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  備考托福的考生都知道,托福詞匯量一定程度上決定著你的托福成績。越多的詞匯量,對托??荚囋接欣?。下面是小編為大家?guī)淼膇bt托福真題高頻詞匯積累, 希望能夠幫助大家更好的備考托??荚嚒?/p>


  1. a matter of speculation =supposition n.推斷

  2. a solicitation of =an invitation of n. 墾求;墾請

  3. abandoned= left a. 被遺棄的

  4. aberrant= abnormal a. 脫離常軌的,

  5. abort= quit v. 夭折;中止

  6. abruptly= suddenly ad. 突然地;意外地

  7. absorb =appeal v. 吸收;被…吸引

  8. absorb= learn(學習) v. 吸收

  9. absorb= take in v. 吸收;被…吸引

  10. abstract= not concrete a. 抽象的;非實際的

  11. absurd= ridiculous a. 荒謬的;可笑的

  12. abundance= large amount n. 大量

  13. abundance= great number n. 大量

  14. abundant = affluent a. 豐富的;大量的

  15. abundant= ample a. 豐富的;大量的

  16. abundant= numerous a. 豐富的;大量的

  17. abundant= plentiful a. 豐富的;大量

  18. abundant= substantial a. 豐富的;大量的

  19. abundantly= plentifully ad. 豐富地;大量地

  20. access =reach v. 接近

  21. accessible =reachable a. 可接近的

  22. accessible =easy to reach a. ?接近的

  23. accidental =unexpected a. 意外的;偶然的

  24. accommodate= provide for v. 提供

  25. accomplished =achieved a. 實現(xiàn)完成的

  26. accomplished =skilled a. 熟練的

  27. account= description n. 說明

  28. account for= explain v. 說明

  29. accumulate =collect v. 積累;聚集

  30. accumulate =pile up v. 積累;聚集聚集


  31. accurate =correct a. 正確的

  32. accurately= correctly ad. 正確地

  33. acknowledge= recognize v. 承認

  34. actually= in fact ad. 事實上

  35. added =extra a. 附加的;額外的

  36. adept =skilled a. 熟練的

  37. adherent= supporter n. 擁護者

  38. adjacent =nearby a. 毗連的

  39. adjacent =neighboring a. 毗連的

  40. adjust= modify v. 調(diào)整;改變…以適應

  41. administer = manage v. 管理

  42. admit= let in v. 準許進入

  43. adopt= enact v. 采用

  44. advance= improvement n. 發(fā)展;增長

  45. advent= arrival n. 出現(xiàn);到來

  46. advent= beginning n. 出現(xiàn);到來

  47. affair= matter n. 事件;事情

  48. afford= provide v. 提供;給予

  49. aggravate= increase v. 加重;增劇

  50. aggravate =annoy v. 使惱火

  51. aggregate= overall a. 聚集的;合計的

  52. aggregate= combined a. 聚集的;合計的

  53. agile= astute a. 靈活的;敏捷的

  54. agile= clever a. 靈活的;敏捷的

  55. agile= quick and active a. 靈活的;敏捷的

  56. agile= move and act quickly a. 靈活的;敏捷的

  57. air= feeling n. 氣氛

  58. alarm= sound v. 警報

  59. alarm= warning n. 警告

  60. albeit= although conj. 盡管;雖然


  61. albeit =even though conj. 盡管;雖然

  62. allow= enable v. 允許

  63. allude= suggest v. 暗示

  64. allude to= refer to phrv. 提到

  65. ally with= link to v. 結盟

  66. alter= change to v. 改變

  67. amazing= remarkable/replacement a.?人驚訝的/非凡的

  68. ambiguous =vague a. 不明確的

  69. ambivalent =mixed a. 矛盾的

  70. ample= plentiful a. 充足的;豐富的

  71. ample =spacious a. 寬敞的

  72. anchor= hold in place v. 使固定

  73. ancient= old a. 古老的

  74. ancient =antique a. 古老的

  75. annihilate= destroy v. 消滅

  76. annihilate =completely remove v. 消滅

  77. annually= yearly ad. 每年

  78. anomaly= irregularity n. 異常的人或物

  79. antagonist =competitor n. 對手;敵手

  80. anticipate= expect v. 預期

  81. antiseptic =clean a. 抗菌的

  82. antithesis= opposite n. 對立面

  83. antler =horn n. 鹿角

  84. anxiety =worry n. 憂慮;擔心

  85. apart from= exception phr. 除?…之外

  86. apart from =except for phr. 除?…之外

  87. apparatus= equipment n. 儀器;設備

  88. apparent =obvious a. 顯然的

  89. apparently= clearly ad. 顯然地

  90. appeal= attraction n. 吸引?


  91. appealing =attractive a. 有吸引?的

  92. appear= seem v. 似乎

  93. appearance= rise n. 出現(xiàn)

  94. appearance= arrival n. 出現(xiàn)

  95. appearance= showing up n. 出現(xiàn)

  96. application= use n. 應用

  97. appreciable= noticeable a. 相當可觀的

  98. approach =method n. 方法

  99. approach= move toward v. 接近

  100. approximately= roughly ad. 大約地

  101. architecture= structure n. 構造

  102. archive= record v. 存檔

  103. archive= stock v. 存檔

  104. archive= store v. 存檔

  105. arduous= difficult a. 艱巨的

  106. arid =dry a. 干旱的

  107. arise= emerge v. 出現(xiàn)

  108. arrangement= configuration n. 安排;布置

  109. array=range n. 一系?

  110. article= item n. 物品

  111. article= object n. 物品

  112. as a rule =in general phr. 通常

  113. assert= declare v. 斷言;宣稱

  114. assertion= strong statement n. 斷言;主張

  115. asset= advantage n. 資產(chǎn);有?條件

  116. assimilate= combine v. 同化

  117. assistance= help n. 幫助;協(xié)助

  118. assorted= various a. 各式各樣的

  119. assume= believe v. 假定;設想

  120. assume= suppose v. 假定;設想


  121. assume= take on v. 承擔

  122. assumption= premise n. 假設

  123. astonishing= amazing a. 驚人的

  124. astute= clever a. 敏銳的

  125. at random= without a definite pattern phr. 隨便地; 任意地

  126. attachment to= preference for n. 依戀

  127. attain =achieve v. 達到;獲得

  128. attainment =achievement n. 達到;獲得

  129. attendant= accompanying a. 伴隨的

  130. attest to =confirm v. 證實

  131. attribute= accredit v. 歸于;認為

  132. attribute =characteristic n. 特點

  133. attribute to =credit with v. 歸于; 認為

  134. attribution =character n. 屬性

  135. augment= increase v. 增加;提高

  136. available =obtainable a. 可獲得的

  137. avenue= method n. 途徑;手段

  138. avenue =means n. 途徑;手段

  139. avid= enthusiastic a. 熱中的

  140. barely = just ad. 僅僅

  141. barge= boat n. 駁船

  142. barrier= obstacle n. 障礙

  143. barrier =impediment n. 障礙

  144. battle= struggle n. 搏斗;奮斗

  145. be inclined =tend v. 傾向

  146. be accustomed to= get used to phrv. 習慣

  147. be aware of =familiar with phrv. 了解

  148. be beforehand= foreordain v. 預先

  149. be closer resemblance to= be more like phr. 非常相似

  150. be consistent with= be compatible with phr. 一致的













備考托福的考生都知道,托福詞匯量一定程度上決定著你的托福成績。越多的詞匯量,對托??荚囋接欣O旅媸切【帪榇蠹?guī)淼膇bt托福真題高頻詞匯積累, 希望能夠幫助大家更好的


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