

時間: 德豪21 分享







  1.Where is the boy going to meet the girl?

  A.At the cafe. B. At the bus stop. C. At the pool.

  2.What is the woman going to do?

  A.Do some typing. B. Complete her paper. C. Have lunch.

  3.How will the woman help the man?

  A.By buying him a book. B.By driving him to the bookstore. C.By showing him the way to the bookstore.

  4.Why didn’t the woman buy the coat?

  A.It was expensive. B.Her friend has the same one. C.She wanted to buy it on the Internet.

  5.What are the speakers mainly discussing?

  A. A doctor. B. A classmate. C. A country.




  6.What is the relationship between the speakers?

  A.Interviewer and interviewee. B.Customer and salesperson. C.Co-workers.

  7.What will the speakers do this afternoon?

  A. Do a survey. B. Make a form. C. Meet the director.


  8.What do the club members have to wear?

  A. Golf shoes. B. Golf trousers. C. Club sweaters.

  9.How much is a lesson for children one hour?

  A. £2. B.£4. C.£ 8.

  10.What do we know about the Westwood Golf Club?

  A.It has a swimming pool.

  B.Club members can meet guests there.

  C.Teachers there often give group lessons.


  11.What will Rachel do?

  A.Hold a house-warming party. B.Give birth to a baby. C.Get married.

  12.What does the man think of the gift for Bonnie?

  A. Suitable. B. Useless. C. Expensive.

  13.What does the woman mean in the end?

  A.She can’t work out the cost of gifts. B.She will buy some expensive gifts. C.She will spend much on gifts.


  14.What is the improvement of the man’s new balloon?

  A. It can carry more fuel. B. It is easier to land. C. It is lighter.

  15.What did the man find difficult on his last flight?

  A.He had too little sleep. B.He couldn’t eat the food. C.His radio didn’t work properly.

  16.What will the man leave behind this time?

  A. Maps. B.Books. C. His sleeping bag.

  17.What does the man want to do in the future?

  A.Sail around the world. B.Fly a small plane alone. C.Climb the seven highest mountains.


  18.How much is the group ticket to the castle?

  A. .5. B..5. C..

  19.Who should the students give money to?

  A. The speaker. B.Mrs. Gifford. C. The school secretary.

  20.What should the students take?

  A. Some lunch. B.A worksheet. C. A pen.





  Though I know that I can do little to help the animals, I often check dog rehoming websites. Looking through page upon page of pitiful faces looking up, you might be forgiven for thinking that the only dogs to be abandoned in this country are fierce-looking or large and unruly dogs.

  Recently, it seems there are some new additions in dog homes. Dogs Trust — the country’s largest dog welfare charity - says that in the past year over 400 “toy dogs” were handed in, a 44% increase on the year before.

  “Toy dog” is the traditional term for all little dogs, but in recent years they’ve increasingly been referred to as “handbag dogs” after the ridiculous manner in which famous people like Paris Hilton carry them around in their $ 1,000 handbags, making these dogs the most wanted for impressionable teens. As the popularity of Hilton has waned, however, these dogs are being rudely tipped out of the handbags and given up to charity.

  In spite of the sad ending that this trend brings for some of these dogs, it can only be a good thing if people become aware that the toy types are still dogs, not dolls to be carried around. If you really are prepared to stick with them, a small dog is just as capable of bringing joy without the need to dress him or her up. A large dog won’t sit on your lap while you read the papers or travel happily on the train with you. And a park full of pugs (哈巴狗) would be a happier and safer place than one full of teenage boys and badly trained large dogs. As Edith Wharton said, “My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet.”

  21.What is the author's new finding in the dog rehoming websites?

  A.More “handbag dogs” are given up. B.Some dogs in Dogs Trust are large dogs.

  C.Teens are likely to play with their “toy dogs”. D.The number of abandoned dogs is increasing.

  22.What does the underlined word “waned” most probably mean?

  A.Grown. B. Weakened. C. Begun. D. Worked.

  23.What does the author seem to suggest about dogs in the last paragraph?

  A.Large dogs and children make a good park.

  B.Keeping small dogs can bring joys in a way.

  C.“Handbag dogs” should be forbidden in public places.

  D.Ifs good to dress dogs up before carrying them around.


  A U-shaped object,resembling a silvery dome (穹頂), is now under inspection by Russian experts, after being secretly removed under cover of night from the possession of villagers who found it.

  After discovering it on Sunday, locals from the village of Otradnesnky had managed to drag the “UFO fragment” from the thick forest where it had fallen. They loaded it onto a truck and took it through the snow to their village, where local inspectors then examined it before reporting Moscow authorities.

  In an official statement, Sergey Bobrov, who found the object, agreed to keep it safe. But following their secret removal of the 200-kilogram metal fragment (碎片), police have it under close guard on orders from unnamed authorities.

  The object has not had its origin confirmed yet. However, it does not come from a rocket or missile or be in any way associated with earth space technology, it has been announced. “The object found is not related to space technology. A final conclusion can be made after a detailed study of the object by experts,” said Roscosmos, the Russian space agency. Experts have also examined the object to determine whether it is dangerous. “We measured the radiation level near and inside the object. We found no radiation here,” said Yuri Bornyakov, who heads the rescue service department of the Kuybyshevsky district in the Novosibirsk region. Part of the fragment is made of ultra-strong titanium (鈦), said Valery Vasiliev, the head of the Kuybyshevsky Department for Civil Defence and Emergency Situations.

  A guess that it had come from a failed Kazakhstan rocket or satellite launch was also denied. “You can see inside it. All is open. It’s empty. No danger here. We were asked to take and store it. We brought it here. And now we are going to wait until they come to take it if they need it," said local police spokesman Sergei Sulein.

  24.The “UFO fragment” was found.

  A.in the sky B. in the field C. in the forest D. in the sea

  25.We can infer from the passage that.

  A.the “UFO fragment” comes from outer space

  B.the fragment could be used to make a rocket

  C.the person who found it will get a reward from Moscow

  D.the local police will keep the “UFO fragment” for a while

  26.What does the passage mainly talk about?

  A.A fallen “UFO fragment” in Russia. B.A UFO found by Russian villagers.

  C.An inspection of a “UFO fragment”. D.A report on a failed rocket.


  Street dances are dance styles that evolved (演變) outside of dance studios in any available open space. They are often improvisational (即興的) and social in nature,encouraging interaction and contact with audiences and the other dancers. These dances generally evolve outof urban and suburban spaces and are a part of the native culture of that geographical area. Some examples of street dances include B-boying,or breakdancing, which originated in New York City, and Melbourne Shuffle which originated in Melbourne, Australia.

  Street dances are dances that evolve between people in a social environment,although it cannot be always determined as to how they actually do evolve between people. In theory, as one person comes up with a move that looks good to another person, that other person tries to copy that move. Similar to the game of Chinese Whispers, the effect is that the other person cannot absolutely perform that move the same way as the other person, thus leading to the dancer creating their own style or entirely new moves.

  There is a small difference between entirely freestyle dance and an absolute street dance. While freestyle dance is random and a personal dance invented by a single person (even if ifs based on someone else’s dance style), a full street dance is a collection of the various similar dance moves and styles collected into one practice and regarded as the same dance. For example, when B-boying evolved out of early hip-hop culture, people came up with their own moves, and other people improved them. Street dances constantly evolve for as long as they are now and then practiced and regarded as the same dance. All the moves danced to breaks in hip-hop culture were regarded as B-boying.

  Sometimes it is possible to trace back street dance styles that were mostly pioneered by specific persons. One example is Locking, which is often regarded as being started by Don Campbell, who was a 1970s pioneer of American street dance. Most of the time it is impossible to owe street dances to specific people; since the dances evolve outside of professional dance environments, and there is no social or legal record. Street dance pioneers also rarely have professional degrees in dance, thus distinguishing street dance from other modern dance forms.

  27.Paragraph 1 is intended to tell us theof street dances.

  A.varieties B. changes C. characteristics D. distributions

  28.What do we know about street dances?

  A.Dancers perform them in dance studios.

  B.They are developed by professional dancers.

  C.They are collected from different moves and styles.

  D.Dancers create moves based on other people’s moves.

  29.Chinese Whispers are mentioned in Paragraph 2 to.

  A stress a street dancer’s own style B. show the effect of Chinese whispers

  C. introduce a popular Chinese game D. explain the characteristics of street dances

  30.The passage is probably taken from.

  A. a travel journal B. a history textbook C. a popular magazine D. a museum brochure



  Ensuring that disabled people have an easy life is very important, not just because they are human, like all of us, but because their dignity and social well-being should not be ignored just because of a disability. Disabilities can occur through illness, aging, accidents and other different causes that may happen to anyone or affect us all at some stage in life. 31

  We are all human beings and so have the same basic needs. But we should remember that there is a wide range of what we call a disability, and while the basic needs are all the same for everyone, the different lifestyle needs are entirely individual. 32 It is best to find out people’s needs from spending time with them.

  33 Even the most attractive homes can feel like a cage, so it makes a huge difference to be able to go out to a park or a shopping center, or to plan a day trip such as a picnic or a trip to the beach. Even if a trip can only be organized one day a month, it is more than nothing and does really make a difference.

  If they are interested or able, pets can be great companions. 34 Some may be able to take care of a cat or dog; some prefer goldfish or birds in a cage. Very often, people who are cared for don’t feel that they have the chance to care for someone or something else, so caring for pets can improve their confidence and mental health, which can take their mind off their own troubles.

  Do not let pets be their only companions. Book a regular appointment with a social worker to visit them at least once a month. This is to check on their mental and physical health as well as ways of improving their living conditions. 35

  A.Plan regular trips.

  B.Stay with them in a friend way.

  C.It is wise to check the abilities of the individuals.

  D.You won’t know if they can help if you don’t ask them.

  E.It is important because they may need to talk to someone.

  F.Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all method to improve quality of life.

  G.The great thing is that it is not hard to make disabled peopled lives easier.




  According to a recent survey, the modem housewife spends an average of 60 hours a week on household work compared to 46 to 52 hours some 50 years ago; and a far greater part of her 36 hours are spent in shopping.

  In grandma’s 37, the butcher, the baker and the grocer’s shop were just 38. Today’s housewife goes to the 39 at least twice a week-- 40 the stores are so big, so crowded and so far away that each trip 41 anything up to three hours.

  I don’t think we have to go as far back as 50 years for confirmation of the great 42 inshopping patterns. It is only 23 years 43 I moved from one of the most beautiful High Streets in Buckinghamshire-a lovely wide street where almost every 44 is listed as an architectural jewel. Wandering back last week I 45 to think about the changes. Of some 15 shops, 12 have turned 46 to antiques or something similar. So shops that had been in the High Street for generations are 47 forever -- and a way of life has gone with them.

  I love the 48 of those old shops, the gossip and the chatter while 49 to be served, the arrival of new neighbors and the births and deaths all swiftly 50. We were part of a neighborhood--made so by our 51 meetings--and we stayed friends.

  Soon after my daughter was married she returned to live in this same High Street. “Why, Fiona,”52 the postwoman when she walked into the tiny P.O. store which 53 survives, “how lovely to see you! You haven’t changed a bit.” Fiona was a 54 girl when we left and the postwoman hadn’t seen her for 13 years or more.

  See what I 55? It could never happenin a supermarket!

  36. A. busy B. spare C. happy D. extra

  37. A. name B. home C. day D. way

  38. A. outside the town B. in the distance C. on the way D. around the corner

  39. A. countryside B. supermarket C. park D. restaurant

  40. A. so B. but C. though D. because

  41. A. takes B. provides C. saves D. contains

  42. A. time B. fun C.idea D. change

  43. A. that B. until C. since D. when

  44. A. building B. garden C. neighbor D. customer

  45. A. forgot B. hated C. paused D. managed

  46.A. back B. over C. up D. on

  47. A. lost B. ruined C. missed D. kept

  48. A. business B. friendliness C. tidiness D. fairness

  49. A. helping B. preparing C. waiting D. offering

  50. A. reminded B.recorded C. reviewed D. reported

  51. A. daily B.rare C. official D. private

  52. A. asked B.said C. whispered D.announced

  53. A. hardly B. also C. even D. still

  54. A. little B. nice C. shy D. lovely

  55. A. doubt B. guess C. mean D. remember





  The moment Jane, just nine months old, saw another baby fall, tears came into her own eyes and she crawled (爬) off to her mother 56 (comfort) as though it was she who had been hurt. And 15-month-old Michael went to get his own teddy bear for his crying friend. 57 of the above acts of sympathy and caring were observed by scientists. They have found that babies feel sympathy even before they 58(full) realize that they exist apart from other people. Even 59 (month) after birth, babies react to a pain in others as if it 60 (be) their own, crying when they see another child’s tears. 61 about one year old, they start to realize the pain is not their own but someone else’s. In a study, for example, a one-year-old brought his own mother over to comfort a crying friend, 62 (ignore) the friend s mother, 63 was also in the room. This confusion is seen too when one-year-old babies imitate (模仿) the pain of someone else, possibly to 64 (well) understand how they are feeling. For example, if another baby hurts her fingers, a one-year-old might put her fingersin her mouth to see if she hurts, too. On seeing his mother cry, one baby wiped his own eyes, 65 there were no tears in his eyes.










  1. 詞數(shù)80左右;

  2. 可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。



  “Ouch!” I howled in pain as I dropped the hammer onto my foot. I felt foolish.

  It was pouring with rain, and, lame for a moment, I hopped around to the driver's side.

  “No luck?” said George. We had a flat tyre (輪胎) and I was trying to change the wheel. But it was stuck firm.

  We had driven ten hours along the road through the jungle without seeing another soul. In the distance was an ox working in the field.

  “So what do we do now? How can we find a garage?” asked George, as I got back into thecar.

  About fifteen minutes later, the rain stopped. Out of the jungle came an old woman. She walked towards us carrying something long and thin.

  “Uh, oh, here comes danger!” said George, “ She’s got a spear.”

  She was wearing traditional garments, with short sleeves, a colorful necklace and other jewelry. As she got closer, we saw the spear was just a wooden pole. I got out.

  “Hello!” I said, in English. “Can you help us?” I pointed to the wheel.

  She stared at it, and then made a gesture to follow her back to the jungle. George and Ilooked at each other, and then set off after her.

  Soon we came to a tent under some trees. It had a firm framework of wooden poles, like the one the woman was carrying, covered with heavy cloth, and fastened with rope made of some kind of loose plant fiber. All round were corn plants. It was harvest time for the grain, and a spade, a fork and other tools were lying on the ground. Nearby were some chicks and a rooster, and a pig tied to a post.

  The woman folded back a cloth and invited us in. My eyes had to adjust to the darkness inside. The tent was furnished with a few mats on the floor, and a low table with a teapot. She picked up a photo and showed it to us. Was it her husband? The man in the photo was bare to the waist. He looked much too young. She was probably a widow (寡婦). Maybe her son or her nephew?

  Our hostess poured some tea, and watched smiling as we drank.

  “Say something,” said George.


  1. 所續(xù)寫短文的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為150左右;

  2. 續(xù)寫部分分為兩段,每段的開頭語已為你寫好;

  3. 續(xù)寫完成后,請用下劃線標出你所使用的關(guān)鍵詞語。

  Paragraph 1:

  I was wondering what to say when I heard the sound offootsteps out of the tent.

  Paragraph 2:

  Together we walked back to the car.



  1-5 CACAB 6-10CBABB 11-15 CACAA 16-20 BCCBA



  21-23 ABB 24-26 CDA 27-30 CDDC


  31-35 GFACE



  36-40 ACDBB 41-45 ADCAC 46-50BABCD 51-55ABDAC


  56. to be comforted 57. Both 58. fully 59. months 60. were

  61. By 62. ignoring 63. who 64. better 65. though/yet/although/but



  One possible version:

  Dear friends,

  Welcome to our school! I am Li Hua, chairman of the students’ union. I am greatly honored to receive you here. Here is a schedule for your visit.

  In the morning you will be shown around our school and listen to an introduction of the school history in the lecture hall. After lunch, there’ll be a football match between British and Chinese students on the playground. Students from both of our schools are welcome to join in. In the evening, we’ll have a party by the school lake.

  Wish you to have lots of fun here!

  Thank you!


  One possible version:

  I was wondering what to say when I heard the sound of footsteps out of the tent. We both looked up. It was exactly the young man in the photo but looked much stronger. The woman said something to him, looking at us smiling. “Need some Mg?” he asked. It’s amazing he was speaking very good English! George and I looked at each other, eyes lit up. “Yes, and we were wondering if you could have one of our tyres changed.” “Follow me!” he said, sounding like sort of an order.

  We got up and together walked back to the car. The man grabbed the wheel with one hand and a spanner with the other. With an outburst of shout, the tyre was loosened up. “You just need a bit of effort. Haha!” George and I stood there dumfounded watching him finishing the whole job, gratitude and admiration rushing in my heart. The knot that had been tired up by the pain in my foot, the cold soaking rain and the stubborn flat tyre was loosened up too, in the warm tea from the woman, the heroic shout of the man, the mountain view in the distance and the joy of being able to set off again.








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