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  A university is considering requiring students to take public speaking class, no matter what field they study. Do you agree or disagree?


  Thanks to the expansion of education, a growing number of youngsters today obtain higher education that equips them with necessary knowledge and skills to achieve their personal ambition. To improve education quality, some universities plan to set public speaking as a compulsory course for all students regardless their major. In my mind, this decision can hardly be welcomed by both students and teachers.

  Admittedly, the ability to make an eloquent public speech is desirable for a young person to achieve success in many fields. Undoubtedly, there are many occasions under which people need to speak in front of many people. For students, teachers of many subjects require them to do presentation with specific themes in front of the class and give grades according to their performance. For adults, giving presentation to the boss or clients is an important part of their work. An impressive report or proposal may be followed by promotion or business contracts.

  However, no matter how important public speaking skill is, it is not indispensable for all students. There are students who have neither interests nor willingness to train themselves as public speakers. Students who feel unconfident of speaking in front of people actually have other roles to play in a group, such as collecting information, preparing PowerPoint and writing reports. All these are essential for a successful presentation and will be valued by audiences and assessors. Also, there are many jobs that do not require employees’ to possess public speaking skill, like computer programers and engineers. What they need is professional knowledge and problem solving skills. Thus, it is unwise for universities to force all students to take public speaking courses.

  Furthermore, public speaking, when it becomes a compulsory course, will arouse resentment among both students and teachers. Students who see no value of this course will not take it serious but regard it as a burden. When the mere goal is to pass the exam and get the credit, it is almost unlikely for students to make much effort. From the perspective of teachers, with all students required to take public speaking class, there will be geometric growth of workload. The even worse part will be students’ negative attitudes. With too many classes filled with students who have no interests in what they teach on the rostrum, those poor teachers will start to doubt the value of their courses.

  To sum up, although public speaking is a desirable skill for many students, it is unnecessary to set it as a compulsory course. Otherwise, the university that expects to help students acquire such skill will be disappointed and end up with bothering both students and teachers.

  本文作者: Cindy(公眾號:英文寫作素材)
