lords and ladies in rich apparel
★ garment(n)(文或謔)(一件)衣服
a strange shapeless garment that had once been a jacket 用夾克改成的怪模怪樣的衣服
2、cajole(vt) ~ sb into/out of sth 哄騙某人作某事,勸誘某人(指用恭維或欺騙的手段)
She was cajoled into accepting a new contract。她受人哄騙而接受了新合同
~ sth out of sb 以哄騙的手段從某人處得到(信息)
The confession had to be cajoled out of him 連哄帶勸他才坦白。
★ coax(vt) ~ sb into/out of doing sth 勸誘或哄騙某人(指慢慢的、逐漸的勸誘)
He coaxed her into letting him take her to the cinema。他哄的她同意帶她去看電影
~ sth out of/from sb 用好言好語(yǔ)勸說(shuō)某人
I had to coax information out of him 我得用好話套出他掌握的情況。
3、discard(vt) 扔掉,丟棄(某物);不再使用,不再穿戴(已沒(méi)用的物品)
discard one’s winter clothes in spring 春天里換下冬裝
★ reject(vt)拒絕接受(某人某事物)
She rejected his offer of marriage。她拒絕了他的求婚
Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control 我們進(jìn)行質(zhì)量檢驗(yàn)時(shí),有缺陷的產(chǎn)品均應(yīng) 剔除。
an effete civilization 沒(méi)落的文明 an effete young man 無(wú)精打采的年輕人
★ exhausted(adj)極其疲倦的
He grudges her earning more than he does 他妒忌她掙的比他多
★ resent(vt)(因受到傷害、侮辱等)而感到憤恨、怨恨或氣憤
I bitterly resent your criticism 我對(duì)你批評(píng)我的話十分反感
6、kidnap(v) 誘拐、綁架、劫持
★ abduct(vt)誘拐 綁架
◎ abduction(n)
a non-aggression pact 互不侵犯條約
★ treaty(n)(國(guó)家之間的)條約、協(xié)定
sign a peace treaty with a neighbouring country 與鄰國(guó)簽訂和平條約
8、pry(vi) ~ into sth 打聽(tīng),打探某人的私事
I don’t want them prying into my affairs 我不愿他們打探我的私事
★ peep(vi) ~ at sth 匆匆的,詭秘且小心的偷看,窺視
peeping at a secret document 偷看秘密文件
9、scour(vt) ~ sth out 將某物刷凈或擦亮
scour the pots and pans 將壺和鍋刷干凈
~ sth away/off 擦掉,刷去污垢
★ ransack(vt) ~ sth for sth 徹底搜尋某處;搶劫某物,掠奪
I have ransacked the house for those papers 我滿房子到處找那些文件
He took his prize and swaggered to his seat 他領(lǐng)獎(jiǎng)后得意洋洋的回到自己的座位上
★ strut(vi)(貶)趾高氣揚(yáng)的走,高視闊步
She strutted past us,ignoring our greeting 她神氣活現(xiàn)的從我們面前走過(guò),我們打招呼她都不理。
The vagaries of fashion 時(shí)髦樣式
★ fancy(n)想象力(尤指對(duì)非現(xiàn)實(shí)的事物)
I have a fancy that he will be late。我感覺(jué)到他要遲到。
1、asset(n) ~ to sb/sth 有價(jià)值或有用的特性或技能;有價(jià)值的或有用的人
Good health is a great asset。
His assets included shares in the company and a house in Landon。他的財(cái)產(chǎn)包括公司 的股票和位于倫敦的房子。
★ property(n) 所有物,財(cái)產(chǎn),資產(chǎn)
The jewels were her personal property。那些首飾是她的私人財(cái)產(chǎn)。
Property brings duties and responsibilities。有了財(cái)產(chǎn)也就有了權(quán)利和義務(wù)。
Certain plants have medicinal properties。有些植物具有藥效效用。
2、chasm(n)deep opening in the grounds;abyss;gorge (地上的)深坑;深淵;峽谷;
There was a deep political chasm between the two countries which nearly let to a war。兩國(guó)間的政治沖突幾乎導(dǎo)致戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)。
★ gap(n)opening or break in sth or between tow things 缺口,裂口,豁口、
The road goes through a gap in the hills。公路從山間峽谷穿過(guò)。
a gap of five miles between towns 鎮(zhèn)與鎮(zhèn)之間相隔五公里
a wide gap between the two people 兩人意見(jiàn)的巨大分歧
3、despoil(vt) ~ sth of sth 從(某處)搶劫有價(jià)值之物,掠奪某物
Museums have despoiled India of many priceless treasures。博物館里有許多從印度掠奪來(lái)的無(wú)價(jià)之
★ depredation(n) (由攻擊、事故等造成的)損壞、破壞
The town survived the depredations of marauding gangs。這個(gè)城鎮(zhèn)經(jīng)受住了打家劫舍的匪徒造成的 破壞。
a facetious young man 耍貧嘴的小伙子
★ humorous(adj)幽默的,滑稽的,詼諧的
The van hurtled round the corner。貨車飛快的轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)街角。
★ dash(vi) ~ for sth 突進(jìn),猛沖
He dashed off with the money。他帶著錢逃跑了。
◎ larcenous(adj)
★ robbery(n)搶劫、盜竊、偷竊、失竊
The smell of baked apples pervaded the house。房子里彌漫著烤蘋果的香味。
◎ pervasion(n)
★ spread(vt)(pt,pp spread) ~ sth out on/over sth 展開(kāi)、鋪開(kāi)、攤開(kāi)
The bird spread out its wings 那只鳥張開(kāi)了翅膀
recant one’s former beliefs 宣布放棄以前的信仰
★ retract(v)撤回或撤銷(聲明、指控的);拒絕遵守或執(zhí)行協(xié)議
The accused refused to retract his statement 那被告拒不撤銷其供述。
That old tramp shambled up to me。那個(gè)老流浪漢拖著腳向我走來(lái)。
◎ shambles(n)混亂的場(chǎng)面、凌亂、雜亂
★ confusion(n)迷惑,慌亂;混亂,雜亂
Her unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion。她來(lái)得很突然,使我們完全不知所措。
There is a taboo on smoking in this office。這個(gè)辦公室里一向都不吸煙的。
★ prohibition(n)禁止、阻止
He had trappings of high office but no real power。他空有高官的派頭卻無(wú)實(shí)權(quán)。
★ decorations(n)裝飾品,裝飾物