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  1. 中國搖滾史上首次與交響結合的先鋒--崔健

  The pioneer of combination with rock and symphony for the first time in history--Cui Jian

  解釋:崔健-被譽為中國搖滾樂開山之人,被稱為“中國搖滾之父”。崔健,1961年出生于一個朝鮮族家庭, 父親和母親都是文藝工作者。從十四歲起,崔健跟隨父親學習小號演奏。1981年,他被北京歌舞團招收為小號演奏員,開始了他的音樂生涯。成名曲有1986年的《一無所有》。代表作:《一無所有》、《最后一槍》、《新長征路上搖滾》等等。自1990年代中期以后,崔健逐漸淡出中國歌壇,但是在2005年一張向崔健致敬的專輯《誰是崔健》,再次證明他在中國搖滾界舉足輕重的地位。在2011年崔健跨年演唱會上首次嘗試了搖滾與交響的碰撞,并通過3D立體記錄,后期剪輯,成為電影《超越那一天》。

  Explanation: Cui Jian, the pioneer of Chinese Rock Music, as well known as " the father of Chinese Rock and Roll". Cui Jian, was born in a Korean family in 1961 whose parents were both literary and art workers . Cui Jian started learning trumpet by following his father since he was 14-years-old. In 1981, he was enrolled as a trumpet performer of Beijing Troupe, this indicated the beginning of Cui Jian's musical career. The most famous song as "Nothing to My Name" was published in 1986. Representative: "Nothing to My Name", "One Last Shot", " Rock 'n' Roll on the New Long March" etc. Since mid-1990s, Cui Jian gradually faded out from Chinese-pop scene, but in 2005 an album called "Who is Cui Jian" made by his tribute, once again proved his pivotal rock sector status in China. In 2011 Cui Jian New Year's Eve Concert, for the first time he attempted to combine Rock and Symphony. Through live 3D shotting, and post-production, it then become the movie "Transcendence".

  2. 《超越那一天》,我們共同回憶過去, 一起穿越到80年代。

  "Transcendence", Let's memorize the past, travel back to the 1980s.


  Docu-concert film "Transcendence" is not only a record of Cui Jian and his music, but more importantly using his music as a carrier to reflect the changing times of the Chinese society, causing the Chinese people's collective memory and reflection.

  3. 大陸首部3D音樂會電影《超越那一天》2012年9月14日即將上映!

  The first 3D Docu-concert film "Transcendence" will be released on 14 September, 2012.

  《超越那一天》3D 立體音樂紀錄片片長約75分鐘 。以2011年崔健“新長征路上的立體交響”跨年系列音樂會為主線,首次采用3D立體實拍,貫穿80年代至今中國人生活的素材畫面及崔健的人生經歷的歷史素材剪輯而成的3D音樂記錄電影。凸顯強烈的時代精神 。

  3D Docu-concert film "Transcendence" lasts about 75mins. It is based on Cui Jian New Year's Eve concert series, themed as "Rock 'n' Roll on the New Long March". This film was shot in live 3D for the first time in China, moreover, during the post-production, historical footages were used to throughout the representation of Chinese people's daily life from 1980s till now as well as Cui Jian's life experiences. It specially highlights the strong spirit of that time.

  4. 開啟記憶之門,尋找信仰的力量--大陸首部3D音樂會電影崔健《超越那一天》。

  Open the door of the memory, find the power of faith---The first 3D Docu-concert film in China is Cui Jian "Transcendence".

  近年來,越來越多3D音樂會電影類型的電影開始嘗試新的技術手段,如史上第一部以3D攝影技術拍攝的演唱會電影"U2 3D"。其制片人Michael Peyser 教授此次也擔任了大陸第一部3D音樂電影--崔健《超越那一天》的制片人。

  In recent years, more and more this type of films began to experiment new techniques, such as the first Docu-concert film "U2 3D" shot by using of 3D-photographic techniques in history. Michael Peyser who worked on U2 3D as its producer also make great contribution for Cui Jian "Transcendence"--- the first 3D Docu-concert film in China.


  中國搖滾之父的英語表達就是:the father of Chinese Rock and Roll. rock and roll就是搖滾樂的意思。而3D音樂會電影的英語表達是:3D Docu-concert film。Docu-concert就是實況音樂會的意思。3D就是英文“3-dimensional”的簡稱,dimensional的意思是維度的;次元的;空間的;尺寸的。大陸首部3D音樂會電影起名為《超越那一天》,其英文名為:Transcendence.而transcendence一詞的意思是,超越;卓越。