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  Unit 5 Topic1

  重點語法 一般現(xiàn)在時(常與頻度副詞never, seldom, sometimes, often,usually, always等連用)

  重點句型  —How do you usually come to school?

  —I usually come to school by subway.

  —How often do you go to the library?

  —Once/Twice/Three times a week/Very often/Every day/Sedom


  1.I always come to school by bus.

  by+交通工具名稱,表示使用某種交通方式,中間不加限定詞,如果交通工具前有a, the, my 等限定詞,就不能用by,而是用in或是on.

  on the train=by train on his bike=by bike in my car=by car.

  巧辯異同 on foot 與 walk on foot “走路”,是介詞短語,不能作謂語,只作方式狀語,位于句末。walk “走路”,是動詞,可以作謂語。

  go to…on foot= walk to

  I often go to school on foot. =I often walk to school.

  go to….by bike = ride a bike to

  go to…. by car = drive a car to

  go to … by plane = fly to

  go to… by bus = take a bus to

  2 .Come on! It’s time for class. come on “快點,加油,來吧”。

  It’s time for sth. “該做某事了”,與 It’s time to do sth.意思一樣。

  3 .look的短語 look the same看起來一樣   look like看起來像……

  look for尋找 look after 照顧

  4 .do my homework at school 在學校做作業(yè)

  do one’s homework 做家庭作業(yè)(注意:one’s 要隨主語的變化而變化,常用形容詞性物主代詞my, your, their, our, his, her等)。

  5 we want to know about the school life of American students. 我們想了解一下美國學生的學校生活。

  know about “了解,知道關(guān)于…”。

  6 巧辯異同  a few與few a few “一些”,few“很少,幾乎沒有”,修飾可數(shù)名詞。

  a little與little a little“一些”,little“很少,幾乎沒有”,修飾不可數(shù)名詞。

  7 They often play basketball or soccer, go swimming and so on.

  go swimming 去游泳 and so on “等等”,表示還有很多。

  拓展 go+v.-ing 表示去做某事,類似的有: go fishing 去釣魚 go shopping 去買東西 go boating 去劃船 go skating 去滑冰

  8 How often do you go to the library? 你多久去一次圖書館?

  how often“多久一次”,問頻率。答語常用頻度副詞never, always,often等或單位時間內(nèi)的次數(shù)once a week一周一次 twice a month每月兩次three times a year每年三次

  語法講解 一般現(xiàn)在時


  (1)現(xiàn)在所處的狀態(tài)。Jane is at school.

  (2)經(jīng)?;蛄晳T性的動作。I often go to school by bus.

  (3)主語具備的性格和能力。He likes playing football.

  (4)客觀真理。The earth goes round the sun.

  常用的時間狀語:often, always, usually, sometimes, every day等等。


  肯定式:I go to school on foot. 否定式:I don’t go to school on foot.

  疑問式:Do you go to school on foot? —Yes, I do. —No, I don’t.


  肯定式:He goes to work by bus. 否定式:He doesn’t go to work by bus.

  疑問式:Does he go to work by bus? —Yes, he does. —No, he doesn’t.


  重點語法 現(xiàn)在進行時態(tài)。

  重點句型  What are you doing? He is cleaning the dormitory.

  Are you doing your homework? Yes, I am./No, I am not.

  How long can I keep them? Two weeks.


  1 at the moment“此刻,現(xiàn)在”,相當于now.

  2 巧辯異同 go to sleep與go to bed

  ① go to bed“上床”“就寢”I often go to bed at ten.

 ?、?go to sleep“入睡”“睡著”Last night I went to sleep at two o’clock.

  3 巧辯異同some, a few 與a little “一些,有些”三者都修飾名詞。


  We want some apples and some water.

  a few用在可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)之前,a little用在不可數(shù)名詞之前。

  There are a few books and a little waterin the classroom.

  4 與how相關(guān)的短語 how often多常 how many多少 how much多少錢  how old多大

  5 And you must return them on time.你必須按時歸還它們。Return意為“歸還,回歸”

  ① return sth. to sb.把某物歸還某人=give back sth. to sb.

 ?、?return to“回到…”,相當于come back to…

  6 Maria and a girl are talking at the lost and found.

  talk“交談”,常用的短語talk to/with sb.“與某人交談”

  巧辯異同talk, say, speak與tell

  (1) talk“交談”,表示通過談話方式交換意見、消息等。

  (2) speak“說話”,強調(diào)開口發(fā)聲,后常接某種語言。

  (3) say “說”,強調(diào)所說的話的內(nèi)容。

  (4) tell“告訴”,有時兼含“囑咐”“命令”等。tell a truth說真話,tell a lie說謊, tell a story 講故事等固定搭配。

  7.I can’t find my purse and I am looking for it. look for“尋找”,強調(diào)尋找的過程; find“找到”強調(diào)找的結(jié)果。

  8 .look(at), see與 read look(at)指看的動作,see指看的結(jié)果,read常指看書、看報紙等。

  9 .Here are some photos of his.這有他的一些照片。

  photos of his是雙重所有格。his是名詞性物主代詞,后還可以接名詞所有格。a friend of mine我的一個朋友 a classmate of my brother’s我弟弟的一個同學

  10 .I also want to go there one day.我也希望有一天到那兒。


  巧辯異同 also與too also放在句中,too用于句末。

  語法講解 現(xiàn)在進行時


  2.常用的時間狀語:now, at the moment, look, listen等。



  (1)肯定式:I am running. You are running. He/She is running.

  (2)否定式:I’m not running. You aren’t running. He/She isn’t running.

  (3)一般疑問句及回答:—Are you running? —Yes, I am./—No, I am not.

  —Is he/she running? —Yes, he/she is./ —No. he/she isn’t.


  重點語法 一般現(xiàn)在時和現(xiàn)在進行時的使用和異同。

  重點句型  What day is ti today? It’s Wednesday.

  Why do you like it? it’s easy and interesting.

  What class are they having? They are having a music class.


  1 詢問星期幾用What day…?回答:It’s Wednesday/Sunday…。


  what class什么班 what color什么顏色 what time幾點 what date幾號(日期)

  2 How many lessons does he have every weekday?

  How many+可數(shù)名詞的復數(shù)形式;How much+不可數(shù)名詞。

  3 一個星期的第一天是Sunday, 在星期幾前用介詞on, 在具體點鐘前用at.

  4 learning about the past了解過去   learn about了解

  拓展 learn from向……學習  learn by oneself自學

  5 What do you think of …? = How do you like…?你認為……怎么樣?

  6 —Why? —Because it’s interesting. 用why提問必須用because回答。

  7 Which subject do you like best?你最喜歡什么科目?

  like best最喜歡,可用favorite“特別喜愛的”轉(zhuǎn)換。

  8 be friendly to sb. 對某人友好

  9 I can learn a lot from it.我能從中學到很多東西。

  (1) learn…from“從……學習”。

  (2) a lot = much“許多”,后接賓語時要說a lot of 也可以表示“非常,十分”。

  Unit6 Topic1

  重點語法 There be 句型和方位介詞短語。

  重點句型  There are two bedrooms and a a small study.

  There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so on.

  —Is there a computer in your study? —Yes, there is.

  Dont put them here. Put them away.


  1 It’s on the second floor.

  在哪一層樓,用介詞on。on表示在……上面。second是序數(shù)詞,前面要用定冠詞the, 意為第二(的)。

  巧辯異同 two與second


  2 in 在……里面,是方位介詞。in the box in the classroom

  Is there…? 表示某地存在……嗎?其肯定回答是:Yes, there is. 否定回答No, there isn’t.它的復數(shù)形式為Are there…? 其肯定回答是:Yes, there are. 否定回答No, there aren’t.

  3 巧辯異同 there be與 have

  (1) there be“有”,指(某地)存在“有”。

  (2) have“有”,指人或某物“擁有”。The is a dog in the picture. The dog has two big eyes.

  注:there be 遵循就近原則。be 用is還是are,取決于離該動詞最近的那個名詞。如果該名詞是單數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞就用is,如果是復數(shù)就用are。

  4 have a look看看。后面接名詞時要用at. 如have a look at your watch.

  5 talk about“談論,議論”,后接名詞或動名詞。

  talk with/to “與某人交談”

  6 用來詢問某地有某物,其結(jié)構(gòu)為:What’s+介詞短語,回答時應用there be句型。

  7 play with“和……玩?!保巴妗薄 ?play with sb. “與某人一起玩”

  8 put away 把……放好

  9 look after“保管,照顧”,相當于take care of.

  look at看…… look like看起來像…… look for尋找 look the same看起來一樣

  10 巧辯異同in the tree與on the tree

  (1) in the tree 指外來物體在樹上。

  (2) on the tree樹木本身長出來的花、樹葉等。

  11 巧辯異同like doing與like to do

  like doing 表示經(jīng)經(jīng)常性或習慣性的興趣、愛好。與love doing相似。

  like to do 表示偶爾的、一次性的喜歡。與love to do相似。

  12 I’m very glad to get a letter from you.我很高興收到你的來信。

  get a letter from sb. 收到某人的來信=hear from sb.


  重點語法 There be 句型 Wh-questions

  重點句型  What’s your home like? What’s the matter?

  Sorry, I can’t hear you. I’ll get someone to check it right now.

  There is something wrong with my kitchen fan.


  1 house with three bedrooms.有三間臥室的房子?! ith “有,帶有”。


  2 apartment for a family of two.適合兩口之家的公寓。

  (1) for表示“給……”表示目的或功能。后接物主代詞或名詞,但通常帶’s.或者后接表示無生命物體的名詞。Here is a letter for you.

  (2)of的含義為“屬于某人/某事物”。She is a friend of Lily’s. = Shes is Lily’s friend.

  3 What’s the matter?怎么了?該句常用來詢問某或某物出了什么什么問題或毛病;詢問具體某人或某物出了什么問題時,還可以表達為:What’s the matter with sb./sth.某人或某物出了什么毛病。 What’s the matter? = What’s wrong?

  4 I hear you playing the piano.我聽見你在彈鋼琴。

  hear…doing sth.“聽見……在做某事”,強調(diào)正在進行的動作。

  hear…do sth.“聽見……做了某事”,強調(diào)全過程。

  hear about sth.聽到關(guān)于某事物的消息 hear from sb.接到某人的來信、電話等

  hear of sb./sth.聽到或知道某人或某事物的情況

  5 a lot of = lots of許多 后接可數(shù)名詞,相當于many;后接不可數(shù)名詞,相當于much,用于肯定句中;但是注意:如果是否定句,剛常用many或much.

  6 be far from… 離……遠(抽象距離) be…away from…離……遠(具體距離)

  My school is not far from the bookstore. The sea is 2 miles away from the hotel.

  7 There is something wrong with sb./sth.某人或某物出問題/有毛病了。

  8 I’ll get someone to check it right now.我馬上派人去檢查。

  get sb. to do sth.使某人做某事 someone=somebody某人

  right now= at once= right away馬上,立刻

  語法講解 There be…(表示“有”)用法

  1.“There + be+主語+地點狀語”表示“某處有某物”;地點狀語也可放在句首,有時可用“,”與后面的部分隔開。There are some pictures on the wall.=On the wall, there are some pictures.

  2.它的疑問形式是將“be”提到“there”之前。 Are thery any books on the desk?

  3. 它的否定形式是在“be”后加“not”.

  4. There be如果后面接兩個名詞作主語,那么“be”的人稱和數(shù)與鄰近的名詞一致。


  重點語法 特殊疑問句和問路、指路的方式。

  重點句型  —Excuse me, how can I get to … —Go along… and turn left at the first street.

  Be careful! Dont play on the street.


  1 go up “沿著……走”與它相近的詞有g(shù)o along/down

  2 get to 到達,后接地點名詞 get to =reach=arrive in/at

  與get有關(guān)的短語: get in 收獲 get on上車 get off下車

  get out出去 get out of從……出來 get up起床

  3 across from 在……對面

  4 It’s good to help children and old people to cross the road.幫助孩子和老人過馬路是一種助人為樂的行為。It’s good to do sth.做某事是助人為樂的行為。

  5 on the corner of = at the corner of “在……拐角處”,表示在某一地方或建筑物外面的拐角處。in the corner of 表示在某一建筑物內(nèi)的拐角處。

  6 有關(guān)come的短語

  come to 來到 come form來自于…… come on 加油,趕快 come in 進來

  come out 出來 come down下來 come back回來

  Unit7 Topic1

  重點語法 掌握be動詞的一般過去式。

  重點句型  —Were you born in Hebei? Yes, I was./ No, I wasn’t.

  —When was your daughter born? —She was born on October 22nd, 1996.

  Whats the shape of your present? What does it look like?

  How long/wide is it? What do we use it for? We use it to study English.


  1 英語中日期可以有兩種表達法:

  (1)月日,年。May 1st,2008 (2)日月,年。1st May,2008

  2 plan to do sth.計劃做某事 plan for sth.某事訂計劃

  3 基數(shù)詞變序數(shù)詞的規(guī)律:




  4 表示確切“幾百”時,hundred后面不加“s”,但表示不確定數(shù)目的“數(shù)以百計”時,hundred后面應加“s”,用“hundreds of”表示。

  three hundred students三百名學生 hundreds of students幾百名學生

  5 英語中表達物體的長、寬、高,先說數(shù)字,再說單位,最后加上一個表示長、寬、高的形容詞?!?”讀做“point”。 6.4米長 six point four meters long

  6 What do we use it for?我們用它來做什么?

  use sth. to do sth.用某物做某事. = use sth. for doing sth.

  語法講解 be動詞的一般過去時

  1. be動詞的一般過去時,表示過去存在的狀態(tài)。 My brother was at school yesterday.

  2. be動詞的過去式為was/were,其否定式為was not/wasn’t和were not/weren’t.

  3. 一般疑問句以及簡略回答:—Were you born in July,1999? —Yes, I was./No,I wasn’t.


  重點語法 掌握情態(tài)動詞can/can’t,could/couldn’t的用法。

  重點句型  —Can/Could you dance? —Yes, I can/could. No, I can’t/couldn’t.

  —What can you do? —I can speak English. He can’t sing English songs.


  1 —Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs? —Chinese songs.


  2 I’d like to take these flowers to the party. take sb./sth. to sw.帶某人/某物去某地

  巧辯異同 take與bring take (從說話人處帶到別處)帶去,帶走

  bring (由別處帶到說話人處)帶來

  3 一段時間+ago是表示過去的時間狀語。 two years ago

  at the age of 在……歲的時候

  4 be good at doing sth. = do well in doing sth.擅長做某事,在……方面做得好。

  5 with one’s help = with the help of… 在……的幫助下

  6 can和could的使用

  (1) can(could)“可以,同意,準許”表示請求,允許。could語氣較can委婉。

  (2) can“會,能”,表示能力,could表示過去的能力。


  重點語法 行為動詞的一般過去時及其回答。

  重點句型  —Did you sing a song at the party? —Yes, I did/No, I didn’t.

  I missed the chair and fell down. How could you lie to me?

  Kangkang made a silent wish and them he blew the candles out in one breath.


  1 Did Kangkang enjoy himself?康康玩得開心嗎?


  enjoy oneself = have a good/great time玩得愉快 enjoy doning sth. 喜歡做某事

  巧辯異同 like, love與enjoy

  (1)like喜歡(程度較弱)like doing/to do

  (2) love熱愛(程度較強)love doing/to do

  (3)enjoy喜愛,欣賞,享受……的樂趣enjoy doing

  2 It’s your turn.該你了。

  turn 是名詞,意思是“輪流”,It’s one’s turn to do sth.輪到某人做某事。還可以做連系動詞,意為“變成……”,后接形容詞做表語。

  3 反身代詞oneself變化如下:①第一二人稱用形容詞性物主代詞+self(selves)

  I→myself you→yourself(yourselves) ②第三人稱用人稱代詞賓格+self(selves)

  he→himself they→themselves

  4 What happened to Michael at the party?聚會上邁克發(fā)生什么事情了?

  happen to sb. 某人發(fā)生某事,to是介詞 happen to do…碰巧干某事,to是不定式符號

  語法講解 一般過去式

  一、一般過去式表示:(1)過去存在的狀態(tài)。My father wat at work yesterday afternoon. (2)過去某個時間發(fā)生的動作。 I got up at 6:30 yesterday. (3)過去經(jīng)?;蚍磸桶l(fā)生的動作。He always went to work by bus last year. 常用的時間狀語:two days/months/years ago, last year, in those days, just now, in 2002等。


  1. 規(guī)則動詞①在動詞后面直接加“ed”。play-played ②動詞以“e”結(jié)尾加“d”。move-moved ③動詞以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾改y為i加ed. study-studied ④動詞為重讀閉音節(jié),雙寫詞尾的輔音字母加ed. plan-planned stop-stopped

  2. 不規(guī)則動詞 am/is-was are-were do-did (詳情見書后不規(guī)則動詞表)


  肯定句:I bought some books yesterday. 否定句: I didn’t buy any books yesterday.

  一般疑問句:Did you buy any books yesterday?


  1.彈樂器前要帶定冠詞the,而進行球類運動,剛不帶the。play the guitar/piano play soccer/basketball

  2.序數(shù)詞,前面要用定冠詞the。on the second floor 3.三餐前面不用冠詞?!ave breakfast/lunch/supper

  介詞的用法  1. 在幾點常用介詞at, 在星期幾常用on。在早上、下午、晚上常用in. 在具體某是前,用介詞on;在月份或年份前用介詞in,在具體到某一天的早上/下午/晚上,也用on at seven o’clock; on Sunday; in the morning.
