I gave myself a name on the Internet, "Rose in the Wind", although I had never written articlesbefore.
According to the China Internet Network Information Center, China had 420 million netizens by the first half of 2010, up 36 million Internet users over year-end 2009.
But many of the mainland’s netizens are angry at how the Philippine authorities handled the situation. “Did the Philippines try its best to deal with this incident?”
“Naked agent f.b.i.”: Screen name of a Shanghai white collar worker who posted revealingphotos of herself on her Myspace blog.
He posts his novels chapter by chapter or in sections online under different pseudonyms as hewrites.
While South Koreans can freely argue about to what degree on-line content here should beregulated, that is not an option in North Korea.
"I've established an identity and a personality and an online and off-line world using this name,"she says. "I look at it as the best part of myself so I'm not going to give it up now.
The tool is clearly very useful as a way to learn more about people whose usernames you come across online. It's not perfect but it's often quite good.
You can still have your own online name, but your real name would be known by the website.
Internet users and bloggers throughout the region reveled in what Tunisian protestors had achieved, calling for copycat actions elsewhere.
The 21-year-old pizza cook, who asked to be identified by his online nickname, makes his songsavailable only through private file-sharing networks known as darknets.
Said another netizen from Zhengzhou, in Henan province: "Life is so fragile when facing naturaldisasters.
Hiding behind screen names, they communicated in chat rooms with other screen names, typingback and forth for hours.
A month later, the high-definition picture had been widely disseminated online, and Internet users had learned his name, the name of his former employer and his home address.
Smart Chinese netizens tend to use proxy servers or s to get around restrictions.
The queen argued that her antipodean country should have control over its own .com name.
Gong's nickname, "Xiao Long Nu" or "Little Dragon Maiden", is well known because domesticand foreign media have covered her story.
"Too many people don't follow the traffic rules in China," wrote someone using the online handleTai Fu Le.
Since people now have to submit their real name when uploading content, the governmenthopes this will cut down on the problem of cyber-bullying in the country.
Almost immediately Dr Xiao, writing under the pseudonym of Hun Jiao Shou (ConfusedProfessor), began criticising Dr Fang for the way New Threads went about its business.
Almost immediately Dr Xiao, writing under the pseudonym of Hun Jiao Shou (ConfusedProfessor), began criticising Dr Fang for the way New Threads went about its business.
1. Internet offers people the space to construct net name arbitrarily.
2. A 16 - year - old Beijing boy, known online as Bart Simon, dislikes QQ users.
一位網(wǎng)名為西蒙男爵的16 歲 的北京男孩不喜歡qq使用者.
3. Le Tao is cleaned out ( net name ) happier recently.
樂淘淘 ( 網(wǎng)名 ) 最近樂不起來了.
4. What and affection are concerned Orphean net name?
5. Suggest Net name is used for site login.
6. You never konw with these online screen names.
7. Goods depends on many tasks strange species, rather than look at their'screen name. "
很多任務物品要看怪的品種, 而不是看它們的 “ 網(wǎng)名 ”.
8. Can leave own net behind in a son is a matter of the what pride!
能夠在如此精彩的帖子后面留下自己的網(wǎng)名是多么驕傲的一件事 啊 !
9. My ID is just my English Name which I was named in my frist job.
10. Internet users trying to call up the Web site were presented with blank screen.
11. Life, we will not be the network name, and replaced by the nickname?
生活中, 我們的名字會不會被網(wǎng)名 、 外號所代替?
12. Today, my girlfriend went on an internet webpage called " How to confess to having an affair "
今天, 我的女朋友注冊了一個新網(wǎng)名,叫 “ 如何承認有外遇 ”
13. Conduct and an university student, I learned much knowledge.
留學解答資訊網(wǎng):作為一名大學生, 我學到了很多知識.
14. More than 160,000 employees worldwide use the tool via the company's intranet.
15. The user posted a comment vowing to " defeat American imperialism. "
這名網(wǎng)民發(fā)表評論呼吁 “ 打倒美帝國主義 ”.