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時間: 楚薇20 分享



Describe an environment law.

You should say:

what it is

how you first learned about it

who benefits from it

and explain how you feel about this law.

These days the environment really is a hot topic, especially in China. Big cities, such as Beijing, are notorious for having a lot of pollution. Sometimes, in winter, the smog is so bad that you can’t see the end of the street!

Because of this, the government has been trying to reduce the levels of pollution with certain environmental policies and laws. They have said they are declaring war on pollution, by putting bosses in jail if their companies do not reduce harmful emis-sions and removing a limit on the amount of money companies can be fined for causing too much pollution.

I’m not that familiar with the topic, but I remember first reading about the new laws in the newspaper and on the internet. As I said, the environment is a big deal nowa-days, so this sort of thing is front page news.

In the long run, everybody benefits from this kind of law. On the one hand, compa-nies may lose money by closing their factories or reducing production, but on the other hand they are helping to make the world a cleaner and healthier place to live. Not only ourselves, but also future generations will benefit from having less pollution.

I don’t think anyone could argue against these laws. Some people may think that they do not go far enough or that they will not be enforced, but I feel they are better than nothing. Everyone should do their bit to reduce emissions and keep our skies blue.






Well, you know, the city of Beijing has become infamous for its heavy smog, which is thought to lead to widespread illness and discomfort. And the main pollution sources are thought to be the surrounding chemical and steel plants in the neighbouring provinces. Therefore, I hope that there would be some environmental law introduced by government to close or move these factories to other remote areas.

Beijing had been badly polluted by the toxic industrial exhaust and chemicals, making the whole city unliveable. So I feel that the strict pollution control policy can force the coal-fired power plants and factories to close in the future, and petrol quality has been improved as well. Therefore, though pollution might still persist for a long time in Beijing, we could enjoy more fresh air in the city.

If the air-quality degradation is under control, I believe that we will have more blue sky and white cloud. And I would have more opportunities to do outdoor activities with my child to enjoy the warm sunshine and clean air. Besides, there will be much less patients suffering from respiratory related diseases in the hospitals.


There are so many problem that negatively affects the environment in our area and among them the highly density of population in my opinion is the most severe one. While in many countries, less than 100 people live in one square kilometer, we have got around thousands of people living in one square kilometer. Because of this high population in a small city, lots of problems are arising.

The expenditure to support living is quite high compared to the average earning of the people, a heavy traffic has become a common scenario in the roads and as a consequence, lots of time is killed every day. The lower economic people are not getting the proper education and hospital facility, crime has increase than ever, lots of unplanned and risky constructions have been established, the environment is getting polluted and seems like no one cares.

There are many reasons that caused this outburst of this mass population in our city and among them the most influential reason is the centralization of industry in this city. Most of the factory, offices and organizations are located in this city and people from all area of the country are coming here to find a living. The unemployment in rural area is another reason why people are trying to stay here. The political reason not to take strict decisions on making equal opportunity in the country is another reason. The businesses and job opportunity attracts people to come and live here in this city.

People can feel the heat of this uncontrolled population and the problems are creating for that but they have little control over it. We all suffer from the problems and talk about it but I have not seen any big movement to solve this problem. On the other hand the political leaders who can take initiatives to lessen the problem are sometimes corrupted to take appropriate and honest steps.

There are lots of theories to solve this problem and seems like we all know about it. First of all decentralization should be done and industries and factories that can be moves to other areas should be moved. Proper education and job sectors should be ensured so that people can earn their living at their cities rather than coming here. Local government can be formed to support and improve each area of the country. Each local government should be able to invest and decide about the development projects in their area.

People naturally want to live in a better place where they can find the necessary infrastructure, daily needs and can earn a living. If that can be ensured throughout the country, this problem can be reduced.

Similar Cue Card Topics

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

Describe pollution in your city.

Describe a problem you face in your city.

Describe air or sound pollution in your city.

Describe something you would like to change in your hometown



當(dāng)考官問道:“Do you like Music?”

考生回答:“觀點:yes, I do.

理由:Cuz music makes me feel relaxed.

例子:for example, sweet and light music are the best choice.



觀點 (舊):yes, I do

觀點(新):yes, I’m pretty keen on music, I’m just so passionateabout it, really a big fan of it.

理由(舊):Cuz music makes me feel relaxed.

理由(新):Cuz music can purify your mind. When listening to the music, all the pressure, panic and anxiety due to the fierce competition of the quick-paced society just disappear.

例子(舊):for example, sweet and light music are the best choice.

例子(新):especially, for instance, my favorite is some American country music, such as the famous one “ take me home, country roads”, it makes you feel a world where there are nice people, clear streams, fresh air, vast farmland and country roads with daisies and beautiful sunshine.





Describe a city that you like best ①

Where it is ②

What are the general features ③

What you can do there ④

Explain why it is your favorite city ⑤



Describe a city that you like:描述一個你喜歡的城市:


Hangzhou is one of the most impressive cities where I have even been


because I was deeply impressed by the transport, the picturesque scenery spot, and the food specialtythere.


To be more precise, I’m gonna talk about the intercity express train, the west lake and the soysauced Dongpo Pork.

② Where it is, 他在哪里


I particularly like its situation. Hangzhou is located on the southern part of china, on the Yangtze river delta.


You know, from shanghai to Hangzhou, it is really convenient to go by CRH (china railway highspeed), namely, the inter-city express.

例子: 例子:上周我剛?cè)ミ^杭州,我花了54元,兩個小時就到了杭州,而且和諧號是非常舒適和愜意的,平穩(wěn)的滑行,咆哮行駛在時速198公里/小時,跟英吉利海峽峽面的歐洲之星特快列車是差不多的。

Actually, I just went there last week, I paid 54 kaui, it took me 2 hours on the train, by the way, the CRH was really comfy and cozy, smooth and stable, roaring down the rail at 198 kilometers per hour,quite similar to the EuroStar express train under the English Channel.

③What are the general features 什么是主要的總體特色?


it is the west lake that greatly contributes to my fondness for the city.


The Lakeside naturally serves as a place for people to have a bit of walk,enjoying the fresh air at the same time.

例子: 例子:由于西湖在杭州的市中心,周圍有諸多的高樓大廈,所以幾乎每一個來杭州的人都會來感受自然和城市和諧結(jié)合得這樣一個美景。

Since the west lake is in the downtown area of Hangzhou, right among the concrete jungle of the city, nearly everyone who visits Hangzhou likes to come and enjoy the harmonious integration between the Nature of the lake and the modernization of buildings nearby.

④What you can do there 你能在那里做什么?


Soysauced Dongpo Pork is a very popular specialty dish among tourists and locals as well.


Because it has strong flavour, very savoury, fatty, yummy but not greasy.

例子: 例子:杭州最正宗的東坡肉在西湖邊上的樓外樓餐廳,每天都擠滿了人。邊享美食邊賞湖景。這就是我們所謂的生活啊!

The most authentic Dongpo Pork can be served in the restaurant, Building Beyond Building, beside the west lake, it is always packed with customers. They usually chose a window seat to enjoy the delicate cuisine while appreciating the placidness of the lake. That is what we call LIFE!

⑤Explain why it is your favorite city解釋為什么這是你最喜歡的城市


this trip is the one which I shall never forget.


It made my mind open.


I highly recommend you to go and have a look.



考官問道:what kind of qualities a good leader should have?


觀點1:A good leader should be passionate,

理由1:Because his passion will help him do well.

例子1: 例子1:In business, a passionate boss can do his business better when he likes it.

觀點2: 觀點2:A good leader also should be like a model.

理由2: 理由2:Because followers will all learn from their leader.

例子2: 例子2:In Business, successful leadership is mainlyabout whether his employees work as hard as their boss does.



觀點1(舊):A good leader should be passionate.

觀點1(新):successful leaders would probably be quite passionate and enthusiastic about what they do.


理由1(舊):Because his passion will help him do well.

理由1(新):Success comes easily when someone is obsessed with his career. He will be more relentless in the pursuit of his goals if he’s keen on his business. He will achieve his peak performance only when he’s doing the thing which interests him or something he cares about.


例子1(舊):In business, a passionate boss can do his business better when he likes it.

例子1(新):Entrepreneurs who succeed do not mind the fact that they are putting in 15 or 18 hours a day to their business because they absolutely love what they do.Success in business is all about patienceand hard work, which can only be attained if someone is passionate and crazy with his tasks and activities. So, most of the time, the more passionate a man is, the more successful he can be.


觀點 觀點2(舊):A good leader also should be reliable.

觀點2(新): True leaders should have trustworthiness built on good relationship with his followers.


理由2(舊):because no one will work for the person who can not be trusted.

理由2(新):the way they deal with people will lay the foundation for the strength of their groups. The stronger the relationship is, the stronger the subordinates’ trust and confidence is in their capabilities.


例子2(舊):In Business, successful leadership is mainly about whether his employees believein their boss or not.

例子2(新):Studies have shown that one fundamental basis of business leadership is the trust and confidence that employees have on their manager. Only when they have faith in their leader will they go through hell and high water for him and for the organization.





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