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不為失敗找借口,只為成功找方法。Not to find excuses for failure, only to find a successful way。接下來小編為大家整理了英語好詞好句,歡迎大家閱讀!


1、沒有哪種教育能及得上逆境。No education can and adversity。

2、沒有口水與汗水,就沒有成功的淚水。No saliva and sweat, no success of tears。

3、含淚播種的人一定能含笑收獲。The sow in tears will reap with a smile。

4、我走得很慢,但我從不后退。I walked slowly, but I never retreat。

5、每一次發(fā)奮努力的背后,必有加倍的賞賜。Behind every strenuously, there will be a double reward。

6、偉業(yè)的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。The establishment of the great, can not know, is in the can。

7、世界會向那些有目標和遠見的人讓路。The world will give way to those who have goals and vision。

8、感謝太陽又升起,繼續(xù)點燃我的夢想。Thank the sun rises again, continue to light my dream。

9、做對的事情比把事情做對重要。Do the right thing is more important than doing things right。

10、只要路是對的,就不怕路遠。As long as the road is right, is not afraid of road far。

11、不為失敗找借口,只為成功找方法。Not to find excuses for failure, only to find a successful way。

12、嫉妒別人,仇視異己,就等于把生命交給別人。Envy others, hostile alien, is to give life to others。

13、不要和女人講道理,尤其是生氣的女人。Women and not reasonable, especially the angry woman。

14、永遠不要后退,退到最后是無路可退。Never retreat, back to the last is no way to retreat。

15、每一發(fā)奮努力的背后,必有加倍的賞賜。Behind each strenuously, there will be a double reward。

16、生活就像一面鏡子,你若對她笑,她就對你笑。If life is like a mirror, you smile to her, she will smile to you。

17、人生最艱難的時候就是離勝利最近的時候。Life is the most difficult time is closest to the victory。

18、不懂得自愛的人,是沒有能力去愛別人的。People who do not know love, there is no ability to love others。

19、有決心,就有力量;有毅力,就會成功!Willed it; I have strength; Has the perseverance, you will succeed!

20、讓我們將事前的考慮,換為事前的思考和計劃吧。Let we will consider in advance, change to advance thinking and planning。

21、所謂強者,是既有意志,又能創(chuàng)造時機的人。The so-called strong, is both a will and can create the opportunity。

22、美好的生命應(yīng)該充滿期待、驚喜和感激。The happy life should fill the anticipation, pleasantly surprise and grateful。

23、真正的布施,是把煩惱憂慮分別執(zhí)著通通放下。Real charity, is to put the worry respectively persistent all down。

24、如果我們想要更多的玫瑰花,就必須種植更多的玫瑰樹。If we want to have more roses, we must plant more roses tree。

25、感謝我的身材,即使臃腫,我也能到世界各地去旅游。Thank my body, even if a bloated, I can travel around the world。

26、遇到困難時不要放棄,要記住,堅持到底就是勝利。Encounter difficulties don't give up, remember, stick to it is victory。

27、有志者自有千計萬計,無志者只感千難萬難。Aspirants have thousands thousands, no minds only feeling extremely difficult。

28、凡事要三思,但比三思更重要的是三思而行。Everything must think twice, but more important than think is think twice。

29、人格的完善是本,財富的確立是末。Perfection of human character is the, the establishment of the wealth is the last。

30、用樂觀的心態(tài)迎接困難,因為能打敗你的,只有你自己。With optimistic attitude to meet difficult, because can beat you, only you。

31、所有的成功都來自于行動,只有付諸行動,才能一步步走向成功。All success comes from the action, only action, to step by step to success。

32、五官刺激,不是真正的享受。內(nèi)在安祥,才是下手之處。Facial stimulation, not really enjoy。 Inner peace, is laid hands on him。

33、一切偉大的行動和思想,都有一個微不足道的開始。All great actions and thoughts, all have a insignificant beginning。

34、不論你在什么時候開始,重要的是開始之后就不要停止。No matter when you start, the important thing is don't stop after starting。

35、空想會想出很多絕妙的主意,但卻辦不成任何事情。Dream will come up with a lot of brilliant idea, but will not do anything。

36、在無人喝彩的時候,我們不要放棄努力,要學會為自己鼓掌。When nobody, don't give up our efforts, to learn to applaud for himself。

37、置身卓越的環(huán)境并追求卓越,你也將變得卓越。And the pursuit of excellence in the excellent environment, you will become outstanding。

38、一份信心,一份努力,一份成功;十分信心,十分努力,十分成功。A confidence, an effort, a success; Very confident, very hard, very successful。

39、不大可能的事也許今天實現(xiàn),根本不可能的事也許明天會實現(xiàn)。Unlikely things may achieve today, impossible things maybe tomorrow will come true。

40、只有自強、自立、自信,你才能付得起人生的賬單。Only self-improvement, self-reliance, self-confidence, you can afford to pay the bill of life。

41、失去金錢的人損失甚少,失去健康的人損失極多,失去勇氣的人損失一切。He who loses money loss, those who have lost their health loss, loses courage loses all。

42、不要抱怨自己所處的環(huán)境,如果改變不了環(huán)境,那么就改變自己的心態(tài)。Don't complain about their environment, if can't change the environment, then change their mind。

43、感謝我的雙眼,再小,再咪,我也能看見,日出,日落,花開,花謝。Thanks to my eyes, again small, again, I can also see the sunrise, sunset, flower, flower at all。

44、大器不必晚成,趁著年輕,努力讓自己的才能創(chuàng)造最大的價值。Do it don't have to be late, taking the advantage of young, make an effort to create the biggest value。

45、把自己的欲望降到最低點,把自己的理性升華到最高點,就是圣人。To minimize their own desires, their rational sublimation to the highest point, is a saint。

46、你被拒絕的越多,你就成長得越快;你學的越多,就越能成功。You were refused, the more you will grow faster; The more you learn, the more successful。

47、就算學習和生活再艱難,也要一邊痛著,一邊笑著,給生活一張漂亮的臉。Even in hard study and life, also want to ache, laughed, and a pretty face to life。

48、勇敢地迎接逆境,即使不能實現(xiàn)最初的夢想,也會打開另一扇夢想的大門。Bravely meet adversity, even if the initial dream, can't also open the door to another dream。

49、勇敢地接受挑戰(zhàn),不斷地超越自我,這樣才能發(fā)出你的無限潛能。Bravely accept the challenge, constantly transcend self, so you can send your unlimited potential。

50、成功不是將來才有的,而是從決定去做的那一刻起,持續(xù)累積而成。Success is not in the future, but from the moment you decided to do, continue to accumulate。



Friendship is the greatest happiness of existence.


The older the better friend, wine the older the incense.


What kind of person, what kind of friends.


Hongqiao friendship from the heart to the heart.


Our wrestling tend to be our friend.


Compromises on the basis of any relationship is not strong.


Relatives is not to choose, and friends can.


Friendship will never tolerate and frequent advice for a long time.


True friendship is a plant of slow growth.


The best way to keep friendship is not to betray friends.


Ah! Conscience! Conscience! Man's most loyal friend.


Faithfulness is the bridge of friendship, deception is the enemy of friendship.


True friendship, can only be based on the combination of similar temperament.


The hardest to bear loneliness is a lack of true friendship.


Thicker than blood, friendship light like water, love is sweet as honey.


I am confused, you are friendship or miss love.


The feelings between friends is sincere, the enemy will WuXiKeCheng.


Friendship is always a virtue for, not the assistant of evil.


That you would get angry with your friends we can conclude you sitll care about the friendship.


True friendship is like sound health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost.


The only constant of friendship to the test of, or permanent sincerity.


A life without a friend, is like a life without a sun.


I always say I am friendship life, friendship is my guiding beacon.


The woman in friendship to refuse love. Men use friendship for love.


If friendship once destroyed, even the love also can't make it back.


Cheat friendship is painful wounds, hypocritical sharp arrows in sympathy.


In a truly happy marriage, friendship must be and love together.


Whether friendship or love, hold yourself back nausea is one of the best state.


To get other people's friendship, you have to be friendly to others.


The arm of friendship is long enough to from the world's end to the other side.


The so-called friendship, between people is equal to leave the trading interests.


Hypocrisy is the poison of friendship, honest criticism is gift of love.


Sincere friendship is like health, not lost, unable to appreciate the precious.


Emotional intimacy, develop friendship; Money on close to destroy the friendship.


Destroy the water dike is the root of the decadent, damage is a person who promises of friendship.


Noble and friendship, loyal and brave - which is given by the names of the four.


Friendship is a kind of passion so holy, is so sweet, firm and honest.


If you want to have the perfect friendship, possibly you may find no friend for all lifetime.


Friendship does not need to slave, also there is no ruler, friendship is the most like equality.


Everyone is supposed to be brothers, this is only the illusion of those who don't have any brothers.



Love is a demanding, short for demanding. Friendship is tolerant, for a long time because of the tolerance.


Freedom in human beings, like the light to the eyes of the air in the heart of love is to the mind.


Only you turn your complaints of environments into the strength to strive for the better is the guarantee of success.


Wisdom is not dried up, into thoughts and ideas, will be splashed countless sparks.


Kindly get the upper hand, news to become love, truth, and the conveyance of virtue.


From the great cognitive ability and selfless mood in combination with the most easy to generate ideas to wisdom.


Who is going to the game of life, he accomplishes nothing; Who cannot control themselves, is always a slave.


Time is a constant, but it is also a variable. Diligent people infinite, infinite less lazy people.


Personally, I think the place where we lost is the concept of life and work and attitude.


Friendship comes down to the interests of the people, and I think that is the most precious thing in the friendship write-off.


To succeed in this world, we must stick to it; Sword to death can off hand.


Tantamount to murder wasting other people's time, waste your time on the chronic suicide.


All too lucky thing is attributed to their own intelligence and wisdom of people mostly end is unfortunate.


In small flippant attitude of the truth, in the event is not to be trusted.


Courtesy is children and youth should be particularly careful to get into the habit of the first great thing.


Morality is not conscience KeBei artifice, but the struggle and hardship, the passion and pain.


Light is not enough to have the knowledge, also should use; Light is not enough to have the desire, should also be action.


Ask not what your country can do for you, and ask what you can do for country.


Morality can help human society rises to a higher level, make the human society to get rid of labor exploitation system.


Man is an animal, it is active; Labor is not only for living but also for health.


Form the determinants of genius should be diligent, somewhat is study hard and become direct ratio.


Youth is limited, wisdom is boundless, while short youth, to learn to infinite wisdom.


Instead of talents of lack of ambition, not ability to succeed but hardworking will.


In all wisdom for the whole life happiness, the most important for friendship.


Science is a human wisdom of the highest achievements, and the source of the most promising material well-being.


Truth in her dress finds facts too tight, in fiction she moves with ease.


Perhaps the most beautiful things in the world there are a few mind and heart are very honest friend.


No matter how high your prestige, make sure you have the courage said to myself: I am always ignorant.


Do you love life? So don't waste time, because time is the material life.


In the lonely, a man can feel like about the benefits of thoughts of people live together.


Folded the wood, I believe; Nine layers of Taiwan, on base of soil; A thousand-li journey is started, the first step.


When you can't say to yourself what learned today, don't you go to sleep.


To be successful don't need any special talent, as long as you can do small things well done.


Believe is strong. Doubt will only inhibition, and belief is power.


The best way to keep friendship is anything nor the rubber hand in his, also don't lend money to him.


Life is life, there are always some fragments when looking at it doesn't matter, but in fact that affects the overall situation.


Strictly avoid pride, this is a matter of principle for leaders, is also the important condition of unity.


I don't have any way, just one thing for a long time very eagerly to consider.


Only change ourselves, radical action, is the only way to change their surrounding society.


Friendship is like earthenware: once broken, it can be mended; Love is like a mirror: once broken, that ends it.


不為失敗找借口,只為成功找方法。Not to find excuses for failure, only to find a successful way。接下來小編為大家整理了英語好詞好句,歡迎大家閱讀!英語好詞好句1、沒有哪種教育能及得上逆境。No education can and adversity。2、沒有口水與汗水,就沒有成功的淚水。No saliva and sweat, no success of tears。3、含淚播種的人一定能含笑收獲。The sow in tears


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