This year we've counted 1,226 billionaires, an all-time high. At a record .6 trillion, the group's combined net worth is up 2%. The average worth of a Forbes Billionaire is .7 billion.
There are now billionaires from 58 countries including ones from Peru, Morocco and Georgia. The U.S. is still home to more billionaires than any other nation, with 425, a dozen more than a year ago. Russia and mainland China follow behind.They have 96 and 95, respectively, down from 101 and 115.
Carlos Slim Helú of Mexico tops the ranks for the third year in a row, but the gap between him and Bill Gates is closing again. His fortune, at billion, is down billion.
“福布斯全球富豪榜”的英文表達為Forbes World's Billionaires。福布斯全球億萬富豪榜的門檻為10億美元(1 billion dollar),2011-2012年度全球共有1226位億萬富豪(billionaire)。相關詞匯有:million 百萬,millionaire 百萬富翁,trillion 萬億。“位居榜單首位”可以表示為top the ranks或top the list。