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  impressions of after reading;


  1.《老人與海》 我讀了美國(guó)著名作家海明威的小說(shuō)《老人與?!?,十分佩服小說(shuō)中老漁夫的意志,他讓我懂得了一個(gè)人一定要有堅(jiān)持不懈的精神,才能獲得成功。 小說(shuō)描寫的是一個(gè)年近六旬的老漁夫,在一次單身出海打魚時(shí),釣到了一條大魚,卻拉不上來(lái)。老漁夫同魚周旋了幾天后,才發(fā)現(xiàn)這是一條超過(guò)自己漁船數(shù)倍的大馬林魚,雖然明知很難取勝,但仍不放棄。后來(lái)又因大馬林魚傷口上的魚腥味引來(lái)了幾群鯊魚搶食,但老人仍不愿就這樣放棄,最終突出重圍,將大魚帶回了漁港,讓其他漁夫佩服不已。

  I read a famous American writer Ernest Hemingway's novel "the old man and the sea", very admire kept the will of the novel, he let me know how a man must have perseverance, can succeed. The man is a novel depicts a near the old fisherman, in a single out to sea fishing, caught a big fish, but pull not up. The old fisherman al with fish after a few days, found that this is a more than his several times as big marlin fishing boats, although knowing is hard to win, but still don't give up. Later and because the big marlin wound fish smell drew a few group of sharks rob food, but the old man still would not so give up, eventually beckoning, the big fish back to the fishing port, let the other fishermen

  2.《to 童年admire. 》 這本書是作者真實(shí)生活的寫照,高爾基根據(jù)自己的親身經(jīng)歷,再現(xiàn)了黑暗統(tǒng)治下的孩子從覺(jué)醒到長(zhǎng)大的苦難歷程。阿廖沙是一個(gè)悲慘、可憐的小孩,他的童年是在外祖父家度過(guò)的,他的生活可不像我們現(xiàn)在這樣幸福,充滿陽(yáng)光和愛(ài)。他的外祖父性情暴躁,貪婪、自私;兩個(gè)舅舅也很自私、粗暴,這些都在年幼的阿 廖沙的心里留下了深深的烙印。這本書讓我了解到了當(dāng)時(shí)沙皇統(tǒng)治時(shí)期的困苦生活,讓我知道了現(xiàn)在的美好生活的來(lái)之不易。我們要珍惜現(xiàn)在的幸福生活,熱愛(ài)生活,努力學(xué)習(xí),用自己的能力和智慧把這個(gè)世界建設(shè)得更加美好。

  This book is the real portraiture of life, golgi according to own experience, emersion the children of dark rule from awakening to the suffering of the course grew up. Allyson is a tragic, poor child, his childhood was spent in my grandfather home, his life is not like we do now happiness, full of light and love. His grandfather cranky and greed, selfish; Two uncle is very selfish, rough, these are young allyson heart left a deep imprint. This book let I learned the czar was during the reign of the poor life, let me know the better life now the hard-won. We should cherish the happiness of life, love of life, study hard, with their own ability and wisdom to the world ?

  3.《海底兩萬(wàn)里》 這幾天,我看了一本《海底兩萬(wàn)里》,這本書非常有意思。其中,我被《海底兩萬(wàn)里》中的冰山這一節(jié)內(nèi)容深深打動(dòng)了。 他們?cè)谀蠘O地區(qū)航行,在回來(lái)的路上,不幸被冰山困住,但他們用自己的智慧拯救了自己的生命。 多么驚心動(dòng)魄的一刻啊!想想他們,在危險(xiǎn)的情況下,他們頭腦清醒,用智慧戰(zhàn)勝了困難。那我呢?我從小到大都很膽小,而且在困難來(lái)臨的時(shí)候沒(méi)有勇氣去面對(duì)、去戰(zhàn)勝它。而《海底兩萬(wàn)里》給了我一些勇氣,我應(yīng)該學(xué)習(xí)他們的那種不畏艱險(xiǎn)的精神!《海底兩萬(wàn)里》雖然只是一本冒險(xiǎn)小說(shuō),但它卻給了我許多的勇氣,它讓我勇敢地去面對(duì)現(xiàn)實(shí),不能膽小怕事!

  These days, I read a book "the two miles", this book is very interesting. Among them, I was the submarine two miles of the tip this section content deeply moved. They in the Antarctic voyage, on my way back, unfortunate tip trapped, but they use their wisdom to save his own life. How thrilling moment! Think about them, in dangerous situation, they your head, with wisdom victory over the difficulties. What about me? My whole life is very timid, and in difficult comes no courage to face, to overcome it. The submarine two miles "gave me some courage, I should study they the sort of any difficulty spirit! "The two miles" although just a adventure stories, but it gave

  4.《假如給我三天光明》 《假如給我三天光明》這本書記錄的是海倫.凱勒一生的事。書中感人心腑的故事,總是在我受到困難和挫折是鼓勵(lì)我,不要后退。海倫.凱勒從小就失去了聽(tīng)覺(jué)、視覺(jué)和甜美的聲音。她也曾因自己的缺陷而放棄過(guò),可她又很快振作起來(lái)。在莎莉文老師的幫助下,憑著超人的毅力,不但學(xué)會(huì)了說(shuō)話,還學(xué)會(huì)了五種語(yǔ)言文字!她一生熬過(guò)了八十七個(gè)無(wú)聲、無(wú)語(yǔ)、無(wú)光的孤獨(dú)歲月!一個(gè)人只要胸懷大志,并不懈向著目標(biāo)努力奮斗,就不會(huì)被一些客觀條件束縛,你就會(huì)擁有無(wú)限的力量去實(shí)現(xiàn)它!堅(jiān)貞不屈、不斷進(jìn)取的精神是海倫.凱勒所擁有的,我們——祖國(guó)的接班人更應(yīng)該擁有這種美好的精神品質(zhì)!

  "If three days to see" the book of records is Helen. Keller of life. In the heart of the book moving heart-sweetening story, I was always in difficulties and frustrations is to encourage me, don't back. Helen. Keller was lost his hearing, vision, and sweet voice. She also had by his own defects and given it up, but then she soon cheer up. In Sally, the help of the teacher, with superman perseverance, not only learn to talk, but also learn to five language! Her life survived the eighty-seven silent, speechless, the loneliness of light years! As long as a person ambitious, and unremitting efforts to the target, won't be some objective conditions bondage, you will have unlimited power to realize

  5.it! Stood 《firm and 水unyielding, enterprising 滸spirit 傳is Helen. ? 》 《水滸傳》是部龐大、復(fù)雜的小說(shuō),它生動(dòng)地描寫、反映了梁山起義的發(fā)生,發(fā)展壯大直至起義失敗的整個(gè)過(guò)程。它明確地描寫出了當(dāng)時(shí)起義的社會(huì)根源和原由,并成功塑造出了那些栩栩如生的起義英雄的形象,且通過(guò)他們不同的反抗道路展開(kāi)了起義過(guò)程,也具體地揭示了起義失敗的內(nèi)在原因。英雄們走上反抗的道路,各有不同的原因和不同的情況,但是在逼上梁山這一點(diǎn)上,許多人是共同的.他們不滿官府的剝削,受地主的掠奪和迫害起而反抗,結(jié)果被逼上山落草.勇猛地向統(tǒng)治階級(jí)進(jìn)行沖擊.他們是從血的教訓(xùn)中覺(jué)醒過(guò)來(lái)的。 The marsh is large, complex of novel, it vividly, reflect the occurrence of liangshan uprising, grow until the whole process of a failed uprising. It clearly description out of the uprising was social origins and reasons why, and successful making out the lifelike uprising hero image, and through them the resistance of the different road launched uprising process, also specifically reveals the internal reasons for a failed uprising. The resistance of the heroes on road, each have a different reason and to different situations, but in revolt this point, many people are common. Their dissatisfaction with the government exploitation, the landlord's rob and persecution revolted against, the results were forced up the mountain were gone. Bravely impact to the ruling class. They were from the blood of the teaching of the awakening of the ?



  What We Learned: College is basically the Middle East, only with more gunfights, racial tension and date rapes.


  If there's a movie you're both interested in seeing, watch it individually and then call each other afterward and talk about it.


  What We Learned: If you bully your team's water boy he will later show up inexplicably playing for your arch rival and rupture your spleen. Also, going to class is for suckers.


  On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students what they thought of it.


  Again, send a link to this post.Ask them what they think.Challenge them to get creative.


  Learning of tables is essential even if there is a calculator. Each child should keep a diary where they can write stories, experiences and observations.


  When I found this review in our forum I had no choice but to move it to the main page.


  I advised writing an article after visiting the exhibition.


  His roommate, Mary, is asking him about it.


  I'm looking for time to write another two films out of Feedback, and recommend to others.


  What We Learned: If you follow the example set in this movie, you will end up in federal prison.


  Joe Bradley: Bnd that will be the end of the fairy tale.


  I have been working on records, records that every section of Guan Hougan, I would like to.


  What We Learned: Follow your heart and let inspiration into your life.


  Probably everyone has seen a movie at one time or another! Discover some Modern English terms for expressing your feelings about them.


  If there's a movie you're both interested in seeing, watch it individually and then call each other afterward and talk about it.


  These reviews accord with and stick to universal values. Effective criticism should have humanity as its core and embody humanistic concern and the spirit of rationalism .


  On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students: What they thought of it.


  Other children in the beginning of the paintings simple copy, the teacher let Chan Kwok-Kwan Shing see Picasso and the works of masters such as Monet, and then follow with the creation Feedback.


  The movie is about the Wall Street "about it."


  So far, the research documents for this work are limited to the brief introduction to the plot or the simple after-reading comments.


  Welcome any members here who are interested in this program to post any comments , suggestions or view about this program.


  The Girl with the Dragon Tatto …


  A Girl's Wish On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students what they thought of it.


  What We Learned: If you're trying to make your college's swim team it helps to know the Triple Lindy.

  《天降食物》觀后感 故事講的內(nèi)容是這樣的:有一個(gè)小島,上面的人都很喜歡吃沙丁魚,這個(gè)小島還是專門出產(chǎn)沙丁魚的。

  There is a small island, the people are very like eat sardine, the island is specialized in the manufacturing of sardine.

  《天降食物》觀后感 故事講的內(nèi)容是這樣的:有一個(gè)小島,上面的人都很喜歡吃沙丁魚,這個(gè)小島還是專門出產(chǎn)沙丁魚的。

  There is a small island, the people are very like eat sardine, the island is specialized in the manufacturing of sardine.







觀后感的表達(dá)方式靈活多樣,基本屬于議論范疇,但寫法不同于一般議論文,因?yàn)樗仨毷窃谟^看后的基礎(chǔ)上發(fā)感想,觀后感的英文怎么說(shuō)?下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編整理的觀后感的英文單詞,歡迎閱讀。 觀后感的英文單詞 impressions of after readin


  • “個(gè)人識(shí)別碼”英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)


  • “量子計(jì)算機(jī)”英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)

    名詞解釋: 量子計(jì)算機(jī)(quantum computer)是一類遵循量子力學(xué)規(guī)律進(jìn)行高速數(shù)學(xué)和邏輯運(yùn)算、存儲(chǔ)及處理量子信息的物理裝置。當(dāng)某個(gè)裝置處理和計(jì)算的是量子

  • 如何解除雅思配對(duì)題


  • 雅思閱讀入門的“黃金法則”

    雅思閱讀入門的黃金法則 乍一看,雅思考試的閱讀部分似乎很難,幾乎不可能完成。文章中充斥著大量的數(shù)據(jù)和許多非常專業(yè)的術(shù)語(yǔ)。然而,雅思考試事實(shí)