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托??谡Z黃金80題分類:Describe a person/people

托??谡Z主要是考察考生的詞匯量、語法和邏輯思維速度和能力。如果能針對一些??家卓碱}型先在考前做一些針對性的訓練,效果可能會更加顯著,托福黃金口語80題,自從放出以來已經(jīng)成為了各位考友恒久追尋的一份重要資料。這份新托福黃金口語80題還是最經(jīng)典的,因為他很好的總結了口語1、2題會碰到的題目的類型,可以幫助各位考友在考前有效地對于大體思路有一個預先的準備。以下是托??谡Z黃金80題分類:Describe a person/people,并附了參考答案,當考生們把這類題型都摸清搞懂之后,那么考場上就可以游刃有余了。

1, 描述一個好老師的特征

A good teacher should have the following characteristics. First of all, he should be knowledgeable and good at teaching. He knows how to attract students’ attention and make them active. Second, a good teacher is supposed to be patient and responsible to students. No matter what kind of students he is dealing with, he should treat them equally and whole-heartedly. Finally, a good teacher should be a good listener. He will always be willing to sit down to share his thoughts with us.


A good friend should have the following personalities. First, a trustworthy person is someone I can rely on him especially when I am in difficulty, he will be just a phone-call away to get me out of trouble. Secondly, he is someone who can give me some suggestions when I lose my heart. I clearly remember last time I had a bad experience on my job, I was so sad during those period of time and my friend Nana just sat besides me and was such a good listener to support me and inspire me by saying that I was deserved the second chance and never pushing myself too hard would be a better choice. After the nice conversation, I happened to realize that I overcome those dark days with the encouragement she had given to me. Last, a good friend is someone who is positive. Though we always say that prepare for the worst and hope for the best, we seldom

do it when we face up the worse situation. At this time, a positive friend has this power to make us believe that it is absolutely right to obey the rule. In the end, I would like to quote a famous saying by Aristotle to end up my response.”What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies.”


The person I admire most is my mother. First, she is well educated and has a passion to learn. Since she is very fond of reading, I got a habit of reading when I was little. Thus, I obtained lots of knowledge from reading. Second, she keeps an open mind. There seems to be no generation gap between us. She is always willing to sit down to share her thoughts

with me. Finally, my mother is loyal to her friends. I guess that’s why she has so many friends around her. How I wish to be such a wonderful person like her.


A good leader is supposed to have a vision. Effective leaders and their organizations have an agenda. A vision is a direction, an attractive and attainable picture of the future. As a leader, if you don’t know where you are going, you are irrelevant to your followers.

With a vision, you can inspire and lift individuals and groups to new heights. It is an important function of any leader.

Look for experiences that are new and different. Develop relationships with people who are different from the people you ordinarily have relationships with, especially those that come from different backgrounds and age groups.

5,描述好家長的性格特征 答案參照第三題。


小編今天又帶來新資料了。要想考好托??谡Z,必須對于自己不足有深刻的認識,才能針對性地進行學習,提升。這樣比漫無目地倉促買資料 咨詢補習班好的多!小編花了不少時間整理托福口語-六大題型總結及口語模版,快來下載領取吧!下面我們一起來看看:

Speaking Section Tips

By Carmen

Independent speaking

In this section, you should present your own opinion and provide examples to support your ideas.


Try to describe as specific as possible.

Try to contain as much information as possible in your statement.

You needn’t to tell the truth, but must be logical and easy to understand.

Question 1

“I think/ I believe/ In my opinion….”

Question 2

“I prefer…/ I strongly agree with the idea/ opinion that…”



對于口語 1,2 題,很多同學都覺得沒話說,然后也覺得沒有例子。下面我就介紹一下我自己的方法。先自己準備黃金八十題,把每題到亦鷗上去練習,直到隨便給你一題都保證 45 秒內說完為止。怎么說?請看下面吧。




  1.問:choose a place you like and explain why you like this place.

  Well, the place I enjoy the most is a small town located in France. I like this small town because it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.

  Of course I like this small French town also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I have been benefited a lot from this trip to France because I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.


1. What makes a good teacher?

  2. What makes a good student?

  3. If you were asked to choose one movie that has influenced your thinking, which one would you choose? Why?

  4. Describe your favorite place to relax

  5. Describe a place where you would take visitors to see in your hometown

  6. If you had a chance, where would you like to go and why?

  7. Describe an impressive public visit, i.e. park or public area.

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