

時間: 若木631 分享

  我曾經(jīng)說過有一天我的職業(yè)籃球生涯結(jié)束了,我希望它 只是逗號,不是句號,今天這一天終于到來了,但是我沒有離開心愛的籃球,我的生活還再繼續(xù),我還是姚明。以下是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的勵志英語演講:姚明退役講話,希望能幫到你!


  Hello everyone, leaders, guests, and friends from news media, good afternoon, and thanks for coming.


  Today is an important day for me. For myself, my basketball career and the personal growth in the future, it has a particular meaning.


  At the end of last year I broke my left foot for a third time. I had to leave the basketball court, and spent the last half of the year waiting, just as many of those who care about me. During that period, I struggled a lot in my heart and thought a lot. Now I am going to announce a personal decision: I am going to end my career as a basketball player and officially retire.

  去年年底,我的左腳第三次應(yīng)及性骨折,我不得不離開賽場,半年多以來和很多關(guān)心的朋友一樣,我也是在漫長的期待中渡 過,在那段時間內(nèi)心十分糾結(jié),反復(fù)思考,為此今天宣布一個個人的決定,作為籃球運動員,我將結(jié)束自己的運動生涯,正式退役。

  Looking back on the past and right into the future, I am deeply grateful.



  First I'd like to thank basketball. This great sport has brought joys to so many people, including me. I had my first basketball when I was four. I entered the Sports School of Xuhui District of Shanghai when I was nine and entered the Shanghai Basketball Youth Team at 14. At 16, I began playing for Shanghai Basketball Team, wearing my father's number. I inherited my family's tradition by playing basketball. I feel so proud every time I look into the eyes of my parents, who are proud of me. I feel very honored to have the opportunity to win the CBA title in 2002 with Shanghai Shark teammates, which has linked us all to this city behind. Basketball also led me on a greater stage when I entered NBA that year. I could play with all I had. What's more, I feel thankful that I had the opportunity to fight together with the national team for 10 years, which is many young players' dream, and through which I got to know and married my beloved woman, and made a happy family and obtained the happiness of my life. All of these are brought by my love, basketball. I want to thank basketball.

  此時此刻,回顧過去,展望未來,我的內(nèi)心充滿感激,我首先要感謝的是籃球這項偉大的運動,為無數(shù)人帶來了快 樂,包括我自己。我4歲的時候有了第一個籃球,9歲就入上海市體校,14歲進入上海訓(xùn)練隊,16歲背上我父親當年的號碼,代表上海隊比賽,籃球是我延續(xù)家 庭的傳承,每當看到父母欣慰的眼神,都感到無比自豪,也非常榮幸有幸能夠和上海大鯊魚的隊友為上海贏得2002年CBA冠軍,和我們身后這座城市聯(lián)系在一 起。同一年在進入NBA之后,籃球引領(lǐng)我進入更寬廣的舞臺,使我盡情展現(xiàn)自己。更要感謝能有機會為中國國家隊可以奮戰(zhàn)十年,那是無數(shù)青年人的夢想,同時因 為籃球,與心愛人的結(jié)緣,建立美滿的家庭,獲得一生的幸福。所有這些都是無比熱愛的籃球帶給我的,我要感謝籃球。

  I would also like to thank life. No matter my favorite basketball or something else, they are all parts of the life. Life is like a guide. When you sincerely follow it, it will open one and another door for you and the world outside of them is so different and exciting. Today, I retired. The door of basketball is closed, but another door has just opened which will lead me to a new life waiting for me to experience. I will continue to participate in social welfare in the future. Yao Fund is my personal fund, which has been established for three years. And in the coming future, I will take this as the basis and call on more people to get involved in charity and help more people. And at the same time, I wish to know more friends here and to do some things together with you. I believe the exchanges with all of you will teach me more things that will also enrich my life and help me to start from Shanghai to the whole country, from China to the whole world, so I’ll thank life. And in the coming future, to take it seriously will be the best reward to life.

  我還要感謝生活,無論我所熱愛籃球還是別的東西,都是生活的一部分,我覺得生活就像一個向?qū)?你前程追訴他,會打開一閃 一的門,今天退役了,一扇門關(guān)上,另外一扇門打開,門外有嶄新的生活等著我認真品位。我雖然離開賽場,但是不會離開籃球,上海東方大廈籃球隊是我籃球的延 續(xù),我正在用心的方式管理俱樂部,用這種方式為家鄉(xiāng)帶來快樂。我將繼續(xù)投身社會公益事業(yè),姚基金是我個人的基金會,已經(jīng)成立三年,接下來會以此為依托,影 響更多的人參與慈善事業(yè),幫助更多的人。同時我希望結(jié)識更多的朋友,一起做喜歡的事情,相信在各行各業(yè),有識之士的交往中,會學(xué)到更多的東西,豐富精彩生 活,引領(lǐng)著我從上海走向全國,從中國走向世界。所以我要感謝生活,今后我要認真對待它,才是對生活最好的回報。

  At last, I want to thank my family and all my friends. I have a very long name list here, but for time limit, I can only mention some of you, please forgive me. Firstly I want to thank my family member, parents, who are the enlightenment to me, Ye Li is also the best listener. I also want to thank my coaches, who have witnessed every step of my growth, including my mentor, all coaches in Shanghai Sharks, and the coaches in national team, in Rockets, and former manager. I also want to thank all leaders, especially State General Administration of Sports, especially State General Administration of Sports, Shanghai Basketball Association, Shanghai Sports Bureau, Shanghai Wenguang Group and leaders from Shanghai Sharks. Their care, encouragement always drives me to progress and to get today’s achievement.

  最后感謝我的親人和我所有的朋友,這里有一份很長的名單,由于時間的原因不能一一提及,只能選讀其中的代 表,希望朋友多多盡量。首先感謝是我的家人,父母,是我人生的啟蒙者,葉莉是我最好的傾聽者,可愛的姚沁蕾是我的新希望。感謝教練,是培養(yǎng)我,見證成長, 有啟蒙指導(dǎo)李張明,李秋平,王秋,王秋光,錄制橋,我在國家訓(xùn)練隊教練馬指導(dǎo),在國家歷練王非、蔣清泉還有比德賀爾斯,還有火箭隊歷任株連較,湯姆、救 地,教練員,還有現(xiàn)任總經(jīng)理,我還要感謝各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo),特別是國家體育總局,上海市,中國籃協(xié),上海體育局和上海文廣集團和原,他們的關(guān)心、支持和鼓勵是我不 斷前進,取得今天的成績。

  I also want to thank the NBA and the Houston Rockets manager. Thanks for their presence, and thank you Daryl Morey. Their support and understanding helped me overcome the cultural and language barriers, enabling me to stand firm on the world’s best basketball team. I’d like to extend my gratitude to my teammates and opponents. First of all, Liu Wei. We have grown up together as teammates, and this will be the most precious experience in my life. Wang Zhizhi and Shaquille O'Neal, it is your presence that keep me endeavoring to catch up to you and you are always my targets. Without you two, I could not make such an achievement. I also want to say thanks to Fan Bin, my mentor on the national team and to Shen Wei, Li Nan, Mengke Bateer, Yi Jianlian and all my teammates at Xuhui District Amateur Sports School, Shanghai Youth Team, Shanghai Sharks, Houston Rockets, National Youth Team and the National Team, to my opponents in the games of CBA and NBA. It was indeed memorable days to play with you. I also want to thank “Yao’s team” (Yao Ming’s business planning team) for all you have done for me over the years and I will never forget it.

  我要感謝NBA和休斯敦火箭隊的管理層,今天非常感謝他們的到來。他們理解和支持,幫助我克服了文化和語言的障礙,可以在世 界最高的聯(lián)賽當中站穩(wěn)腳跟,接下來要感謝我的隊友和我的對手們,首先是劉煒,我們并肩成長,一起打拼,還有大致,奧尼爾,是我追趕的目標和前進的動力,沒 有他們,我不是今天的我。沈冰是國家隊的良師益友。還有沈威,……以及所有和我一起奮斗過的隊友,還有在CBA和NBA包括世界賽場上一起競爭過的對手 們,一起揮汗如雨的日子難忘。當然感謝管理層姚支隊,感謝章明基、陸浩……以及現(xiàn)在還在臺前臺后忙碌的人們,多年來幫助我做很多事情,我不會忘記。

  I want to take this opportunity to express my thanks to friends from the media, to my sponsors and partners, from whom I have learned a lot, and to my dear fans, whether you like me or not, whether you are Chinese or foreigners. The care from all of you gives me enough confidence and your criticism helps me improve myself.

  我還感謝常年關(guān)注我的新聞界的朋友們,感謝贊助商和合作伙伴,和你們交往使我受益匪淺,還有各類的球迷朋友們,不管 是黑還是綠,不管是國內(nèi)的還是國外的,感謝所有關(guān)注我的朋友,大家的關(guān)心使我獲得足夠的信心和勇氣,大家的批評使我修正了缺點了不足。

  All of you, whether I have mentioned above or not, will be in my heart. In a word, I want to say thank you to my family and friends for your company all these years. I will continue to be the best I can be and continue to be with you all.

  今天提到的和沒提到的,你們每個人都在我心里,總而言之,我感謝所有的親人和朋友多年來的陪伴,我會繼續(xù)做好我自己,不會 離開大家!

  Yao Ming will always be with you, my dear friends, thank you !


  Finally, I will express my gratitude to the great and progressive era, in which I have a chance to make my dream come true and show my value. Once I said when my basketball career ended, it was just a comma rather than a full stop. Now the day comes, but I don’t leave basketball, my life is still continuing. I am still myself, Yao Ming. There are a lot of things for me to do and it is far too early to say goodbye. I wish you all a healthy and happy life. I wish my hometown Shanghai, second hometown Houston, my great motherland and I wish basketball a bright future. Thank you very much!

  最后要感謝這個偉大進步的時代,使我有機會去實現(xiàn)自己的夢想和價值,我曾經(jīng)說過有一天我的職業(yè)籃球生涯結(jié)束了,我希望它 只是逗號,不是句號,今天這一天終于到來了,但是我沒有離開心愛的籃球,我的生活還再繼續(xù),我還是姚明。我還有很多事情可以做,遠遠沒有達到劃上句號的那 一天,祝朋友們健康快樂,祝福我的家鄉(xiāng)上海,第二故鄉(xiāng)休斯敦,我們偉大的祖國,讓我們熱愛的籃球運動擁有更加美好的明天。謝謝大家!


Hello everyone, leaders, guests, and friends from news media, good afternoon, and thanks for coming. 大家好,各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo),各位來賓,各位好,謝謝大家今天的光臨。 Today is an important day for me. For myself, my basketball caree