

時(shí)間: 德豪21 分享

  考試的反撥作用即考試的影響。英語高考最直接的正面反撥作用就是促進(jìn)教學(xué)。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為你整理關(guān)于2017廣東高考英語試卷 的內(nèi)容,希望大家喜歡!







  1. Where does the woman want to go?

  A. To Oxford. B. To Liverpool. C. To London.

  2. How many people will go to the tennis game?

  A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.

  3. What does the woman ask the boy to do after school?

  A. Put away his school bag.

  B. Move the kitchen table.

  C. Hang up his coat.

  4. What do we know about Linda Rivera?

  A. She went traveling. B. She started a company. C. She was fired.

  5. What does the man mean?

  A. He prefers cold weather.

  B. He has had a difficult week.

  C. The temperature was good last week.




  6. How will the man choose the music?

  A. By letting a person decide on it.

  B. By asking people for their advice.

  C. By allowing everyone to bring a piece.

  7. What is the woman going to do?

  A. Help prepare for the party.

  B. Tell the man a phone number.

  C. Ask Sonia for some information.


  8. What will the woman do first?

  A. Wash a car. B. Go shopping. C. Do her homework.

  9. When does the conversation take place?

  A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.


  10. What is the relationship between the speakers?

  A. Colleagues. B. Schoolmates. C. Brother and sister.

  11. What does the woman think of the show?

  A. Inspiring. B. Unusual. C. Cool.

  12. Which part did the woman like best about the show?

  A. Designer wear. B. Clothes recycling. C. Live models.


  13. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

  A. French music. B. French clothes. C. French teens.

  14. What does Veronique like to do in her spare time?

  A. Collect albums. B. Visit music stores. C. Enjoy French songs.

  15. What does Veronique usually have for lunch?

  A. Hamburgers. B. Sandwiches. C. Chips.

  16. Why does Veronique like the silver jacket?

  A. It’s up-to-date.

  B. It’s classic and lovely.

  C. It’s unique


  17. What is being held in the new sports stadium?

  A. A match. B. A concert. C. A meeting.

  18. What is the disadvantage of the City Theatre?

  A. It has limited space.

  B. It’s too old to look good.

  C. Its air-conditioning doesn’t work.

  19. Which place is normally out of the route of the Cititours bus?

  A. Victoria Park. B. The City Theatre. C. The Market Place.

  20. What does the speaker recommend visitors do in the end?

  A. See animals in the city centre.

  B. Go to the High Street.

  C. Visit some shops.




  The Brown Bear

  My wife Laura and I were on the beach, with three of our children, taking pictures of shore birds near our home in Alaska when we spotted a bear. The bear was thin and small, moving aimlessly.

  Just a few minutes later, I heard my daughter shouting, “Dad! The bear is right behind us!” An aggressive bear will usually rush forward to frighten away its enemy but would suddenly stop at the last minute. This one was silent and its ears pinned back---- the sign of an animal that is going in for the kill. And it was a cold April day. The bear behaved abnormally, probably because of hunger.

  I held my camera tripod (三腳架) in both hands to form a barrier as the bear rushed into me. Its huge head was level with my chest and shoulders, and the tripod stuck across its mouth. It bit down and I found myself supporting its weight. I knew I would not be able to hold it for long.

  Even so, this was a fight I had to win: I was all that stood between the bear and my family, who would stand little chance of running faster than a brown bear.

  The bear hit at the camera, cutting it off the tripod. I raised my left arm to protect my face; the beast held tightly on the tripod and pressed it into my side. My arm could not move, and I sensed that my bones were going to break.

  Drawing back my free hand, I struck the bear as hard as I could for five to six times. The bear opened its mouth and I grasped its fur, trying to push it away. I was actually wrestling (扭打) with the bear at this point. Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the fight ended. The bear moved back toward the forest, before returning for another attack --- The first time I felf panic.

  Apparently satisfied that we caused no further threat, the bear moved off, destroying a fence as it went. My arm was injured, but the outcome for us could hardly have been better. I’m proud that my family reminded clear-headed when panic could have led to a very different outcome.

  21. The brown bear approached the family in order to _______.

  A. catch shore birds B. start an attack

  C. protect the children D. set up a barrier for itself

  22. The bear finally went away after it _______.

  A. felt safe B. got injured

  C. found some food D. took away the camera

  23. The writer and his family survived mainly due to their ______ .

  A. pride B. patience

  C. calmness D. cautiousness


  Mature-age university students are annoying, I know. I understand that when you're 18 or 19, and already know everything, there's no need to do the readings or show up prepared for class. I also understand that there are these old people in class who should be doing other things — maybe retiring, or gardening in the backyard. They are eagerly asking questions (or worse, answering them) and generally loud.

  I understand because I used to be one of them. I dropped out of high school in Year 11 and after playing guitar in a band for a few years, I spent the next ten years working different jobs. Then a friend, who thought I was wasting my life, suggested I enrol at his university. Although afraid, I eventually took a university preparation course and a year later became a 35-year-old university freshman.

  Like many mature-age students, after completing my degree, I continued studying and eventually attained my PhD.

  Now I’m a lecturer at Toronto University in Canada. In fact, I have just finished preparing a group of mature-age students to annoy next year’s young first years. My students come from many different backgrounds. But they all share an enthusiasm for knowledge and learning.

  I know they are ridiculous and show up to class with folders full of readings, minds overflowing with ideas and concepts they want to discuss. I was the same. But, contrary to the stereotype of the annoying mature-age students occupying the airtime in class, most don't want to control the discussion.

  They’re likely to be waiting, counting away the seconds silently in the hope that someone will want to talk about all of these amazing ideas we’re learning about. Only after waiting for younger voices to speak. ( but which often remain silent) do they begin talking.

  Speaking for myself, I love students who come prepared and ready to discuss stuff. So let's celebrate all of those “annoying”mature-age students.

  24. According to the article, a mature-age student is a person.

  A. studying for a higher degree

  B. who behaves like an adult

  C. who starts university at an older age

  D. not yet qualified to enter university

  25. In the first paragraph, the author.

  A. describes the problems mature-age students create

  B. shows that he is opposed to mature-age students

  C. explains why many teachers dislike mature-age students

  D. makes fun of the attitude held by many young students.

  26. What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

  A. Retired people. B. Early high school leavers.

  C. University students aged below 20. D. Mature-age university students.

  27. Why do mature-age students often wait before speaking in class?

  A. They lack the ability to give their opinions.

  B. They are not very familiar with the topic being discussed.

  C. They want to give the younger students more chances to speak.

  D. They are more interested in hearing others' opinions.


  Wealth starts with a goal saving a dollar at a time. Call it the piggy bank strategy(策略). There are lessons in that time-honored coin-saving container.

  Any huge task seems easier when reduced to baby steps. If you wished to climb a 12,000-foot mountain, and could do it a day at a time, you would only have to climb 33 feet daily to reach the top in a year. If you want to take a really nice trip in 10 years for a special occasion, to collect the ,000 cost, you have to save .93 a day. If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a year put class="main">


時(shí)間: 德豪21 分享

  When I was a child, my parents gave me a piggy bank to teach me that, if I wanted something, I should save money to buy it. We associate piggy banks with children, but in many countries, the little containers are also popular with adults. Europeans see a piggy bank as a sign of good fortune and wealth. Around the world, many believe a gift of a piggy bank on New Year’s Day brings good luck and financial success. Ah, but you have to put something in it.

  Why is a pig used as a symbol of saving? Why not an elephant bank, which is bigger and holds more coins? In the Middle Ages, before modern banking and credit instruments, people saved money at home, a few coins at a time dropped into a jar or dish. Potters(制陶工) made these inexpensive containers from an orange-colored clay(黏土) called “pygg”, and folks saved coins in pygg jars.The Middle English word for pig was “pigge”. While the Saxons pronounced pygg, referring to the clay, as “pug”, eventually the two words changed into the same pronunciation, sounding the “i” as in pig or piggy. As the word became less associated with the orange clay and more with the animal, a clever potter fashioned a pygg jar in the shape of a pig, delighting children and adults. The piggy bank was born.

  Originally you had to break the bank to get to the money, bringing in a sense of seriousness into savings. While piggy banks teach children the wisdom of saving, adults often need to relearn childhood lessons. Think about the things in life that require large amounts of money--- college education, weddings, cars, medical care, starting a business, buying a home, and fun stuff like great trips. So when you have money, take off the top 10%, put it aside, save and invest wisely.

  28. What is the piggy bank strategy?

  A. Paying 1% income tax at a time.

  B. Setting a goal before making a travel plan.

  C. Aiming high even when doing small things.

  D. Putting aside a little money regularly for future use.

  29. Why did the writer’s parents give him a piggy bank as a gift?

  A. To delight him with the latest fashion.

  B. To encourage him to climb mountains.

  C. To help him form the habit of saving.

  D. To teach him English pronunciation.

  30. What does the underlined word “something” (Paragraph 3) most probably refer to?

  A. Money B. Gifts C. Financial success D. Good luck

  31. The piggy bank originally was _________.

  A. a potter’s instrument B. a cheap clay container

  C. an animal-shaped dish D. a pig-like toy for children

  32. The last paragraph talks about ________.

  A. the seriousness of educating children

  B. the enjoyment of taking a great trip

  C. the importance of managing money

  D. the difficulty of starting a business


  Herbie Ricketts, 52, lives in Thornton Heath, south London, and works as an electrician. He has been a listening volunteer with the Samaritans for 16 years.

  Each caller is as individual as their circumstances and I didn’t realize so many people take their own lives until I became a Samaritan. And only then did the true nature of the work I was doing hit home.

  I’ll always remember my first day on duty. The caller, stressed and depressed, told me he was suicidal(想自殺的). He’d been too frightened to talk to the people around him, which is common. People are told they’ve got nothing to be upset about. Or, if they are already classified as having mental health issues, so they tell no one. How do you make sense of your feelings if you can’t tell someone? Just allowing people to say what they honestly feel helps them find a different perspective. I couldn’t offer him practical advice but I could support him emotionally. I helped him come to terms with his situation and make sense of some of the terrible emotions he was experiencing. Offering anonymity(匿名)and being nonjudgmental(無偏見的)allows people easily hurt to explore their thoughts without fear or worry. I left him in an emotionally safe place, ensuring he knew I wasn’t rejecting or abandoning him. I let him know we were still there if he needed us, explaining that it might not be me on the other end of the phone but another Samaritan who could also support.

  Suicidal people will ring with issues like drug use or loneliness. If you look at it from the perspective of, “How can I solve this? ” you can become, like them, at a loss. Every cell in your body wants to offer solutions, but as a Samaritan I’m not there to sort their problems out. I listen and will support them when they can’t see any further than tomorrow. When the phone goes silent, we stay with that caller as long as we possibly can, which could be two or three hours.

  The shifts are up to four hours long. When it doesn’t go so well, I offload to my colleague, so I don’t carry home a heavy heart. Being a Samaritan has greatly improved my life. I’m calmer and become a supportive listener, which has also improved my relationships. But being a wonderful Samaritan doesn’t make you a wonderful parent or wonderful partner—I wish it did.

  33. Some people choose not to tell others about their feelings mainly because they________.

  A. actually have nothing to worry about

  B. are too shy to expose themselves to others

  C. suffer from serious mental health problems

  D. find no supportive listeners around them

  34. Samaritans usually help callers by________.

  A. sorting out their problems

  B. providing practical advice for them

  C. offering them emotional support

  D. asking questions such as“How can I solve this? ”

  35. We may infer from the passage that________.

  A. being a good Samaritan takes patience

  B. Samaritans are easily affected by callers

  C. callers are always successfully comforted

  D. people kill themselves for lack of listening volunteers



  Most of you love watching movies. They can be funny, sad, imaginative, inspiring, and so much more! There are so many possibilities and so many great movies to watch!

  The making of a movie usually begins with a script(劇本). 36 The producer is the person who is responsible for coordinating(協(xié)調(diào)) aspects of the film like budget and scheduling. The producer plans out how the project will be carried out and he usually starts by hiring a director!

  37 The director will usually identify themes or feelings that he or she wants the movie to convey to its audience and will then assemble(聚集) all the other people who will be needed, such as costume-designers, makeup artists, special effects crew, stuntmen, cameramen, and, of course, actors!

  Next, shooting begins! 38 Often a director will want to get several “takes” (versions) of a scene or moment and usually only a few minutes of the movie are finished in one day’s work. 39 So once filming is completed, the director must then work with editors to piece them all together, deciding which takes to use and adding in any special effects or touch-ups.

  The entire process from acquiring the script to editing the scenes generally takes months or even years! Once it’s ready, the finished movie is then distributed to movie theatres. 40

  A. The actual filming can be a slow process.

  B. Scenes are also usually not shot in order.

  C. In movies, the director’s job is to bring the script to life on camera.

  D. The way that movies are made has changed a lot over time.

  E. The producer plays a very important role in making a movie.

  F. People can watch and enjoy it in the theatre.

  G. It gets bought by a movie studio or a producer.




  Recently, I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive, the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight 41 before setting down. High desert winds had 42 the airport to close all but one runway. He said that we would be 43 the city for a few minutes waiting to 44 . We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened 45 there might be a few bumps (顛簸).

  Well, that few minutes turned into about four-five minutes, including a ride that would make a roller coaster (過山車) 46 by comparison.

  The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt 47 and had to use airsickness bags. As you might guess, that's not good thing to have happened in a(n) 48 space because it only 49 to increase the discomfort of the situation.

  About twenty minutes into the adventure, the entire airplane became very 50 . There was now a sense of anxiety and fear that could be 51 noticed. Every passenger simply held on for dear life…except one. A 52 was having a good time! With each bump of the 53 , he would let out a giggle (咯咯的笑) of delight. As I observed this, I 54 that he didn't know he was supposed to be afraid and worried about his 55 . He neither thought about the past nor about the future. Those are what we grown-ups have learned from 56 . He was 57 the ride because had not yet been taught to fear it. Having understood this, I took a deep breath and 58 back into my seat, pretending I was 59 on a roller coaster. I smiled for the rest of the flight. I even 60 to giggle once or twice, much to the chagrin (懊惱) of the man sitting next to me holding the airsickness bag.

  41. A. mistake B. delay C. change D. wind

  42. A. forced B. warned C. swept D. reminded

  43. A. watching B. visiting C. circling D. crossing

  44. A. arrive B. enter C. stop D. land

  45. A. if B. though C. while D. because

  46. A. light B. pale C. easy D. quick

  47. A. sick B. nervous C. angry D. afraid

  48. A. empty B. narrow C. secret D. open

  49. A. happens B. continues C. fails D. serves

  50. A. dirty B. hot C. quiet D. crowded

  51. A. partly B. gradually C. shortly D. clearly

  52. A. baby B. pilot C. guard D. man

  53. A. seats B. passengers C. flight D. airplane

  54. A. realized B. hoped C. agreed D. insisted

  55. A. health B. safety C. joy D. future

  56. A. teachers B. books C. experience D. practice

  57. A. learning B. taking C. missing D. enjoying

  58. A. sat B. lay C. went D. rode

  59. A. nearly B. finally C. suddenly D. really

  60. A. attempted B. decided C. wanted D. managed




  Dear fellow students,

  May I have your attention, please? Now I’d like to make a speech here. As we know, waste ___61___ (become) common scenes on campus. Some pour the remains of a meal when there is still much left; 62 simply walk away after washing hands, leaving the water 63 (run); students leave the classroom every day ___64___ noticing whether fans are switched off. Has thrift(節(jié)儉), one of the most national tradition ___65__ developed from our long history gone? If so, find 66 back!

  We don’t have to take great 67 (pain) to control waste, but action and a grateful heart are needed; thank the water that 68 (flow) through our fingers, and save it for poor Arabian or African countries struggling in water ___69___ (short); thank the light we enjoy because in poor areas, children share a dim(昏暗的) lamp to read; thank all the paper we are able to use, for trees are cut down 70 (satisfy) our needs; thank everything nature can offer and everything we can own. Live and act, so the tradition of thrift will never fade.









  Union is strength. Whenever you're faced with difficulties or in a dilemma, cooperation plays an important part in getting you out of trouble.

  There was a time when I was too proud that I overlooked my classmate, refusing to work together with them. Therefore, it was no doubt that I was left alone, suffering from loneliness and failure. Unfortunately a teacher impressed on me the value of cooperation. From then on, I learned to help others and turn to my friends for the help whenever I had difficulty finish a task on my own. Surely cooperation made a great difference. Now I am getting well with my friends.

  My experience has teach me that only if we attach great importance with cooperation, can we go beyond ourselves. As the saying go, “United we stand; divided we fall.”



  1.婉拒邀請(qǐng); 2.陳述理由; 3.表達(dá)感謝。




  Dear Nancy,



  (Text 1)

  M: Let me see your ticket. Umm … This ticket is for Oxford.

  W: Yes, that’s right.

  M: But this train doesn’t go to Oxford. It goes to Liverpool.

  W: Oh no! Then I’ll have to get off and change at London.

  (Text 2)

  W: Hi, Luke. Pad and I are going to watch the tennis game this evening. Do you want to come?

  M: Great! I know Thomas really enjoys watching tennis. Can he join us?

  W: Well, I’m afraid I don’t have an extra ticket for him.

  (Text 3)

  M: Mum, have you seen my school bag?

  W: It’s hanging up here, with the coats. I moved it because it was on the kitchen table. Tom, remember to leave it in the living room when you come home from school. Then it won’t be in my way.

  (Text 4)

  M: I haven’t seen Linda Rivera for a long time. Has she been away on a holiday?

  W: Oh, you haven’t heard. She set up her own travel agency.

  (Text 5)

  W: I can’t believe how hot it is here today.

  M: If you think this is bad, you should have been here last week.

  (Text 6)

  W: Have you chosen the music for the party yet?

  M: I was going to just let people bring their own.

  W: Oh, I don’t think you should do that. One person needs to be in charge otherwise people will start disagreeing. Sonia’s really good at music. You could ask her.

  M: OK, have you got her number?

  W: Yeah, it’s on my mobile. I’ll text it to you.

  (Text 7)

  M: Tracey, I want some new shoes for the party tonight. Shall we go and buy some later?

  W: OK, but I promised to help my granddad wash his car today.

  M: Why don’t you do that immediately? We’ll go as soon as you’re finished.

  W: OK. And I suppose I can do my homework when we get back. I’m surely doing that before we go to the party — I don’t want to do it tomorrow!

  M: Yeah, I don’t like doing it till the last day of the weekend, either. So I finished all my homework after school yesterday.

  (Text 8)

  M: That was a cool exhibition.

  W: I knew you’d like it! I believe it’ll help us with our school cloth project. I’ve got lots of ideas now.

  M: I was really interested in the designer wear section. It’s totally special.

  W: Yes, it’d be great to wear something so special. But what impressed me most was the part that showed you how to recycle clothes.

  M: Yeah, but I can’t see myself wearing any of my dad’s old things just now! I didn’t expect the show to be so interesting.

  W: I enjoyed seeing the live models, though I’m not sure whether it lived up to my expectations.

  (Text 9)

  M: Veronique, when you are not studying, what do you like to do?

  W: I like listening to music by French singers. Go into any French music store, and you’ll find the top 10 albums by US, German and English artists. It’s good to have variety, but I love French music.

  M: Do French teens like fast food, you know, hamburgers, chips, and things like those?

  W: Well, we don’t really like that. We usually have quick breakfast, sandwiches at lunch and a family dinner at around 8 to 8:30 in the evening. The younger teenagers like to eat hamburgers at McDonald’s.

  M: Paris is well known for popular clothes, so I’m sure it offers French teens the most up-to-date clothes to choose from.

  W: Exactly. I like to wear clothes by Agnes B, a popular French designer. I think Agnes B clothes are kind of classic, but they can also be very lovely. One of my favorites is a silver jacket because it came from one of the shows and most importantly there is no other like it.

  (Text 10)

  W: Welcome everybody to this Cititours bus. I hope you’re having a good time here in the West of England. Our tours usually last about one hour.

  The bus is now turning into Queens Road. From this road we can see a very modern building. This is the town’s new sports stadium. All the big matches happen there but at the moment, an international company is using it for a conference.

  Now look to your left. We’re now passing the City Theatre. This building is one hundred years old. It’s very pretty, as you see, but it doesn’t have enough seats for big shows. We’ve got a new entertainment centre in Victoria Park. We don’t pass it on the bus, but you may be interested to know it’s got a cinema and a concert hall. Most people prefer it because it’s got air-conditioning. Now, on your right, is the High Street. This Cititours bus normally goes along the High Street into the Market Place. But at the moment some musicians are practicing for an outdoor concert there. We’re driving round a different route because the roads into the Market Place are closed. The market was an important local trade centre until about 1970. Farmers bought and sold their cows and sheep there. However, we don’t see animals in the city centre these days. The market area’s got some good shops. Why don’t you have a walk round there later on?

  1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. B

  11. A 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. C

  閱讀小題21:B 22:A 23: C24. C 25.D 26. D 27.C 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. C 35. A 36-40 GCABF

  完型:41.B 42.A 43.C 44.D 45.D 46.B 47.A 48.B 49.D 50.C 51.D 52.A 53.D 54.A 55.B 56.C 57.D 58.A 59.D 60.D


  61:has become 62. others 63. running 64:without 65. that 66. it 67. pains 68. flows 69. shortage 70. to satisfy





  3)第四行:這里考查固定句型: there is no doubt that…毫無疑問;


  5)第五行:向朋友求助,turn to sb for help。這里是泛指,去掉the。

  6)第六行:這里考查的是固定詞組:have difficulty in doing “做……有困難”,finish改成finishing;

  7)get along well with sb,與……相處的好,固定短語,在get后加on或along


  9)attach importance to 重視,with改成to;

  10)第八行:考查主謂一致:the saying后面接動(dòng)詞的第三人稱單數(shù):go改成goes;


  Dear Nancy,

  I’m so glad to receive your invitation to your lecture in the city library. I’d much like to learn something about American customs and culture, but a friend of mine is coming to pay me a visit, and since this is the first time he has come here, I will have to meet him at the railway station at 7:00 p.m. next Saturday. It’s really a pity that I can’t make it to communicate with you face to face, and I’m sorry for that.

  Anyway, I’m fairly grateful to you for the kind invitation. If there is another chance in future, I will try every possible means to learn from you.


  Li Hua









考試的反撥作用即考試的影響。英語高考最直接的正面反撥作用就是促進(jìn)教學(xué)。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為你整理關(guān)于2017廣東高考英語試卷 的內(nèi)容,希望大家喜歡! 2017廣東高考英語試卷 第I卷 (計(jì)分100分) 第一部分聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分) 第一節(jié) 聽下面5段對(duì)話。每段對(duì)


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