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1. 全卷共8頁,五個部分,滿分150分,考試時長120分鐘,考試形式為閉卷。

2. 請在答題卡相應位置作答,在試題卷上答題無效。

3. 選擇題均為單項選擇,多選不得分。

第一部分 聽力(共五節(jié),30個小題;每小題1分,滿分30分)

第一節(jié) 聽對話,選擇與對話內容相符的圖片。(讀一遍)

第二節(jié) 聽句子,選擇與句子匹配的最佳應答。(讀一遍)

7. A. Pop music. B. I like singing. C. Sounds nice.

8. A. It’s blue. B. It’s 25 yuan. C. It’s Lily’s.

9. A. I’m fine. B. Yes, please. C. You’re welcome.

10. A. I ride my bike. B. It’s about 3 kilometers. C. It takes me 10  minutes.

11. A. I was busy. B. It was sunny. C. I went climbing.

12. A. See you. B. Never mind. C. Good idea.

第三節(jié) 聽對話,選擇最佳選項完成句子。(讀兩遍)

13. Anna learns ________ by taking online courses.

A. French B. Chinese C. English

14. Lucy would like to drink a cup of ________.

A. tea B. water C. juice

15. The conversation probably takes place in ________.

A. a bookstore B. a hospital C. a restaurant

16. Judy advises Frank to ________ for his father’s birthday.

A. buy a pen B. make a card C. write a poem

17. Alice and Paul are talking about ________.

A. family rules B. traffic rules C. school rules

18. Maria will ________ before having lunch.

A. close the window B. clean the classroom C. turn off the light

第四節(jié) 聽對話,根據(jù)對話內容及問題,選擇最佳選項。(讀兩遍)


19. What does Mary want to be in the future?

A. A pilot. B. A doctor. C. A teacher.

20. What does Jack think of teaching?

A. It’s easy. B. It’s important. C. It’s interesting.


21. When did Nancy arrive at Mike’s party?

A. At 6:30 p. m. B. At 7:00p. m. C. At 7:30 p. m.

22. What did Nancy wear for the party?

A. Jeans. B. A dress. C. A T-shirt.


23. What problem does David have in learning English?

A. He has poor pronunciation. B. He is a slow English reader. C. He cannot  follow his teacher.

24. How many pieces of advice does Ms. Smith give to David?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.

第五節(jié) 聽短文,完成表中所缺信息,每空僅填一詞。(讀三遍)




cooks mealsanddoessome    25  


cleans the   26   anddoessomehousefixing


does thedishes


takes outtherubbish

The wholefamily

have aclean-updayevery   28   weeks

make thehouse   29   andbright


It helps   30   ourlifeskills.

It makesthefamilygetcloserandunderstandeachotherbetter.

第二部分 完形(共兩節(jié),滿分20分)



A#FormatImgID_0#  but   B.an   C.at     D.first   E.in   F.used

From Tenez! to tennis

Tennis first appeared in England and France in the 16th century. It was  called royal tennis and only kings and queens played it. It was ____1____ indoor  sport and players started the game by saying “Tenez!” and that’s how it got its  name.

Modern tennis appeared ____2____ the 1860s. It was first called “Lawn  Tennis” and players only played on grass. The ____3____ tennis match was at  Wimbledon, London in 1877. Nowadays, players play on other kinds of courts,  too.

In the past, players didn’t use plastic rackets. They ____4____ wooden  rackets and they were quite heavy. Men wore pants and shirts and women wore long  dresses. The first person to wear shorts at Wimbledon was Bunny Austin in 1933.  In the past, players also wore shoes, ____5____ players wear sneakers (膠底運動鞋)  nowadays.

Today, tennis is an Olympic sport. It is also part of the Paralympics and  athletes play in wheelchairs.



Phoebe Snetsinger had just returned from a trip to Alaska when her doctors  told her that she had cancer. She had less than a year to live. Phoebe was 50.  As soon as she heard the ____6____she decided to spend the rest of her life  doing what she loved most—watching birds.

She immediately went off to some of the world’s most amazing natural  places. Her ____7____ were very hard. But Phoebe surprised her doctors and her  family as she carried on travelling. A year came and went, and she was still  ____8____. She was doing something that she loved and that helped her to be  healthy for another ten ____9____.

The cancer came back, but even then Phoebe Snetsinger decided not to  ____10____. At the age of 61, when she had seen 7,530 species (物種), she was  named “the world’s leading bird spotter (觀察者)”.

In Missouri, Phoebe ____11____ a group of people who were interested in  birds and plants around the Mississippi River. She became very worried about  ____12____ and its bad influence on the environment. “We have to protect  nature,” she said. “If we don’t, people won’t be able to enjoy ____13____ these  beautiful birds in the future.”

Sadly, when Phoebe was 68, she died in a car accident. Four years later,  the American Birding Association ____14____ her memoirs (回憶錄), Birding on  Borrowed Time. Many people have enjoyed reading this ____15____ book. It isn’t  just a story about a bird spotter’s travels, but a touching human record of how  her hobby helped her to live much longer than expected.

6. A. story B. news C. play

7. A. trips B. tasks C. exams

8. A. alive B. confident C. famous

9. A. days B. months C. years

10. A. stop B. share C. prepare

11. A. changed B. joined C. described

12. A. safety B. pollution C. health

13. A. watching B. drawing C. helping

14. A. copied B. discussed C. published

15. A. thick B. expensive C. moving

第三部分 閱讀(共三節(jié),滿分50分)






Hongqi SchoolSportsDay!

A dayoffunandexercise!

This year,wehavesomenewsportsandgamesforyoutotakepartin!

You canchoosetojoinin:

Sign up(報名) forthefollowingworkshops(講座):


Sports workshopsarerunbyskillfulcoaches.Theywillteachyoumoreaboutthesports andhowtodothem.Thereareonlyafewspacesforeachworkshop.Signupearly togetyourfirstchoice!


Time: Friday,October18,9:00a.m.4:30 p.m.

Place: theStudents’SportsCenter

Call Mr.Liat293-7742.

16. Students can choose to join in ______ on the Sports Day.

17. What do we know about the workshops?

A. They are run by skillful coaches.

B. There are three workshops in all.

C. Each workshop has many spaces.

18. How long will the Sports Day last?

A. 7.5 hours. B. 8 hours. C. 9 hours.

19. We can most probably read the text from ______.

A. a science website B. a travel magazine C. a school notice-board


Some people are worried about the effect that social media has on the lives  of young people. The following text was written by a reporter: He tried to find  out whether social media has a positive or negative effect on children.

1. Social media websites are communities where users can share photos and  talk to each other online. They are very popular—millions of people use social  media every day. Although some people think social media is a positive thing,  many are worried about the negative effects it can have on young people.

2. James, a 15-year-old student, thinks that social media has many  benefits. “I get very nervous when I talk to people in real life—I find it so  much easier to express myself when I use social media. Another advantage is that  I hardly ever forget anyone’s birthday now because I can look it up online!”  Lots of users agree that social media helps young people stay connected to their  friends and make new friends from around the world.

3. However, social media also has many problems. Social media may help  young people find friends, but it also makes it easier for bullies to hurt them.  Some parents believe that social media makes it harder for families to spend  time together. They say their children are so crazy about social media that they  ignore (忽視) the rest of their family. Many teachers think social media can  distract (使某人分心) their students from schoolwork.

4. There is no doubt that social media has some problems, and it is very  important to avoid spending too much time online. However, generally speaking,  social media can be a positive thing for young people. It is a way for nervous  people to make friends and for young people to stay connected.

20. What docs the underlined word “They” in Paragraph I refer to?

A. The photos shared online. B. The social media users. C. The social media  websites.

21. What does James think of social media?

A. It makes him ignore his family.

B. It distracts him from schoolwork.

C. It helps him express himself better.

22. Which is the correct structure of this text? (P1=Paragraph 1)

23. Which can be the best title for the text?

A. Why Is Social Media So Popular?

B. Is Social Media Really a Problem?

C. What Is the Future of Social Media?


Do you speak a dialect (方言) in daily life? While many Chinese people speak  putonghua, some local dialects are in danger of disappearing (消失). To save them,  the Chinese government started the Chinese Language Resources Protection Project  (中國語言資源保護工程) a few years ago.

This project looks at how people talk in 1,712 places. Their languages  include 103 dialects that are almost gone. It has helped China to build the  largest language resource library in the world. There’s an online library where  people can learn dialects from over 5.6 million audio clips and over 5 million  videos.

________ According to Harold Palmer, a world expert on language, “dialects  are a key to store local cultures. Language clearly shows the history and  beliefs of an area,” he said.

Scholar Zhang Hongming talked about his concerns about the disappearing of  dialects. “For about over 10 years, in the Wu dialect areas such as Shanghai and  Suzhou, children aged 6 to 15 can understand but hardly speak the dialect. Young  people above 15 years old sometimes speak it, but not very well. If this keeps  happening, the dialect might disappear,” he said.

So how did China make this big library? “A big national effort has been put  into the project to make it happen,” said Cao Zhiyun, an expert on the project.  “Over five years, more than 350 universities and research groups joined in,  along with over 4,500 experts and more than 6,000 dialect speakers.”

The project is now entering into its second part. This includes creating  digital (數(shù)字化的) tools like apps and mobile dictionaries to help people learn  dialects.

24. The Chinese Language Resources Protection Project was started  ________.

A. to create digital tools B. to store local cultures C. to save local  dialects

25. Which sentence can be put in ________?

A. Why is it important to protect the dialect culture?

B. How can we make good use of the dialect culture?

C. What are people doing to spread the dialect culture?

26. What does the underlined word “concerns” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. Worries. B. Doubts. C. Suggestions.

27. The writer shows China’s efforts on the project in Paragraph 5  ________.

A. by comparing ideas B. by listing numbers C. by explaining reasons



Asking for advice is not so easy. In a recent study 74 percent of people  said they were afraid to ask for advice. But people who ask for advice are more  likely to succeed at a task. So how do you ask for advice? ___28___

●Look for the best person to give you advice. It might be easy to ask all  your friends on social media for advice at once, but will you value all the  advice equally (同等地)? ___29___ It might be better to choose one or two people  whose opinions you value most. Ideally (最理想的是), you can ask for advice from  people who have experience in the topic you’re asking about.

●Provide enough information clearly. For example, imagine you can’t decide  how to organize a club activity. When you ask for advice, you should mention the  topic, the place and the time. ___30___ If your questions require a lot of  thought, you should ask the person for advice when he or she is  clear-headed.

●Be specific (具體的) when you ask questions. Imagine you want to own a  business someday. Do you ask a business owner, “___31___” No, because it’s not  specific enough. Instead, try asking, “What college classes did you find helpful  for starting a business?”

●___32___ If you can’t solve your problem by following the first person’s  advice, why not ask someone else who may think differently? The key is: Don’t be  afraid to ask for advice.

A. Probably not.

B. The answer is yes!

C. Here are some ways for you.

D. What advice do you have for me?

E. You should also consider when to ask.

F. Sometimes you may need to ask for a second opinion.



She makes the world hear the “voice of China”

Zheng Xiaohui is a Chinese student in Milan, Italy. To spread traditional  Chinese culture to the world, she has given lots of erhu shows on the  street.

Zheng has been playing the erhu since she was 9. and she has won prizes in  many national music competitions. Zheng arrived in Italy in 2021. Since April  2023, she has been performing on the street during her free time. And now she  does three or four street shows a month.

At first, Zheng did not plan to perform on the street. But after watching a  video of a violinist’s street performance, she changed her mind.

Thinking back to her first street performance, she said she was worried at  the time. But the enthusiastic response (熱情的回應) from the audience (觀眾) cheered  her up. “When I played Goodbye, my friend. a grandfather started to dance. Many  people in the audience followed him. Even I could not help dancing along with  them,” Zheng said.

After performing a few times. Zheng began sharing videos of her street  shows on the Internet. And these videos soon became popular online. Zheng says  she wants to show the beauty of Chinese erhu to the world. “I believe that  Chinese music has built a bridge for cultural communication,” she says.

Talking about the future. Zheng looks forward to it. She says whatever she  does and wherever she lives, she will bring her erhu with her. “I hope to hold  my own special concert in the future to make more people learn about Chinese  folk music.” she says.

33. Zheng Xiaohui spreads ________ to the world by playing the erhu.

34. Now Zheng performs ________ times on the street in Milan every  month.

35. Zheng ________ by the audience during her first street performance.

36. The last paragraph mainly talks about ________.

37. Do you like Zheng’s story? Why or why not?


第四部分 語言運用(共兩節(jié),滿分25分)



38. 長江是亞洲最長的河流。

The Yangtze River is ________ ________ river in Asia.

39. 我們不應該忘記曾經給予我們幫助的人。

We ________ ________ the people who have ever helped us.

40. 越來越多的人正在使用AI來幫助他們工作。

More and more people ________ ________ AI to help them with their work.

41. 相聲中有說學逗唱四種主要藝術手段。

________ ________ four key skills of xiangsheng—shuo, xue, dou and  chang.

42. 貴州村BA精彩紛呈,吸引大量國內外游客。

CunBA in Guizhou is ________ ________ and it attracts many tourists from  home and abroad.



Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa, one of the most famous  paintings of all time, in 1503. He was working on a special painting for a  church at the time, but it was not going ____43____ (good). The woman who can be  seen in the Mona Lisa is said to be Madonna Lisa del Giocondo. She was the wife  of an Italian businessman. Her husband asked da Vinci ____44____ (paint) a  portrait (肖像) of her.

After da Vinci finished the painting in 1506, he was invited by the French  King to visit France ____45____ he took the painting with him. Today the Mona  Lisa is kept in the Louvre, an art museum in Paris, and it is seen by about six  million ____46____ (visit) a year.

The painting measures (測量為) only 77 centimeters by 53 centimeters and is  painted ____47____ oil on wood. In 1911, Vincenzo Peruggia, a worker at the  Louvre, stole the painting. He took it out of the museum by hiding it under  ____48____ (he) coat. Two years later, police officers found ____49____ painting  when he tried to sell it.

In 1962, the Mona Lisa was ____50____ (take) to Washington and New York for  artwork shows. For the journey, the museum ____51____ (want) to insure (給……投保)  the painting. The insurance company set the value of it at 100 million dollars,  making it the most ____52____ (value) painting ever! Today, the value of the  painting would be over 700 million dollars.

第五部分 寫作(滿分25分)

53. 成長的道路上,我們努力改變以提升自我。假如你是李華,你校英語廣播站正在開展主題為“The Change Made  Me...”(改變讓我……)的征文活動。請參考圖文信息,積極投稿。


1. 補全標題;

2. 內容積極向上,不少于80詞;

3. 文中不得出現(xiàn)真實的人名和校名。





1. 全卷共8頁,五個部分,滿分150分,考試時長120分鐘,考試形式為閉卷。

2. 請在答題卡相應位置作答,在試題卷上答題無效。

3. 選擇題均為單項選擇,多選不得分。

第一部分 聽力(共五節(jié),30個小題;每小題1分,滿分30分)

第一節(jié) 聽對話,選擇與對話內容相符的圖片。(讀一遍)

第二節(jié) 聽句子,選擇與句子匹配的最佳應答。(讀一遍)

7. A. Pop music. B. I like singing. C. Sounds nice.

8. A. It’s blue. B. It’s 25 yuan. C. It’s Lily’s.

9. A. I’m fine. B. Yes, please. C. You’re welcome.

10. A. I ride my bike. B. It’s about 3 kilometers. C. It takes me 10  minutes.

11. A. I was busy. B. It was sunny. C. I went climbing.

12. A. See you. B. Never mind. C. Good idea.

第三節(jié) 聽對話,選擇最佳選項完成句子。(讀兩遍)

13. Anna learns ________ by taking online courses.

A. French B. Chinese C. English

14. Lucy would like to drink a cup of ________.

A tea B. water C. juice

15. The conversation probably takes place in ________.

A. a bookstore B. a hospital C. a restaurant

16. Judy advises Frank to ________ for his father’s birthday.

A. buy a pen B. make a card C. write a poem

17. Alice and Paul are talking about ________.

A. family rules B. traffic rules C. school rules

18. Maria will ________ before having lunch.

A. close the window B. clean the classroom C. turn off the light

第四節(jié) 聽對話,根據(jù)對話內容及問題,選擇最佳選項。(讀兩遍)


19. What does Mary want to be in the future?

A. A pilot. B. A doctor. C. A teacher.

20. What does Jack think of teaching?

A. It’s easy. B. It’s important. C. It’s interesting.


21. When did Nancy arrive at Mike’s party?

A. At 6:30 p. m. B. At 7:00p. m. C. At 7:30 p. m.

22. What did Nancy wear for the party?

A. Jeans. B. A dress. C. A T-shirt.


23. What problem does David have in learning English?

A. He has poor pronunciation. B. He is a slow English reader. C. He cannot  follow his teacher.

24. How many pieces of advice does Ms. Smith give to David?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.

第五節(jié) 聽短文,完成表中所缺信息,每空僅填一詞。(讀三遍)




cooks mealsanddoessome    25  


cleans the   26   anddoessomehousefixing


does thedishes


takes outtherubbish

The wholefamily

have aclean-updayevery   28   weeks

make thehouse   29   andbright


It helps   30   ourlifeskills.

It makesthefamilygetcloserandunderstandeachotherbetter.

第二部分 完形(共兩節(jié),滿分20分)



【答案】1. B 2. E

3. D 4. F

5. A



【答案】6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. C

第三部分 閱讀(共三節(jié),滿分50分)





【答案】16. B 17. A 18. A 19. C



【答案】20. C 21. C 22. B 23. B



【答案】24 C 25. A 26. A 27. B



【答案】28. C 29. A 30. E 31. D 32. F



【答案】33. traditional Chinese culture

34. three or four

35. was cheered up

36. the future

37. Yes, I do. Because she is brave to spread traditional Chinese culture  to the world.

第四部分 語言運用(共兩節(jié),滿分25分)




【答案】 ①. the ②. longest


【答案】 ①. shouldn’t ②. forget


【答案】 ①. are ②. using


【答案】 ①. There ②. are


【答案】 ①. so ②. wonderful



【答案】43. well

44. to paint

45. and 46. visitors

47. with 48. his

49. the 50. taken

51. wanted 52. valuable

第五部分 寫作(滿分25分)



The Change Made Me Better

There are many things in our life that can help us to be better. In my  opinion, I think my changes have made me better.

I used to be weak because of my bad habits. After communicating with my  teacher, I ate regularly every day and took exercise often, so I am strong now.  What’s more, I was so careless that I made many mistakes in my exams. My teacher  advised me to check my answers carefully and develop good learning habits.

These good changes made me feel better and brave enough to face new  challenges.

















(1) 當遇到一個需要填的詞時,首先要考慮這個詞在句子中的成分是什么?詞性是什么?

(2) 如果需要填的是名詞,就要考慮名詞的單復數(shù)和所有格形式。

(3) 如果需要填的是形容詞或副詞,就應考慮是用原級或是比較級,還是最高級。

(4) 如果需要填的是動詞,則要考慮動詞的時態(tài),語態(tài),人稱變化,語氣以及非謂語動詞(不定式和動詞-ing形式)的一般式,被動式和完成式等。

(5) 如果需要填空的是介詞,則要注意固定搭配的用法。

(6) 如果需要填的是冠詞,則要注意是用不定冠詞還是用定冠詞。

(7) 另外要注意一些固定句型的完整。

(8) 所選答案應該和上下文和結構上都吻合。

(9) 局部服從整體,應從短文的整體內容出發(fā)。











