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  A. cold B. thin C. long E. big

  hot ( ) small ( ) short( ) fat( )


  1.( )---- What language 語言do they speak in America? ------They speak_______

  A. Chinese B. English C. American

  2.( ) Let’s _____ an English newspaper

  A. make B .made C. making

  3.( ) Will you see Big Ben? ______

  A. Yes, h e will B. Yes, I will C. Yes, I will not

  4.( ) He is going to____ to England

  A.go B. went C .going

  5.( ) Hainan is in the___ of China

  A. east B. south C. north

  6. ( ) -----Where is Shanghai? ------ It’s _____ the south of Qingdao

  A. to B. in C. on

  7.( ) I ____ going to visit Granddad’s farm

  A. is B. am C. are

  8.( ) ----Where will you go? ----I _________

  A. going to America B. will go to Canada C.am going to go to America

  三、選擇答語,連線 。

  1.Where will you go? A Because they are cute

  2.Why do you love kangaroos? B Yes, she does

  3.Does she live in New York? C He is going to write the reports

  4.What is he going to do? D It’s in the south of China

  5.Where is Hangzhou? E I will go to London


  Tomorrow is Saturday, Let’s have a class party. We will go to a park . The park is to the north of school. It’s very big and beautiful . We can play football. We can fly our kite. Sam is going to go skating and Amy will tell us a story(故事), Mr Li , our English teacher will play the guitar. We will go there at nine o’clock.

  1) Tomorrow is _________

  A. Sunday B. Saturday C. Tuesday.

  2) Is the park big? ____

  A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t C. No, it’s small

  3) What will Sam do? He will ________-

  A. swim B. go skating C. go home

  4) Mr li is our ___________ teacher

  A. Chinese B. English C.math

  5) We will go there at _____-- o’clock

  A. 9 B.8 C. 7


  一、 寫出下列單詞。

  夾克衫 襯衫 裙子 連衣裙

  紅色的 藍色的 黃色的 綠色的

  白色的 不;不是的 顏色

  二、 寫出下列短語的漢語意思。

  Put on your T-shirt. Fold your dress.

  Hang up your skirt. Wash your shirt.

  Take off your jachet. Put away your sweater.

  三、 選擇填空。

  ( )1. ---- is it? ----Blue.

  A.What B.Where C. What colour

  ( )2. My shirt red.

  A. is B. are C. am

  ( )3. Is your sweater?

  A. these B. this C. those

  ( )4. ----- is this T-shirt? ---- It’s Amy’s.

  A. Where B. What C. Whose

  ( )5. ----Where is my shirt? ---- .

  四、 根據問句選答語。

  ( )1. Is your sister in the garden? A. There are three.

  ( )2. How many shirts are there on the table? B. It’s red.

  ( )3. What is your father? C. He is a teacher.

  ( )4. What colour is her sweater? D. I’d like a jacket.

  ( )5. What would you like? E. Yes, she is.


英語的學習需要時不時進行單詞等測試,檢驗學習成果,把不會的篩選出來,并進一步記憶。以下是小編為大家整理推薦關于小學四年級英語下冊的期末復習題,希望對大家有所幫助! 四年級下冊英語期末復習檢測題一 一、選出下列詞的反義詞 A.


  • 新標準四年級英語下期末復習題


  • 四年級英語下冊期末考試復習題

    隨著英語學習的繼續(xù)升溫,小學生成為了英語學習者的大軍。以下是小編為大家整理推薦關于四年級的下冊英語期末測試練習題,希望對大家有所幫助! 四

  • 四年級英語下冊單詞練習題

    單詞是語法學用語,即詞。與詞組相對。以下是小編為大家整理推薦小學的四年級下冊英語單詞相關復習試題,希望對大家有所幫助! 四年級英語下冊單詞

  • 四年級下冊英語短語復習題
