

時(shí)間: 劉惠25 分享








  1. What is NOT stated in the memo?

  A. Canoeing will take place after hiking.

  B.Both barbecues are at the beach.

  C. Water sports will be held at Axe take.

  D. Participants can go paragliding in Holden Forest.

  2. What time is the bus scheduled to leave on Monday?

  A. At 7,00 PM. B. At 8:00 AM C. At 8:15 AM D. At 8:30 PM

  3. Where will the staff be on Monday evening?

  A. At the beach. B. At the center.

  C On the bus. D. In the parking lot.


  For people who suffer from many different mental or social problems, there are treatments that range from direct medication to all kinds of therapies(治療)aimed at improving their state of mind. Music therapy, helping people through their responses to music, is one of the most enduring and successful of these treatments.

  Music therapy is mostly used to help people with psychological problems. I is used when patients suffer front depression. when patients have difficulties socializing properly, and for children with educational or behavioral problems. It is also used alongside conventional medicine to help motivate patients suffering from severe physical problems.

  Essentially, music therapy can be divided into three different kinds. The simplest is where patients listen to a piece of music while they are performing another task that they would normally find difficult. Examples include children with learning disabilities or stroke victims performing painful exercises with music on in the background. Alternatively, discussions about music compositions are used to explore difficult personal topics by therapists that use their patients' responses to music.

  The other two kinds of music therapy are more directly interactive. In the first, therapists use their musical skills to develop the musical ideas their patients come up with about particular themes. In the second, therapists are teachers while the patients experiment directly with music or some kind of sound making.

  Remarkably. all three of these techniques are extremely effective. Many studies report significantly improved healing in sufferers of serious diseases when treatment is combined with music therapy. Although no one is sure why, it seems that music is a universal cure.

  4.Which of the following is NOT a problem that can be helped by music therapy?

  A. Depression. B. Stroke.

  C. Behavioral problems. D. Heart disease.

  5. What is an example of conventional medicine?

  A. Drug therapy. B. Music therapy.

  C. Color therapy. D. Art therapy.

  6. From the passage, we can infer that music therapists ___.

  A must be medical experts

  B. have to take courses in medical therapy

  C. must have a wide range of musical skills

  D. are able to offer a complete course of treatment

  7. How does the passage show that music is a cure for many problems?

  A. By giving case studies of individual patients.

  B. By quoting philosophers who believe music is a cure.

  C. By explaining exactly how music improves health

  D. By giving examples of research that show its effectiveness.


  Are you familiar with the idiom "the Sword of Damocles"? It is a Greek legend, showing

  the dangers of being in a position of power. It is a reminder that power comes with many dan gers attached According to legend, Damocles was an attendant in the palace of Dionysius, a tyrant(暴君) of Syracuse in the 4th century BC. King Dionysius ruled with an iron fist on the citizens. His cruelty was known far and wide in the kingdom. His palace was great in splendor (壯麗). He was surrounded with servants at his command. Living a luxurious life, he was considered by people of his time the luckiest man on earth

  Naturally, there were many in Syracuse who envied Dionysius's good fortune. Damocles was one of these. Seized by the splendor of the palace and the extravagance(奢華) of the court so much Damocles desired to live like a king, even just for a day. One day when Damo- cles praised the tyrant on his abundance and power, Dionysius turned to Damocles and said,

  "If you think I'm so lucky, how would you like to try out my life? " Oh, I would never dream of that," said Damocles. "But if I could only have your riches and your pleasures for one day, I should never want any greater happiness. So Dionysius ordered everything to be prepared for Damocles to experience what Dionysius's life was like. Damocles was enjoying himself immensely until he noticed a sharp sword hanging over his head, suspended from the ceiling by a horse hair.

  The sharp blade of the sword shone brightly as it pointed right between his eyes. He started to jump up and run, but stopped himself, frightened that any sudden move might break the thin thread and bring the sword down. He sat frozen to his chair. At that very moment , Damocles understood how great men and kings and tyrants were in constant threat of death in spite of their power and wealth Alarmed, Damocles asked to be excused He eagerly returned to his poorer ,but safer life.

  8.Which of the following can best describe the life of King Dionysius?

  A. Poor but safe

  B Wealthy and safe.

  C. Enviable but dangerous.

  D. Lacking and threatening.

  9."The Sword of Damocles" may refer to ___'

  A the cruelty of a tyrant B. the arms of the citizens

  C. the threat that a leader may face D. the enemy of a leader

  10. We can infer that ______.

  A. being a tyrant brings about neither wealth nor safety

  B. Damocles was much wealthier and more aggressive than Dionysius

  C. an unwise decision of a leader may bring about his loss of power

  D. a tyrant can enjoy his life at the sacrifice of the well-being of his people

  11 . We can learn from the passage that Damocles

  A. envied Dionysius and was ready to replace him

  B. devoted his whole life to realizing the dream of being a tyrant

  C. was determined to rule this country regardless of any threat or danger

  D. admired Dionysius and desired to live an extravagant life as Dionysius


  One million US dollars is quite a bit of money. You could buy a large house, a fancy car and two kids to Ivy League universities for four years each with that kind of money. Now imagine having l,000 times as much as that figure. You would then be a billionaire. There are hundreds of billionaires in the United States, and more than 50 0f them have signed the Pledge(承諾)

  The Giving Pledge is the invention of Bill and Melinda Gates of Microsoft corporation, investor Warren Buffet and several of the richest people in the US. It is not a contract but a promise to contribute at least half of their assets to society before or after their death As of the end of 2010, more than US $ 125 billion has been pledged. Michael Bloomberg (media), Carl Icahn (investing) , Mark Zuckerberg ( Facebook) , Larry Ellison (computers) , Ted Turner(media),David Rockefeller(oil), and George Lucas (cinema) are among the philanthropists. Many of the signatories (簽署者) of the Giving Pledge have already donated billions of dollars to their favorite charities in the arts, humanities, and conversation over the Years.

  though the campaign was at first limited to citizens of the United States, efforts have recently been made to enlarge membership in other countries. Many of the super-rich have associates, contacts and friends in the world of international business. Buffer in Particular has been meeting with billionaires in China and India to advertise the idea of the Giving Pledge After all, how many houses can you live in ,how many cars can you drive and how many children do you need to send to expensive first-class universities ?The best news is that you don't need to be a billionaire to be charitable because giving always feels better than receiving

  12.This passage is mainly about_____.

  A. how to become a billionaire

  B. who signed the Giving Pledge

  C. the advantage of giving over receiving

  D. the charity program of the Giving Pledge

  13. Who does the Giving Pledge mainly target?

  A. Billionaires. B. Everyone .

  C. Friends of the richest people. D. Citizens of the United States.

  14. "Philanthropists" in the second paragraph may refer to____.

  A. people who are willing to give

  B billionaires around the globe

  C. faithful religious people

  D. inventors of a corporation

  15. Who is NOT mentioned as signatories of the Giving Pledge?

  A. Mark Zuckerberg . B. David Rockefeller.

  C Winfrey Oprah D. Larry Ellison



  Seven Steps to Good Table Manners

  Whether it's dinner at a friend's house or a business meeting over lunch, we judge people based on their table manners. Dr Alex Packer, the author of How Rude ! A Teenagers Guide to Good Manners, and Proper Behavior , recommends some tips to set your child on the road to good table manners.

  ★L(fēng)ook for the good 16 say "I was so proud of you when we went to the Joneses for dinner. It was wonderful the way you served yourself when the plate passed by."

  ★ 17 That will turn kids off not only to manners, but to dinner, and to you, too

  ★ 18 Don't show up for dinner in just your underwear unless you do the same.

  ★Approach manners as a game. One night a week, try to have a somewhat more formal dinner. Try dressing up, serve a special meal, and expect more formal manners .That will help improve your kids' social graces.

  ★Make kids part of the tradition Invite guests over and let kids help serve them This helps them indirectly learn about the table manners.

  ★If you hear a burp(打嗝),explain that in some cultures burping is a way of showing your appreciation, but here in America it's considered rude. 19

  ★Try dining out once in a while. Fast food restaurants don't count. 20

  A. Check your own example.

  B. Point out improper behaviors.

  C. Don't turn dinner into an unpleasant "lecture time".

  D. Never lose heart if your kids' manners at home are awful.

  E If you were to do that in someone else's house, he/she might think you're a rude guy.

  F. Instead of pointing out all the things your child does wrong. point out what he/she does right.

  G. Try a nice restaurant and allow kids to order their own food, and assist in paying the bill and figuring out the tip.


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