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  1. Consent makes law.合意產(chǎn)生法律.

  2. Custom has the force of law.民俗具有法律效力.

  3. Except as otherwise provided by law.法律另有規(guī)定的除外.

  4. Every law has a loop hole.凡是法律皆有漏洞.

  5. Law governs man , reason the law.法律管制人,理性管法律。

  6. Law is law, just or not.無論正義與否,法律就是法律.

  7. Law is mind without reason.法律是無由的理念.

  8. No one is above the law.任何人不能凌駕于法律之上.

  9. One with the law is a majority.誰擁有法律,誰就是大多數(shù).

  10. The law wil catch up with him in the end.最終法律饒不了他.


  1. The more laws, the more offences.法律越多,違法者越多.

  2. This document is legally binding.該法律文件具有法律約束力.

  3. The law is in abeyance.此法暫緩執(zhí)行.

  4. This law has become a dead letter.此法已成為一紙空文.

  5. Where law ends, tyranny begins.法律的終點(diǎn)便是暴政的起點(diǎn).

  6. A later statute takes away the effect of a prior one.后法優(yōu)于前法.

  7. Arms and laws do not flourish together.武力與法律不能同時(shí)興盛.

  8. Customs,religious and philosophies tend to form the basis for a nation's laws. 風(fēng)俗宗教和哲學(xué)常是一個(gè)國家法律構(gòu)成之基礎(chǔ).

  9. Equity is a correction of common legal rules in their defective parts. 衡平法是對普通法律規(guī)則中瑕疵部分的矯正.

  10. Every law has no atom of strength, as far as no public opinion supports it. 若無公眾輿論支持,法律是沒有絲毫力量的.


  1. n civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics在文明社會,法律依靠道德所支撐

  2. It can hardly be taken to be a guarantee that every law shall treat every person the same不能保證每一部法律都能平等地對待每一個(gè)人。

  3. Law can never be enforced unless fear supports it沒有威懾力的法律絕對不會具有效力。

  4. Law does not compel a man to do what he is impossible to perform法律不能強(qiáng)迫人去做不可為之事。

  5. Law is a pervasive feature of social life that profoundly affects us 法在社會生活中無處不在,深刻地影響著我們。

  6. Law is a exercise in communication between authority and the public 法律是當(dāng)權(quán)者與大眾之間進(jìn)行交流的一種運(yùn)作方式。

  7. Law is an ordinance of reason for the common good法律是維護(hù)公眾利益的理性條令。

  8. Law is an utterance determined by the common consent of the commonwealth 法律是全體公民一致同意所決定意見之表達(dá)。

  9. Law is both an instrument of change and a result of changes法律既是變革的工具又是諸多變革的結(jié)果。

  10. Law is established for the benefit of man法是為人類利益而制定的。

  11. Law is order, and good law is good order法律即秩序,好的法律形成良好的秩序

  12. Law is the crystalization of the habit and thought of society法律是社會習(xí)俗和思想的結(jié)晶

  13. Law is the science of what is good and just法乃善良公平之道

  14. Law must be stable and it cannot stand still法律必須保持穩(wěn)定但卻不能一成不變

  15. Law that is deficient is better than law that is uncertain有瑕疵的法律勝于不確定的法律

  16. Laws are made to prevent the stronger from having the power to do everything 法律旨在防止強(qiáng)者濫用權(quán)力為所欲為

  17. Laws too gentle are seldom obeyed; too severe, seldom executed法律過于溫和難于遵守;過于嚴(yán)酷則難于執(zhí)行

  18. No crime without law making it so; no penalty without law making it so 法無明文規(guī)定者不為罪,法無明文規(guī)定者不處罰

  19. Scarcely any law can be made which is beneficial to all; but if it benefits the majority it is useful法律難顧及全民,與大眾有利已足


  1. Substantial law defines rights, and procedural law establishes the procedures by which rights are protected and enforced實(shí)體法界定權(quán)利,程序法則制定保護(hù)和實(shí)施權(quán)利的秩序

  2. The definition of law depends on how we look at its purposes or functions 法律的定義取決于我們?nèi)绾慰此哪康幕蚬δ?/p>

  3. The law is the witness and external deposit of our moral life法乃吾人道德生活之見證人和外殼

  4. The law never suffers anything contrary to truth法律絕不容忍違反真理的事情

  5. The law often allows what honor forbids法律允許的而道德上常常禁止

  6. The law on libel is considered too lenient反誹謗法被認(rèn)為太寬大了

  7. The law protects citizens who are wrongfully deprived of their liberty by another 法律保護(hù)市民不被他人非法剝奪自由

  8. The law was made for man and not man for the law法是為人而制定的,人不是為法而生就的

  9. The legal source of the privilege waries from jurisdiction ro jurisdiction 特權(quán)的法律淵源因管轄區(qū)的不同而異

  10. The new regulations will come into force on January st新規(guī)定將于月日生效

  11. The powers and duties are conferred on the tribunal by the statutory code 成文法典賦予法庭權(quán)力與責(zé)任



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