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  9 Some people prefer to live in a small town,Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place wouldyou prefer to live in? Use specific reasons anddetails to support your answer.


  I grew up in a small town and then moved to abig city, so I have experienced the good and badsides of both. I never thought that I would like livingin a big city, but I was wrong. After ten years ofliving in one, I can’t imagine ever living in a smalltown again.

  Small towns and big cities both have some problems in terms of transportation. In a smalltown, you have to own a car to ensure a comfortable living .you can’t get around without onebecause there isn’t any kind of public transportation. Big cities generally have heavy traffic andexpensive parking, but there you have a choice of taking public transportation. It’s not free,but it’s often cheaper than driving when you consider gas and time, especially if you don’t havea car, you’re better off in the city.

  I love the excitement of big cities. Small towns have a slow pace. Large cities mean you haveto adapt to a variety of situations, like finding a new route to work or trvine a new restaurant.I enjoy that challenge very much. Another part of the excitement of city living is the variety ofcultural activities available. There is a wild assortment of theatre music and danceperformances available in big cities. These things are rare in small ones.

  The final thing I think about large cities is the diversity of the people. the United States ismade up of people of different races, religions, abilities, and interests. However, you seldom findsuch a variety of people in a small town. I think that living in an area where everyone was justlike me would quickly become boring.

  Of course, security is a concern, and that one area where small towns are superior to bigcities. Still, I would rather be a bit more cautions and live a large city than to feel secure butbored.



  If you could change one important thing aboutyour hometown, what would you change? Usereasons and specific examples to support youranswer.

  Model Essay(范文):

  If I could change one thing about my hometown,I think it would be the fact that there's no sense ofcommunity here. People don't feel connected, theydon't look out for each other, and they don't get toknow their neighbors.

  People come and go a lot here. They change jobs frequently and move on. This means thatthey don't put down roots in the community. They don't join community organizations andthey're not willing to get involved in trying to improve the quality of life. If someone has apetition to put in a new street light, she has a very hard time getting a lot of people to sign.They don't feel it has anything to do with them. They don't get involved in improving theschools because they don't think the quality of education is important to their lives. They don'tsee the connection between themselves and the rest of their community.

  People don't try to support others around them. They don't keep a friendly eyes on theirchildren, or check in on older folks if they don't see them for a few days. They're not awarewhen people around them may be going through a hard time. For example, they may not knowif a neighbor loses a loved one. There's not a lot of community support for individuals.

  Neighbors don't get to know each other. Again, this is because people come and go within afew years. So when neighbors go on vacation, no one is keeping an eye on their house. No oneis making sure nothing suspicious is going on there, like lights in the middle of the night. Whenneighbors' children are cutting across someone's lawn on their bikes, there's no friendly way ofcasually mentioning the problem. People immediately act as if it's a major propertydisagreement.

  My hometown is a nice place to live in many ways, but it would be much nice if we had thatsense of community.



  A company has announced that it wishes tobuild a large factory near your community.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages ofthis new influence on your community. Do yousupport or oppose the factory? Explain yourposition.

  Model Essay(范文):

  New factories often bring many good things to acommunity, such as jobs and increased prosperity.However, in my opinion, the benefits of having a factory are outweighed by the risks. That iswhy I oppose the plan to build a factory near my community.

  I believe that this city would be harmed by a large factory. In particular, a factory woulddestroy the quality of the air and water in town. Factories bring smog and pollution. In thelong run, the environment will be hurt and people’s health will be affected. Having a factory isnot worth that rise.

  Of course, more jobs will be created by the factory. Our population will grow. Toaccommodate more workers, more homes and stores will be needed. Do we really want thismuch growth, so fast? If our town is going in growth, I would prefer slow growth with goodplanning. I don’t want to see rows of cheaply constructed townhouses. Our quality of lifemust be considered.

  I believe that this growth will change our city too much. I love my hometown because it is asafe, small town. It is also easy to travel here. If we must expand to hold new citizens, thesmall-town feel will be gone. I mould miss that greatly.

  A factory would be helpful in some ways. However, I feel that the dangers are greater thanthe benefits. I cannot support a plan to build a factory here, and hope that others feel the sameway.









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