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  在外研版九年級下冊英語Module7 Unit3的課程即將到來,同學(xué)們要掌握哪些部分課文翻譯呢?接下來是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家?guī)淼年P(guān)于外研版九年級下冊英語Module7 Unit3部分課文翻譯,希望會給大家?guī)韼椭?/p>

  外研版九年級下冊英語Module7 Unit3部分課文翻譯(一)

  Language practice


  lt's also the subject that l'm best at,although my spoken English is not that good.


  I can speak English with you whenever we meet.


  As China continues to grow, many people thinkthat Chinese will become as common as English by the middle of the twenty-first century.


  I hope I can continue to make progress next year.


  The British, the Indians and the Chinese all help(to) make it a rich language.


  Complete the sentences with the words or expressions in the box. There may be more than one answer.


  after在……之后 although 盡管 because因?yàn)?/p>

  before 在……之前 if 如果 so that以便,為了

  so. . . that. .. 如此……以至于…… when當(dāng)……時


  1.Many Confucius Institutes have been set up around the world____more and more people want to learn Chinese.


  2 French was more popular____ English became important in the nineteenth century .


  3.I w…make great progress____you help me learn English.


  4.Tony finds writing Chinese really difficult,____he can understand and speak Chinese pretty well.


  5.English spread more quickly all over the world____television was invented。 在電視機(jī)被發(fā)明之后,英語在世界各地迅速傳播。

  6.I advise you to go to an English corner____ you can improve your listening and speaking.


  7.English has become____important in internationaI communication____schools in China and many other countries teach the language.


  8.In order to improve his English,my uncle took every chance to talk to people in Australia ____he was working there.


  9.I started learning English____I was seven years old,right on my birthday.


  1.Many people want____(study) English so they can get a good job .

  許多人想 ____(學(xué)習(xí))英語,這 樣他們就能得到一份好工作。

  2.I asked my teacher ____(give) me some extra English homework.

  我要求我的老師 ____(給)我一些額外的英語作業(yè)。

  3.You need ____ (practise) speaking every day if you want to improve your spoken English.


  4.Jenny learnt ____(speak) English well while she was in Canada.


  5.English is easy ____(learn) if you practise and revise every day.

  如果你每天練習(xí)和復(fù)習(xí),英語是容易 ____(學(xué)習(xí))的。

  Meg has achieved a very high leve! of English this year.She is a bright and hardworking student,and we are very proud of her at this school.


  Ned needs to make an effort to improve his handwriting.All he needs is a few minutes on it every day.If he practises il,his handwriting will certainly improve.


  Toby seems not lo be as interested in schoolwork as he is ln sport.He will make good.progress in all his subjects if he works harder.


  1.Who has done very wella{school?


  2.What does Ned need to do in order to get better at handwriting?


  3.What does Toloy enjoy? Does he like schoolwork as much as this,or less than this?


  外研版九年級下冊英語Module7 Unit3部分課文翻譯(二)

  Teacher:Before we start the lesson, everyone,is there anything you're worried about or need help with?


  Student A:Yes,l'm worried about my handwriting,because it isn't good.


  Teacher:Gcod handwriting (1)___ (recluire)a lot of practice. You need (2)___ (practise) writing the letters and joining them together.0”you work hard,you can (3)___(improve)hIs there anyone else with a problem?


  Student B:l want (4)___(achieve) higher marks in spelling. lt's so. difficult!


  Teacher: Yes, English spelling is difficult. You need to have a good knowledge of the way that words are (5) (write).For example,remember that the word "letter" has double "t" in if.


  Student C:l have a question. Can the Internet help us improve our English? 學(xué)生C:我有一個問題?;ヂ?lián)網(wǎng)能幫助我們提高英語嗎?

  Teacher: Yes,of course. The Internet has helped (6)____(spread) English around the world. There are a lot of good websites that you can learn from. Some of them can even help you practise your (7)____ (speak) English. Now,instead of worrying,let's go on with the lesson.


  English was once spoken only by people in a part。fBritain. But during the twentieth century,it became a world language-a language used by speakers of many different languages to communicate with each other.


  Although it is called a“world language”,more than five billion people-most of the people on the earth-do not speak English as either their first or second language.However,hundreds of millions of people use it,and hundreds of millions are learning it.


  Because so many people learn and use English,it may be hard to imagine that one day English may not be the world's leading language.Remember that there were other important languages in the past which lost their importance or even disappeared. In Europe.Latin was used as a common language for many centuries before people stopped using it.French was once a language known by all well-educated people,and was more popular than English.But since the nineteenth century,English has become more popular than French.


  Today,many people who want to learn a new language are learning Chinese,Spanish or Arabic.It may be that,one day,instead of English,another language will be used across the world.


  1.In the past,people living in____spoke English.


  a) all of Britain 全英國

  b)a part of Britain 英國部分地區(qū)

  c) all of France 全法國

  d) most of the world 世界大部分地區(qū)

  2.English isa world language because____.

  英語是一門世界語言,因?yàn)?____ 。

  a)five billion people speak it 50億人說它

  b)many people are learning it 許多人在學(xué)習(xí)它

  c) people stopped speaking Latin 人們停止說拉丁語

  d) speakers of many different languages use it 說許多不同語言的人使用它

  3.Fbople find it difficult to imagine that____.

  人們發(fā)現(xiàn) ____難以想象。

  a) French was more important than English 法語比英語更重要

  b)English will always be important 英語將會一直重要

  c)English might be less important in future 莢語將來可能不那么重要

  d)Latin was used as a common language for many centuries 幾個世紀(jì)以來,拉丁語被作為一門

  4.Many people today are learning____.

  現(xiàn)今許多人正在學(xué)習(xí) 。

  a) Chinese,Spanish or French 漢語、西班牙語或法語

  b) Chinese,Latin or English 漢語、拉丁語或英語

  c) Chinese,English or Latin 漢語、英語或拉丁語

  d) Chinese,Spanish or Arabic 漢語、西班牙語或阿拉伯語通用語言使

  a)An English learning website.


  b)An English magazine.


  c)An English language teacher.


  外研版九年級下冊英語Module7 Unit3部分課文翻譯(三)

  1.What can most students easily find to practise their English?


  2.What has been developed to help students get the practice they need?


  3.Why can students get a lotof speaking practice?


  4.Do students need{o use an Internet program,if they want tojoin the course?如果學(xué)生們想?yún)⒓诱n程的話,他們需要使用互聯(lián)網(wǎng)程序嗎?

  Around the world


  An invented language


  Since the twelfth century,people have been inventing languages,in the hope that a world language would ease human communication.Only one of these invented languages has enjoyed any success,though.It is called Esperanto. It was invented by a Polish man named Zam enhof .His language is based on Latin,German and Greek vocabulary.Each letter always makes the same sound,and the grammar rules are simple.


  Although Esperanto is spoken by about two million people and a thousand of them have learnt it as a first language,it is unlikely to become a world language.


  Module task:Makinga list of tips for leaming English


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