學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語單詞 > dim的反義詞


時間: 楚欣650 分享







  The bright moonlight showed the Taj Mahal in all its glory.


  He grew up in the country, but then found he preferred the bright lights.


  He is not bright, but he always works hard.


  What a nice bright day!


  The guard blew his whistle,waved his bright green flag.


  Foresight tells us that China has a bright future.

  遠瞻未來, 中國有著光明的前途。


  He spoke with firmness, but his face was very sad and his eyes at times were dim.


  I made out two dim shapes in the gloom.


  She is rather dim about the importance of keeping records.


  Old age hasn't dimmed her memory.


  The light of a candle is dimmed by sunlight.


  The lamp threw out a dim light. 燈發(fā)出暗淡的光線。

  The prospects are dim. 前途暗淡。

  The candle cast a dim light on the table. 蠟燭在桌上投下黯淡的光。

  So we have to cancel all other light sources to see this very, very dim light from the atoms. 因此,我們不得不遮蔽所有其他的光源,才能看到這個原子的非常,非常暗淡的光線。

  Because they are so dim, it is plausible that the Sun could have a secretcompanion even though we’ve searched the sky for many years with a variety ofinstruments. 盡管我們用各種儀器搜尋天域許多年未有任何發(fā)現,但由于它們是那么的暗淡,因此太陽還是很有可能有一顆神秘的伴星。

  "Say you're looking for a car with very dim headlights, in the fog," she said. "If youknow approximately where to look, you would have a better chance of finding it.“假設你在濃霧里尋找一輛只有暗淡車頭燈光的汽車,”她又說,“如果你大概知道該往哪個方向尋找,你尋找到它的機會將會更大。”

  There was no one visible; under him, in the water, the dim shapes of theswimmers had disappeared. 周圍一個人也看不見,在他的下面,在水下,游泳者們的模糊的影子也消失了。

  Logic prevails on this one as with dim lighting, busy people and highly flammablefresh paint on the set, you are running the risk of burning down the theater. 這個說法盛行的一個原因是在舞臺上模糊的光線,忙碌的人們以及超易燃的新畫的圖畫,這些帶來把劇院燒毀的風險。

  And when he pierced with a sharp reed the dim eyes of the mole, they laughed, and when he cast stones at the leper they laughed also. 當他用尖尖的茅草刺破鼴鼠暗淡的眼睛時,他們放聲大笑。當他向麻風病人扔石子時他們也幸災樂禍。

  The only trouble is that it would be so dim as to be next to useless. 這種燈的唯一缺點就是它會暗到幾乎沒什么實用性。

  Households, burdened with debt while their retirement savings wither and jobprospects remain dim, have spent only a fraction of the tax cuts. 家庭——一方面負債累累,另一方面退休儲蓄萎縮、工作前景依然黯淡——只花費了減稅所得的一小部分。

  In the early days of dim-sum issuance, approval took only a month or two, a signthe government wanted the market to succeed. 在“點心債券”發(fā)行的早期,得到政府的批準只需要一兩個月,因為當時中國政府希望這個市場獲得成功。

  Dim, flattened, constrained by their confinement, they had never appealed to heras now, when they wandered in the still air with a stark quality like that of nudity.那時的琴聲模糊、低沉、被四周的墻壁擋住了,從來沒有像現在那樣令她激動,琴聲在靜靜的夜空里蕩漾,質樸無華,就像赤裸裸的一樣。

  They extract the vitality from one victim after another, but while they prosper and grow interesting, those upon whom they live grow pale and dim and dull. 他們把一個又一個犧牲者的活力吸凈,但是當他們越發(fā)生機勃勃,興致盎然之時,那些被榨取的人卻變得越來越蒼白、黯淡和遲鈍。

  Households, burdened with debt while their retirement savings wither and jobprospects remain dim, have spent only a fraction of the tax cuts. 一方面負債累累,另一方面退休儲蓄萎縮、工作前景依然黯淡的家庭只花費了減稅所得的一小部分。

  She photographs them over a period of two weeks while their shapes change asthe bacteria stop glowing and begin to dim and die. 這一幅圖保存了兩個星期,后來由于細菌開始死亡,并且變得黯淡無光了,她才不得不用相機拍下來。

  While prospects for greater democracy are dim, the environment of foodshortages may cause urban unrest, which may lead to regime changes, Desaisaid. 德賽說,在推進民主的前景暗淡的時候,食品短缺的局勢可能導致城市騷亂,從而也會導致政權的變更。

  The voice had come from a man who, in the dim light, appeared to be thin,balding at the temples, with a sharp face furrowed by shifting wrinkles. 這個聲音來自坐在昏暗的燈光里的一個男人,看上去瘦瘦的,太陽穴部位快變禿了,消瘦的面孔帶著多變的皺紋。

  All of which might indicate that dim market prospects await the wave of wind-turbine makers from China. 所有這些暗淡的市場前景是在等著中國的風電機制造商來掀起波瀾。

  The world is our world, but set in a distant future where the sun has begun tocool and dim. 世界就是我們現實中的世界,但時間設定在遙遠的未來,在那個時期太陽已經變得冰冷昏暗。