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中文 從關聯(lián)理論視角研究春晚小品中的言語幽默
英文 On Verbal Humor of Short Sketch from The Perspective of Relevance Theory
學生姓名 xxxxxxxxxx 專業(yè) 英語 年級 20xx級
In recent years, short sketches showed on CCTV spring festival evening party have become popular. Words and dialogues are so humorous that spread quickly,which have a great influence on people’s daily talk. The heated verbal humor arise researchers’ interest in further study.
However, the study on short sketches mainly lays on the analysis of word itself,such as phonetic,vocabulary and grammar. Few of them discuss the short sketch from the perspective of relevance theory.Wang(2001)concluded that hearers should focus on the meaning instead of the presenting technique. Zhou(2010)in her essay, Analysis of the Humor in the Sketches of Zhao Benshan with the Relevance Theory, suggests that humor maker should master the cognitive process of relevance thinking,putting some expressions that needs more effort to understand into short sketches words.Fei(2010) in her master dissertation a study of manufacturing strategies of verbal humor in comedies from the perspective of relevance theory, held the view that the odd words and misunderstanding are the strategy f humor producing.
This essay regards the short sketches showed in the CCTV spring festival evening party as researching objectives, which applies the latest materials to relevance theory. Besides,it also studies the understanding process of audience when catching the humor as well as gives some strategic suggestions to humor producers.
Research question:
1. How the audience catch the humor when watching a short sketch from the perspective of relevance theory
2. What strategies the humor producers apply when making a humor from the perspective of relevance theory
Research suppositions:
1.the humor understand process of audience is an ostensive-inferential communication model,applied with the most relevance and optimal relevance
2.The humor producers can reach the humorous effort through breaking the principle of most relevance and optimal relevance
Possible difficulties:
1.the sources collected is time limited, which can’t collect the latest findings during the research
2.Relevance theory is based on cognitive psychology。The limitation in cognitive psychology make some verbal situation no proper explanations.
三、 擬采用的理論框架及/或研究方法、步驟
Theoretical framework
Relevance theory was put forward by Sperber &Wilson,with the view that intercommunication is an ostensive-inferential communication model. Relevance theory includes cognitive principle and communicative principle. In cognitive principle,people tend to think in the most relevance under the principle of economy,which means the less effort paid, the largest the cognitive result. In communicative principle,every action has its optimal relevance meaning,which means the hearer would react according his ability and preference.
Research Method
Collect the short sketch texts showed showed in the CCTV spring festival evening party form the year of 2008 to 2013. Randomly select 3 texts among them for analyzing.
Research Steps
1.collect the short sketch texts showed showed in the CCTV spring festival evening party form the year of 2008 to 2013;
2.Research the relevance theory and build up a theoretical framework;
3.Randomly select 3 texts;
4.Analyze the target text from the perspective of relevance theory
1 Introduction
1.1 Rationale and significance
1.2 Research questions
1.3 Research methods
1.4 Organization of the thesis
2. Literature Review
2.1 Previous studies related to humor
2.2 Previous studies on the application of relevance theory to the short sketch
3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 An overview of relevance theory
3.2 Definition of ostensive-inferential communication model
3.3 Definition of most relevance
3.4 Definition of optimal relevance
3.5 The application of relevance theory to the short sketch
4 Case Study
4.1 Ostensive-inferential communication model
4.1.1 Explicature in short sketch
4.1.2 Implicature in short sketch
4.2 Most relevance in short sketch
4.2.1 Principle of economy
4.2.2 Minium processing effort
4.3 Optimal relevance in short sketch
4.3.1 Premise of cognition
4.4 Written strategy in humorous short sketch
5 Conclusion
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Limitations and suggestions
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