)日,慶祝及祭祀,歡宴

  investor [ in'vest? ] n. 投資者

  investigate [ in'vestigeit ] v. 調(diào)查,研究 [計(jì)算機(jī)] 研究

  ancestor [ 'æns?st? ] n. 祖宗,祖先

  Subsequently the eloquent man frequently asked the consequence of quenching in sequence.


  subsequently [ 's?bsikw?ntli ] ad. 后來(lái),隨后

  eloquent [ 'el?kw?nt ] a. 雄辯的,有口才的,動(dòng)人的

  frequently [ 'fri:kw?ntli ] ad. 經(jīng)常地,頻繁地

  consequence [ 'k?nsikw?ns ] ad. 因而,所以 n. 結(jié)果,后果

  quench [ kwent? ] v. 熄減,結(jié)束,冷浸,解渴

  sequence [ 'si:kw?ns ] n. 序列,繼起的事,順序

  In this semester the westerner thinks Chest Orchestra is the best.


  westerner [ 'west?n? ] n. 西方人

  chest [ t?est ] n. 胸,胸部,衣柜

  orchestra [ '?:kistr?, -kes- ] n. 管弦樂(lè)隊(duì)

  best [ best ] a. 最好的 ad. 最好地

  Henceforth, the north wind is worthless to the northerners.


  henceforth [ hens'f?:θ ] ad. 今后

  north [ n?:θ ] a. 北,北方(的) ad. 向北方 n. 北,北方

  worthless [ 'w?:θlis ] a. 無(wú)價(jià)值的,無(wú)用的

  northerner [ 'n?:ð?n? ] n. 北方人

  On the eastern Easter feast, at least one beast's breasts were tested with yeast.


  eastern [ 'i:st?n ] a. 東部的,東方的

  easter [ 'i:st? ] n. 復(fù)活節(jié)

  feast [ fi:st ] n. 宴會(huì),酒席,節(jié)會(huì) v. 款宴,享樂(lè),請(qǐng)客

  least [ li:st ] a. 最少的,最小的 n.&ad. 最少,最小

  beast [ bi:st ] n. 畜牲

  breast [ brest ] n. 胸脯,乳房 vt. 挺胸迎...而上

  yeast [ ji:st ] n. 酵母

  The young youths lounged in the south mouth of the cave for one month.


  young [ j?? ] a. 年輕的 n. 青年人

  youth [ ju:θ ] n. 年輕人,年輕

  south [ sauθ ] a. 南方的 ad. 在南方 n. 南,南方

  mouth [ mauθ ] n. 嘴,開(kāi)口 v. 裝腔作勢(shì)說(shuō)話(huà), 高聲地說(shuō)話(huà)

  month [ m?nθ ] n. 月

  lounge [ laund? ] n. 閑逛,休閑室,長(zhǎng)沙發(fā) v. 閑蕩,懶洋洋地躺臥

  The bird nests only in northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest lest it be found.


  nest [ nest ] n. 巢,窩 v. 筑巢;嵌入

  northeast [ 'n?:θ'i:st ] n. 東北 a. 東北的,向東北的,來(lái)自東北的 ad. 向東北,來(lái)自東北

  northwest [ 'n?:θ'west ] n. 西北,西北方 a. 西北的,在西北的,來(lái)自西北的 ad. 向西北

  southeast [ 'sauθ'i:st ] n. 東南,東南地區(qū) a. 東南的,向東南的,來(lái)自東南的 ad. 往東南,來(lái)自東南

  southwest [ 'sauθ'west ] n. 西南,西南風(fēng),西南地區(qū) a. 西南的,來(lái)自西南方的 ad. 往西南,來(lái)自西南

  lest [ lest ] conj. 惟恐,以免 prep. 唯恐,以免

  The airport and seaport are important to import and export of portable goods.


  airport [ 'e?p?:t ] n. 機(jī)場(chǎng)

  seaport [ 'si:p?:t ] n. 海港

  important [ im'p?:t?nt ] a. 重要的

  import [ im'p?:t ] n. 進(jìn)口 v. 進(jìn)口,輸入 vt. 輸入,進(jìn)口

  export [ 'eksp?:t ] 輸出,出口

  portable [ 'p?:t?bl ] a. 輕便的,手提式的 n. 手提打字機(jī)

  On the porter's passport a portion of the portrait isn't proportional.


  porter [ 'p?:t? ] n. 搬運(yùn)工人, 守門(mén)人,門(mén)房

  passport [ 'pɑ:sp?:t ] n. 護(hù)照

  portion [ 'p?:??n ] n. 部分,份,命運(yùn) v. 將...分配,分配

  portrait [ 'p?:trit ] n. 肖像,畫(huà)像

  proportional [ pr?'p?:??nl ] a. 成比例的,相稱(chēng)的 n. [數(shù)]比例項(xiàng)

  With the reporter's support, the sportsmen are transported to the airport.


  reporter [ ri'p?:t? ] n. 記者

  support [ s?'p?:t ] n. 支持,援助,供養(yǎng) vt. 支援,幫助,支持

  sportsman [ 'sp?:tsm?n ] n. 運(yùn)動(dòng)員

  transport [ træns'p?:t ] n.運(yùn)輸、運(yùn)輸工具;(常用復(fù)數(shù))強(qiáng)烈的情緒、狂喜或狂怒 v.運(yùn)輸;流放;為強(qiáng)烈的情緒所激動(dòng)

  After a fortnight's torture, the unfortunate man got an opportunity to escape the misfortune.


  torture [ 't?:t?? ] n. 拷問(wèn),苦悶 v. 拷問(wèn),曲解

  unfortunate [ ?n'f?:t??nit ] a. 不幸的,令人遺憾的

  misfortune [ mis'f?:t??n ] n. 不幸,災(zāi)禍

  I got this sort of comfortable soft shorts with no efforts.


  sort [ s?:t ] n. 種類(lèi),樣子,態(tài)度 v. 分類(lèi),整理,排序 n.[計(jì)算機(jī)] DOS命令 : 在字符型文件中進(jìn)行數(shù)據(jù)排序, 或者將DOS命令的輸出進(jìn)行排序

  comfortable [ 'k?mf?t?bl ] a. 舒適的

  soft [ s?ft ] a. 軟的

  shorts [ ??:ts ] n. 短褲

  effort [ 'ef?t ] n. 努力,努力的成果

  The forecaster contrasted the cast castle with the vast desert.


  forecaster [ 'f?:kɑ:st? ] n. 預(yù)報(bào)員

  contrast [ 'k?ntræst ] n. 差別,對(duì)比,對(duì)照物 v. 對(duì)比,成對(duì)照 [計(jì)算機(jī)] 反差

  cast [ kɑ:st ] n. 演員陣容,投擲 v. 投,擲,拋

  castle [ 'kɑ:sl ] n. 城堡

  vast [ vɑ:st ] a. 廣闊的,巨大的

  I tasted the paste in haste and cast it on the waste plaster.


  taste [ teist ] n. 味道,品味,味覺(jué) v. 嘗,體會(huì)

  paste [ peist ] n. 糊,漿糊 v. 粘,貼

  haste [ heist ] n. 急速,急忙 v. 匆忙,趕快 vi. 趕緊,趕快

  cast [ kɑ:st ] n. 演員陣容,投擲 v. 投,擲,拋

  plaster [ 'plɑ:st? ] n. 石膏,灰泥,膏藥 v. 涂以灰泥,敷以膏藥,使...平

  The astronaut, an astronomy fan, is astonished at the gymnastics show in the gymnasium.


  astronaut [ 'æstr?n?:t ] n. 宇航員

  astronomy [ ?'str?n?mi ] n. 天文學(xué)

  astonish [ ?s't?ni? ] v. 使...驚訝

  gymnastics [ d?im'næstiks ] n.&a. 體操

  gymnasium [ d?im'neizi?m, gim'nɑ:zi?m ] n. 體育館,健身房

  The master's masterpiece caused a disaster to headmaster.


  master [ 'mɑ:st? ] n. 主人,碩士,母機(jī) a. 主人的,主要的 v. 征服,控制,精通

  masterpiece [ 'mɑ:st?pi:s ] n. 杰作

  disaster [ di'zɑ:st? ] n. 災(zāi)難

  headmaster [ hed'mɑ:st?(r) ] n. 校長(zhǎng)

  After the blast the plastics show everlasting elasticity.


  blast [ blɑ:st ] n. 爆破,沖擊波,一陣,汽笛聲 v. 爆破,炸掉

  plastics [ 'plæstiks ] n. 整形外科, 外科修補(bǔ)術(shù)

  everlasting [ ?ev?'lɑ:sti? ] a. 永恒的,持久的,無(wú)止境的

  elasticity [ ilæs'tisiti ] n. 彈力,彈性

  The pitch made me itch. I pitched the switch into the ditch around the kitchen.


  pitch [ pit? ] n. 程度,投擲,音高 v. 投,向前傾跌,扎牢,定調(diào),用瀝青覆蓋

  itch [ it? ] n. 癢,渴望,疥癬 v. 使...癢,渴望

  switch [ swit? ] n. 開(kāi)關(guān),轉(zhuǎn)換,接通或切斷…電流,轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng) v. 轉(zhuǎn)變,切換,擺動(dòng)

  ditch [ dit? ] n. 溝渠 v. 墜溝中

  kitchen [ 'kit?in ] n. 廚房

  I scratched a match and saw my watch catching a patch.


  scratch [ skræt? ] n. 抓痕,抓的聲音,亂寫(xiě) v. 搔癢,抓,抹掉

  match [ mæt? ] n. 比賽,火柴,對(duì)手 v. 使...相配,與...競(jìng)爭(zhēng),相配

  catch [ kæt? ] n. 捕捉,陷阱,捕獲物 v. 抓住;趕上,了解,感染

  patch [ pæt? ] n. 片,補(bǔ)綻,碎片 v. 補(bǔ)綴,掩飾,平息

  With time elapsing, the flaps collapse up on his clapper's lap.


  flap [ flæp ] n. 拍打,拍打聲,副翼 v. 拍打,鼓翼而飛,飄動(dòng)

  collapse [ k?'læps ] n. 崩潰,倒塌 v. 倒塌,崩潰,瓦解

  clapper [ 'klæp? ] n. 鈴舌,響板

  lap [ læp ] n. 膝蓋,舐聲,一周 v. 重疊,包裹,輕拍

  The incapable man in cap went into the hospitable capital hospital.


  incapable [ in'keip?bl ] a. 無(wú)能力的,不能的

  cap [ kæp ] n. 帽子,蓋子 v. 給戴帽,覆蓋于…頂端

  hospitable [ 'h?spit?bl ] a. 好客的

  hospital [ 'h?spitl ] n. 醫(yī)院

  capital [ 'kæpit?l ] n. 首都,首府,大寫(xiě)字母,資產(chǎn) a. 首都的,重要的

  I gripped the striped strip that tripped me over on the ship.


  grip [ grip ] n. 緊握,手提包 v. 抓緊,抱住,吸住

  stripe [ straip ] n. 條紋

  strip [ strip ] n. 長(zhǎng)條,條狀 v. 脫衣,被剝?nèi)?剝奪

  trip [ trip ] n. 旅行,摔倒,差錯(cuò) v. 跌倒,使...犯錯(cuò),傾斜

  ship [ ?ip ] n. 船,艦 v. 以船運(yùn)送,乘船,運(yùn)送

  With his lips the sly fly clipped the slippery slipper that eclipsed his sight.


  sly [ slai ] a. 狡猾的,詭密的

  fly [ flai ] n. 蒼蠅,兩翼昆蟲(chóng),飛行 v. 飛,飛翔,逃走

  lip [ lip ] n. 嘴唇

  clip [ klip ] n. 夾子,別針,回形針,修剪,剪下來(lái)的東西 v. 修剪,剪報(bào),痛打

  slippery [ 'slip?ri ] a. 滑的

  slipper [ 'slip? ] n. 拖鞋

  eclipse [ i'klips ] n. 日蝕,月蝕,衰落 v. 引起日蝕,引起月蝕,使...黯然失色

  The button utters in mutter, "The butterfly likes the buttered earthnut/peanut."


  button [ 'b?tn ] n. 鈕扣,按鈕 v. 扣住

  utter [ '?t? ] a. 全然的,絕對(duì),完全 v. 發(fā)出,作聲,發(fā)表

  mutter [ 'm?t? ] n. 喃喃低語(yǔ) v. 喃喃自語(yǔ),作低沉聲,出怨言

  butterfly [ 'b?t?flai ] n. 蝴蝶

  butter [ 'b?t? ] n. 奶油

  earthnut [ '?:θn?t ] n. 花生

  peanut [ 'pi:n?t ] n. 花生

  The scraped escapee taped the grapes into various shapes.


  scrape [ skreip ] n. 刮掉,擦掉 v. 刮掉,擦掉

  escape [ is'keip ] n. 逃亡,避難設(shè)備 v. 逃脫,避開(kāi),溜走 [計(jì)算機(jī)] 換碼

  tape [ teip, tep ] n. 錄像帶,錄音帶,磁帶,帶子 v. 以帶子綁起

  grape [ greip ] n. 葡萄

  shape [ ?eip ] n. 形狀,定形,身材 v. 定形,使...成形,塑造

  various [ 'v??ri?s ] a. 各種各樣的

  In the past the compass could pass passion to the passive man having pastime on the pasture.


  past [ pɑ:st ] a. 過(guò)去的 ad. 過(guò) n. 過(guò)去 prep. 過(guò),經(jīng)過(guò)

  compass [ 'k?mp?s ] n. 指南針

  pass [ pɑ:s ] n. 途徑,通行,及格 v. 經(jīng)過(guò),消逝,傳遞

  passion [ 'pæ??n ] n. 激情,熱情

  passive [ 'pæsiv ] a. 被動(dòng)的,消極的 n. 被動(dòng)性

  pastime [ 'pɑ:staim ] n. 消遣,娛樂(lè)

  pasture [ 'pɑ:st?? ] n. 牧場(chǎng) v. 吃(草) vt. 放牧