
Eat to live, but not live to eat. 人吃飯是為了活著,但活著不是為了吃飯。
If who has forgotten me, I did forget who. Even if the day is again busy, also needs that kind which forgot her to forget.誰要是忘了我,我就把誰忘掉。就算日子再忙,也要把她忘掉的那種忘掉。
When a girl tells you about her problems it does not mean that she complains.She trusts you. 當一個女孩向你傾訴她的煩惱,那不是抱怨,那是她對你的信任。
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough. 如果一切盡在掌控之中,說明你邁的步子還不夠大。
I looked at the sky in you can't see the splendid fireworks promise you hear commitment.我在你看不到的天空 看著燦爛的煙火許下你聽不到的承諾。
There’s no place like home. 世界上再沒有地方像家一樣。
I also the inherent body a sting. Know me well, don't touch nail contact. 我也非與生俱來身上帶刺。知道我不好接觸,就別碰釘。
If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry. (Thomas Edison) 如果你希望成功,當以恒心為良友,以經(jīng)驗為參謀,以謹慎為兄弟,以希望為哨兵。
1.我想我不行。I think I can’t. 2.明天我有事情要做。I have something to do tomorrow。3.我沒有英文名。I haven’t English name. 有沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)它們都是中國式英語,期待你的修改!
Was temporary impulsion then, present's aloof.是當時的一時沖動,還是現(xiàn)在的無動于衷。
I really want to talk to you, but I feel like I'm annoying you.真的好想跟你講話,但又很怕你嫌我煩。
It's not the goodbye that hurts, but the flashbacks that follow. 最痛的,不是離別,而是離別后的回憶。
One of the worst things in this world isn't being alone. It's being surrounded by people that make you feel like you're alone.世上最痛苦的事之一,不是落單,而是身邊有一圈人,讓你感覺自己孤身一人。
To not forgive is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.不懂得寬恕的人就好比自己喝下毒藥,卻以為死的是別人。