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時間: 楚薇20 分享



Last month, together with some of my classmates, I went to Suzhou City.

On our way there,we were of great excitement because that was our first trip to that renowned city. We have made a perfect plan on where to go sightseeing and what local snacks to taste.

On arriving at the city, we drove directly to the most famous garden of the city, Zhuozheng Garden. We spent the whole morning there and took many photos.

At lunch time, we went to a local restaurant and tried traditional Su dishes. During afternoon, we climbed a little hill named Huqiu. It was very peaceful and beautiful. Each of us couldn’t help sitting on the grass and experienced the gentle breeze.

After the sunset, we were reluctant to leave.

On the way back, none of us felt tired and compared our feeling about the day. Each of us dreamed about another trip in the near future.


考官(Part2): Describe a journey you had

考生:I'd like to tell you about the time I went backpacking around SiChuan. I can't believe it but it was about five years ago. Two friends and I got very good-value rail passes and travelled around SiChuan for a month. It was an unforgettable experience.

We started off in Chengdu because that's where we landed. We did some sight-seeing, we especially loved the ancient alleys and we ate and drank a lot. Our favourite thing was, of course, the delicious hot-pot. We liked the nightlife in Chengdu, too, not least eating out, it was a real experience.

We then journeyed on to Aba County in the north-west, which was fabulous, and my friend is really into photography, so we had to visit Huang Long scenic and historic interest area. The weather was dreadful while we were there so we didn't get the best impression, but even so we enjoyed it.

Then we moved on to Sertar County. We fell in love with it. It's so different. The local architecture is so wonderfully whacky, looking half the time like it's fallen off the page of a fairy tale. We were quite sorry to leave Sertar.

Then we went on to Kang Ding City. What a beautiful place. The image has stayed with me. We had wanted to visit Tibet from Sichuan, but we had run out of money by then so we sadly had to leave.

It was a memorable holiday because I was with two good friends experiencing all these amazing places. I don't think I can do it now, because travelling so much in a relatively short time in tiring, but we were young and carefree and so took it in our stride. It was a holiday of lifetime


go backpacking around 徒步旅行

good-value 性價比高的

rail passes 列車之旅

start off 開始

fabulous 極好的

dreadful 糟糕的

move on to 繼續(xù)前進

wonderfully whacky 奇特的

looking half the time like it's fallen off the page of a fairy tale 看一會你會覺得它好像是童話故事書里掉下來的一頁

run out of money 錢花完了

carefree 無憂無慮的/無牽掛的

in our stride 大步向前走

雅思口語Part 2&3考官范文:特別的旅行

Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future.

You should say:

where this place is

who you would like to go with

what would you do there

and explain why this would be a special trip.


I’d like to say that if possible, I feel like travelling to the Great Barrier Reef which is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia. I am keen on going there because it is the paradise for travelling and photography there. Though there are thousands of kilometres away from Changsha, I believe I will get there as long as I’m free.


I once watched the BBC documentary film introducing the Great Barrier Reef, I was attracted by the colourful undersea world and the superb scenery. For example, I can enjoy the laid-back beach, experience the memorable diving trips to see the magnificent coral and the magical marine life; moreover, I will select one of the fantastic and uninhabited islands to camp for a couple of days. Besides, I would take my camera with me to capture the stunning natural scenery. It is really a valuable pleasures of life.


I would like to go there with my girl friend for the special trip. I want her to experience the natural wonders as well as getting close to it.



1.大堡礁: the Great Barrier Reef

2.珊瑚海:Coral Sea

3.在澳洲昆士蘭的海邊:off the coast of Queensland, Australia

4.我超級想去那兒:I am keen on going there

5.因為那是旅行和拍照的天堂:because it is the paradise for traveling and photography there

6.我曾經看過BBC介紹大堡礁的紀錄片:I once watched the BBC documentary film introducing the Great Barrier Reef

7.多彩的海底世界:colourful undersea world and the superb scenery

8.令人放松的沙灘:laid-back beach

9.壯麗的珊瑚:magnificent coral

10.神奇的海洋申請:magical marine life

11.無人島:uninhabited islands

12.迷人的自然風光:stunning natural scenery

13.體驗自然的神奇:experience the natural wonders

雅思口語Part1:Travelling by train/car/taxi旅行交通方式話題

Do you like travelling?

In which seasons do you prefer to travel?

Would you say your country welcomes travellers? (or tourists)?

Would you say your country is a good place for travellers to visit?

You bet! I am a big fan of travelling. I spend many months each year travelling. It’s not only an indispensable part of my life, but also helps me to know and learn new things and have new experiences.


I think autumn is the best time to travel. As it is neither too hot nor too cold, people feel comfortable enough to go out. Also, the foliage of trees will turn yellow or red so you will see the beautiful colours of the trees all around you. Wherever you go, you will have a memorable trip.


Yes, Chinese people are renowned for their hospitality to visitors. There are numerous tourist attractions around the country. For instance, you can visit the countryside to see the picturesque views, or you can visit historical relics to get to know about the events that have shaped Chinas long history, or you can just stay in the cities to experience how the local people live.

