People purchasing large amounts of prepaid cards will soon have to reveal their real names.
The latest move is aimed at preventing money laundering, tax evasion and bribery, according to an official document published by the State Council, China's Cabinet, on its website on Wednesday.
Issuers of prepaid cards should register customers' identities if they purchase at least 10,000 yuan ( class="main">
In addition, the value of anonymous cards should be below 1,000 yuan, while cards bearing the names of their users should not surpass 5,000 yuan.
文中的“prepaid card”就是“預付卡”的意思,“prepaid”是指“預先支付的”如:prepaid phone card是指“預付費電話卡”,廣義的預付卡包括購物卡(shopping card)、代金券(coupon)、服務卡(service card)、電話卡(phone card)等。商業(yè)預付卡實名制是為了防止洗錢(money laundering)、逃稅(tax evasion)和行賄受賄(bribery)等。