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  5: It is tough for me to speak up and share my opinions, especially if they are somewhat controversial.


  Addresses expressing your opinions


  When people lack assertiveness1, it is difficult for them to share their ideas, especially if they differ from the majority or from an influential2 person’s opinion. The key to getting yourself to share your ideas is to be clear on what they are and how others could benefit from them. 當人們?nèi)狈χ鲝埩r,要他們分享自己的看法是一件困難的事情,特別當他們的觀點和多數(shù)人或有影響力的人的觀點不同時就更難做到了。要把自己的觀點表達出來,首先要清楚了解自己的想法,以及別人如何可以從中受益。

  The best way to work on this assertiveness skills is to share your opinions in increasingly difficult situations. You may begin by expressing your semi-controversial views in a conversation with a friend. Then you express your opinions to your direct reports at work. Then you state a potentially unpopular viewpoint with your boss. And finally you express an outside of the box idea in a board meeting in front of your VP. 訓(xùn)練這項主張能力水平的最好辦法是逐漸增加表達觀點場合的難度。開始你可以在和朋友聊天的時候表達一些有點爭議的觀點;進一步,你可以在工作中向你的頂頭上司表達自己的觀點;然后,向你的老板闡述一個可能不是很多人認同的觀點。最后,在董事會上你可以在副總裁面前表達一個“跳出了思維框架”的觀點。



  Do you have a sneaking1 suspicion that you’re not assertive2 enough? There may be some truth to your fear. If so, we’ll get to the bottom of it and help you develop assertiveness3 skills. Answer “agree” or “disagree” to these 6 statements to find out if you’re not assertive enough and if becoming more assertive could help you advance your career. 你會暗自懷疑自己不夠有主張強嗎?你的擔心也許是有道理的。我們來深入分析一下以幫助你培養(yǎng)主張。對下面的六個問題做出“同意”或“不同意”的回答,看看自己是否不夠有主張力,是不是更有主張會推進你事業(yè)的發(fā)展。

  1: I have a hard time disagreeing with people whose views I think are wrong.


  2: It is difficult for me to say no and I often end up taking on tasks that I don’t want.


  3: Because I am nervous about appearing aggressive I may be too passive in my interactions.


  4: Delegating is not my strong suit, and I frequently do more than my share of the work.


  5: It is tough for me to speak up and share my opinions, especially if they are somewhat controversial.


  6: I know I need to promote myself more at work but I dislike marketing4 myself.


  If you answered “agree” to three or more of these questions or if any of these topics hold you back from career success you are probably not assertive enough. Let’s examine these items and discuss specific steps you can take to improve each of them. 在以上問題中如果你的“同意”回答數(shù)在三個或三個以上,或者任何這些主題阻礙了你的事業(yè)成功,那么大概你就不夠有主張。讓我們來仔細看看,討論一下在每個方面的具體改善步驟。(to be continued)

  1: I have a hard time disagreeing with people whose views I think are wrong.


  Addresses disagreeing with others


  To disagree with someone you risk appearing rude, argumentative, or unlikable. This is why it is easier to be passive and keep quiet. The problem is that you will not get your ideas heard or acted upon, which can limit your effectiveness and status in your organization. 要表示不同意見,就要冒著看上去粗魯、好辯、不討人喜歡的風險。 這就是保持沉默和被動要更容易做到的原因。 問題是這樣你的觀點就不會被聽到或付諸實施。這就會限制你在組織中的效力和地位。

  Have you ever experienced that horrible feeling when you don’t say what’s on your mind and someone else does, and then they get accolades1 for the idea? Don’t allow this to happen. Practice disagreeing with in less high-stakes conversations. When you disagree, do so with poise2 and objectivity3. Simply state your view and the facts supporting it. Once you gain confidence in your ability to communicate disagreement, take some more risks in challenging situations.你是否曾有過自己不敢言,而別人卻說出來,后來那人因為這個主意而獲得獎賞的可憎經(jīng)歷呢?不要讓這種事情再發(fā)生了。開始你可以在一些風險較低的對話中去表達自己的不同意見,把這當成是練習。表達自己的不同觀點時要鎮(zhèn)定和客觀。只需要簡單地闡述出自己觀點和論據(jù)。從這種溝通中獲得自信后,在具有挑戰(zhàn)性的情形下,去冒一些更大的風險。(to be continued)






